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Adjustable Radiant Charger and Misc Notes, 27 May 2013:

By Charles Seiler,

The 555 timer circuit is very useful, because it can be used to produce either AC or DC in the form of a
square wave. This is a complete radiant charger circuit with the signal generator built in. You must use
the correct MJ21194 transistor and add a neon bulb for this circuit to be 100% reliable. Using a 2N3055
transistor will work, but you cannot run the circuit with the output disconnected for any length of time,
without risking failure.

Square waves are known as digital pulses, because they arent sine waves, but you still can have AC
output using a square wave. When you feed a square wave into a circuit, it will produce sharp switching
and thus, you will get radiant energy. If you feed a smooth sine wave (typical AC) into a transistor circuit,

you wont get sharp switching, hence no radiant energy. For radiant chargers to function you must have
sharp switching, meaning a rapid on/off switching of the circuit. The fast collapse of a DC charged coil
produces a negative impulse of energy called radiant energy. The 555 timer just so happens to produce
very sharp switching, shutting on and off very nicely, producing a perfect square wave (not a sine wave).
What this means: You can feed any conventional solid state radiant charger circuit with a 555 timer, and
the radiant circuit will function just as intended, but you will also gain adjustability, something that you
cannot do without a radiant charger. A self-resonating radiant charger works just fine. However, the 555
timer adjustable circuit is preferred because certain frequencies work differently. At lower frequencies
below 600hz you will get 400 or 500 volts from a typical 1 to 6 ohm coil. When you raise the frequency
of a pulsed coil on a radiant charger to 3,500hz, you only get 50 volts measured output. The peak
voltage goes down, due to losses in magnetic field strength, only because you cannot completely
magnetize a coil in such a short period of time, while running at such a high frequency. However, at
higher frequencies you also do get better charging in most situations, even with the loss of peak energy,
because the charging happens more rapidly, and this makes up for the loss of peak voltage during low
frequency operation. If you want maximum voltage, you can turn the 555 timer circuit down to the
lowest frequency setting and you can produce very high voltage. In some instances, this is desired,
especially during experiments. A 555 timer pulse circuit that produces AC output can also be used to
create an inverter circuit (circuit included). There are lots of things you can do when you have adjustable
frequency in a circuit. Do bear in mind that a 555 timer is fragile and can be damaged from radiant
energy. It is recommended to insert a 120 volt Neon light bulb somewhere on the output leads of your
radiant charger, regardless of what type of charger you have, if you are going to be using the 555 timer
to control the frequency. The 555 timer could fail if you were to run a radiant charger in a disconnected
mode, with open unloaded voltage on the output alligator clips hitting well above 1500 volts!
I do not show the neon light bulb in my other circuit diagrams. However, you can insert a neon light bulb
to your existing radiant charger, and you can install it anywhere as long as its attached to the charger
output leads, positive + and negative -, in parallel to your alligator clip leads feeding your charge battery.
The idea is, when you disconnect a charger battery and the circuit is still left running by accident, the
power build up can destroy the entire radiant charger unless you are using a spark module HHO Pulse
Charger V2.0
Regarding car spark modules, dont use 16 volts. 9 to 14 volts is sufficient, and there is no reason to run
more voltage than that. Recently I powered my spark module with full power with a 1 ohm load at 16
volts and 300 hz, and the module self-destructed. This is very hard to do, but it occurred because of the
ultra-low frequency, which allowed maximum current to flow (coils draw more current on each pulse at
lower frequencies, and coils draw less current as the frequency is raised, although the reverse is true
when you are charging a battery, you generally get more output with a higher frequency.) Powering a
spark module with 16.5 volts at 300hz, proved too much for the module, as it heated up and then
burned out. Generally spark modules can run all day at 300hz, but cars dont usually have 16.5 volt
batteries, so the excessive voltage caused too much current draw, and the module could not handle it. I
am forewarning you to keep your voltage relatively low to the module and if you notice it getting hot,
increase your frequency. Increasing the frequency on a car spark module will charge batteries better and

it will reduce any heating of the module. At the correct frequency you will get a cool running module
and maximum battery charging output. With an adjustable frequency circuit, you can adjust the
frequency to achieve this state.
The HHO Pulse Charger V2.0 can be adapted to use the 555 timer, but due to a lack of final testing, I
have not included a circuit diagram. If one wanted to use a 555 timer circuit, you simply remove the wire
for pin #7 on the Bosch module, and direct this wire to the output of the 555 timer circuit shown below.
Power for the 555 timer will come from the same power source that powers the spark module.
This is the complete circuit, although other variations can be used. This circuit has been tested and
found to work reliably. Without the small Neon bulb and without using the MJ21194 transistor you are
taking a big risk, because over voltage can instantly ruin the components, so it isnt recommended to
operate this circuit without the correct matching components.
Shown in the diagram is a toroid, because a toroid is the best inductor; however it is not necessary to
use an inductor. Better charging will occur if you use more than 1 wire, due to the surface area of
multiple wires being greater than one wire. Radiant energy travels on the skin of the wire, so having 3
small wires is always better than 1 wire. There is no rule that requires you to use any particular wire, but
multiple strands is always better.
If possible use 5 to 10 strands of 30 gauge wire to make your coil, and wind all the strands in the same
direction, no need to braid or twist, and simply solder all the ends together on each side of the coil, so
you are using them in parallel you are making 1 big wire out of many smaller wires. The increased
surface area of the multi-strand wire you make will create a much better radiant charger. If you dont
have that much wire, then you can use 4 strands of 24 gauge wire, which also works very well. It is never
a good idea to use 1 single wire on a radiant charger, unless it is very large, above 18 awg, and very long
to provide 0.5 to 1.0 ohms resistance, with a heavy iron or powdered core to provide high inductance
and limit power consumption. At high frequencies, iron cores may get hot. If this happens, you can
either deal with it, lower the frequency, provide a cooling fan, or get a different core material which is
called ferrite which has less eddy currents, because it has less electrical conductivity as compared to
electrical steel (iron) cores.

This is a picture of the circuit without the radiant charger component. It uses 1 single capacitor on pin 3,
on the output. This gives you a perfect AC square wave for the output. The reason we use the capacitor
to drive the radiant charger: It forces the transistor to shut completely off, by going negative. If the
transistor doesnt shut completely off, it is forced to dissipate additional wasted energy and it will heat
If you need pure DC, and not AC, just remove the 1 uf capacitor, or bypass it with a jumper.
Thanks for aspiring to build things, and I wish you the best of luck. I am always open for feedback, you
can email me from my website / with questions or suggestions.
I wouldnt do this work if it werent for kind souls such as yourself. You are an inspiration to everyone,
by simply having the motivation to read and learn. If everyone had the desire to learn new things, our
world wouldnt be in this mess. Give yourself a pat on the back

Thanks, and Godspeed.

Charles Seiler,

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