Senior Project Research Paper Annotated Bibliography

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Ashley Ruhr

Period 6
Annotated Bibliography
1. "Advertising as Science." American Psycological Association 33.9 (2002): n. pag.
Web. 11 Sept. 2015.
2. This source is about advertisements today and how they are not effective in the
way things are marketed and how we can improve upon that.
3. This source is saying that if we use the psychology side of things and do a bit
more research we could better promote our item and get a better end result.
4. I think this source is aimed towards people in marketing.
5. This is relevant to my research because I want to make my website as successful
as it can possibly be and knowing how to sell (even though I wont necessarily be
selling) will be very helpful to me.
6. This source has no special features.
7. There doesnt seem to be and weakness or defect but it does seem to be against
major ads today.
1. Ciotti, Gregory. "The Psychology of Color in Marketing and Branding."
Entrepreneur. N.p., 15 May 2014. Web. 13 Sept. 2015.

2. This article went into great detail about why we feel the way we do about colors
and how that is used in marketing.
3. This website talked a lot about the reasons we associate certain colors with certain
things and how that is important for branding.
4. I think this article was written to make consumers more aware of marketing tricks.
5. This will be relevant to my project because it will help me decide which aspects
of my website should be certain colors and why to get the overall effect I am
looking to get from the consumer.
6. This website has a lot of diagrams and visuals.
7. I think this is a reliable website and it didnt seem too biased.
1. Ciotti, Gregory. "The Psychology of Color in Marketing and Branding." Help
Scout Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Sept. 2015.
2. This article, unlike the others, looked at the way men and women view colors
differently and form very different opinions on them.
3. This article shows the relationship between the way men and women form their
opinions on colors and how very different their opinions are.
4. The audience for this work is psychologists looking to further their knowledge on
5. This article will help me design my website to my target audience because it
breaks down the psychology more than just what color evokes what emotion.

6. This website has a lot of visual diagrams to demonstrate the differences in

7. This article does not seem biased and seems reliable.
1. "Determinants of Successful Website Design: Relative Importance and
Recommendations for Effectiveness." IEEE Xplore. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Sept.
2. This journal is about the factors that make for an effective website.
3. This source describes what the most important factors are for a successful
4. The audience for this work would be website designers.
5. This information is very relevant to my project because my project is creating a
website and I would like to make it as successful as I possibly can.
6. There are not any special features.
7. I found the information in this journal hard to access but once I did I though it
was very interesting and could end up being very helpful and I did not find it to be
biased at all.
1. Gendelman, Valdimir. "Font Psychology: How Typefaces Hack Our Brains."
Company Folders. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Sept. 2015.

2. This article goes over how our brains perceive different fonts.
3. This article talks about the way that text font registers with our brains and the
feelings it provokes.
4. This article was aimed towards graphic and web designers.
5. This will be relevant when I am designing my website because it will help me to
decide which fonts to use where.
6. This article features tons of graphics that really help you understand the article.
7. The information in this article seems to be reliable and unbiased.
1. Hunt, Ted. "A Pro Designer Shares the Psychology of Font Choices
[Infographic]." The Daily Egg. N.p., 05 July 2013. Web. 13 Sept. 2015.
2. This article talks about the way certain text fonts are perceived and the
psychology behind them.
3. This article talks about how the font you choose can be used to convey a specific
message and you can intensify that message when you change the color of the
4. This work is aimed towards people who work in web design or graphics design.
5. This will be very helpful once I start my website because choosing the right text
style will e very important for the overall appearance and feel of the web page.
6. There are no special features.
7. I think this source is pretty reliable because a psychologist was interviewed and
consulted and it does not seem biased.
1. Morin, Amy. "How to Use Color Psychology to Give Your Business an
Edge." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, n.d. Web. 13 Sept. 2015.
2. The main purpose of this work is to break down what each feeling, emotion or
idea each color should spark for your targeted audience.
3. The website explains each colors psychological effect in great detail and how that
can improve or hurt your business.
4. This article was possibly aimed toward business owners.
5. This source is extremely relevant to my research because it clearly and easily
breaks down the psychology behind each color and that will be very important
when I am creating a website for a targeted audience.
6. This website has a really helpful visual that shows the different tones of each
color labeled with an emotion often associated with that tone. Also the website is
very clearly and neatly broken down by color so that makes it easy to find
information quickly.
7. This website doest seem to have any bias but because it information
should be confirmed before it is accepted to be true.
1. "Psychology." AccessScience (n.d.): n. pag. Web. 14 Sept. 2015.
2. This journals main purpose is to help people understand the psychology behind
the colors used in art.

3. This journal talks about colors evoking emotion and working with perception. The
effects that colors have on the viewer of the art have been studied in many
different ways and the outcome is almost always the same. Some colors are more
stimulating and some are more calming.
4. I think this journal was possibly written for students studying art.
5. This journal is somewhat relevant to my topic. Although Im not working with art,
I think understanding the psychology behind colors would be very helpful in the
design aspect of creating my website.
6. This journal has no special features.
7. The information in this journal is hard to find but once it was found I noticed no
defects, weakness, or bias.
1. "Psychological Properties Of Colours - Colour Affects." Psychological Properties
Of Colours - Colour Affects. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Sept. 2015.
2. This website goes into detain about the way crtain colors make you feel.]
3. This website explains the emotions you associate with certain colors and why we
often associate them together.
4. The target audience for this work is psychologists.
5. This website is relevant to me because choosing appropriate colors for my website
will be very important for the finished product.
6. The website is broken down into sections with each color and a picture or each
color to represent the feeling the color should give you.

7. This website seems reliable and not biased but there was not as much information
listed on this one as there were on others about the psychology of the colors.
1. Thein, Ming. "Photography and Psychology: It's All a Mind Game." Huffington
Post. N.p., 3 Dec. 2013. Web. 10 Sept. 2015.
2. This article is about the emotion that a photo evokes and how the photographer
gets that result.
3. This article explains the reason why photos make you feel the emotions you do
because of them. It is because elements in the photo are composed in such a way
that makes you feel the way the photographer wants you to.
4. The article is targeting photographers and people who are interested in
5. This information is relevant to my project because Im going to be taking photos
for my website and I want to make sure I have enough knowledge about
photography to take photos to match the rest of the website.
6. There are photos in this article which I think act as a special feature because it
gives you a visual for what is being discussed.
7. The author is a little bit biased because they are a photographer so they are trying
to make you see things the way they want them to be seen.

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