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Thesis on. the International Situation· By the S~cialist Party of Bangladesh -SPB - 2010

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People's Republic of Bangladesh was founded as free sovereign country through

armed struggle of independence in the year of 1971. Eight years later, when the spirit of liberation was trampled by the exploited ·class, Socialist Party of Bangladesh was fonned upholding the aspirations of working people for complete emancipation. During that period capitalist-imperialist countries were dipped in an acute crisis. Unveiling the mask of welfare state, world capitalist camp attempted to find ways and means to survive through large scale privatization and developing financial institutions. On the other hand, revisionist leadership of Soviet Union with many the-then socialist countries not only occupied power permanently, but they attempted for slow transition towards counter-revolution. As a result, the favorable objective conditions for workers' movement could not be utilized for the revolution during that period. Rather, revolutionary political struggle being captured by the revisionist politics became directionless that the working class could not ascertain the onward victory of themselves though opportunity of weak and crisis ridden capitalism was prevailing. The situation was not different in our country. What was felt most necessary in that period was the foundation of a correct political party, which will uphold the spirit of Marxism in the rank and file of a political party along with the conduction of powerful political struggle who will be able to bring back the confidence of common people towards revolution, people and Marxism-Leninism and will be able to fulfill the aspirations of mass emancipation of millions of martyrs. Socialist Party of Bangladesh was founded to materialize these aspirations of working class and different strata of the people .

. World Political Situation

Soon after the formation of Socialist Party of Bangladesh-SPB in 7 November in the year of 1980, we noticed completion of counter revolution in Hungary, Poland,


East Germany, and Czechoslovakia in the last part of eighth decade of the last century. In the year of 1991, counter revolutionary Gorbachev regime accomplished the task of counter revolution. During that period, the master of the imperialist world, United States, collaborating with the revisionists and utilizing the umbrella of NATO tom apart Yugoslavia into pieces. This resulted into a grave change of world scenario.

Comrade Lenin, the leader of the international communist movement, highlighted the contradictions, which were dominant in the world during the period of preBolshevik revolution in the year of 191 7. The gist of his lessons was concretized in theory by his competent pupil great comrade Stalin. In the book of "Problems of Leninism" published in 1924, he revealed the fact that Comrade Lenin highlighted three major contradictions as determinant of world context. First, contradiction between labor and capital. Second, contradiction within the imperialist countries


and third contradiction between imperialists and colonial countries and contradiction between countries dependent on imperialist countries. Within the environment of these three contradictions Soviet Union emerged as first socialist country through November revolution. Though Comrade Lenin didn't point out the contradiction between socialist and imperialist world as fourth contradiction but it must be kept in mind that foundation of Soviet Union through November revolution was not a mere foundation of socialism in a single country. Since her inception, the emergence of Soviet Union defeating not only all the reactionary forces like Danikin, Colchak or Rangala during Czar's period powered and assisted by imperialist world but also confronting the serious armed attack of the military forces of fourteen powerful imperialist countries, the Soviet Union has emerged in the form of world power which represent higher standard of economic, political, military, social, even higher standard of culture. November Revolution proved superiority of socialism to capitalism. During post Second World War, under the leadership of Stalin, the competent follower of Lenin, powerful socialist

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camp was established and successful revolution of Mao- Tse- Tung in China led to

a polarization of war monger capitalist-imperialist camp on one side and socialist




peace camp on the other, which resulted in another determinant contradiction in the world. Though during those days the reason behind the war was contradiction between the imperialist countries, socialist countries used to play vital role to intervene into the situation for timing and span of war. Under the heroic leadership of Comrade Kim-ll-Sung in Korean War plausible role of socialist China caused defeat of imperialist alliance and socialist North Korea was founded. During post Second World War the emergent nations breaking the shackles of colonial oppression developed bargaining relationship with both imperialist and socialist camps to consolidate their national capital. They used to require a balanced situation of peaceful environment. In order to develop their capital, they used to follow the policy of pro-socialist camp. This situation was called by eminent Marxist thinker Comrade Shibdas Ghosh that this bargaining force acted as fifth determinant contradiction of world context. The counter-revolution of Soviet


Union in 1991 and China's road towards capitalism changed the world perspective

as a result of which fifth contradiction disappeared. Since socialism in Soviet Union and East Europe dismantled, the revisionist leadership of China also revived capitalism. In the name of Marxism and socialism in China, so-called socialist market economy had been introduced. Within its category, share markets had been introduced, rights of capital investment had been established, door had been opened for the investment of foreign capital, contract and leasing system had been invoked by stripping of the commune system, and SEZ system (Specialized

Economic Zone) had been introduced, and thus intensive for capitalist · .

development has been encouraged. By amending the constitution, private property

and private ownership had been protected by the state. Vietnam also revived capitalism by trampling the aspirations of Ho-Chi-Minh. Though socialism still

prevails in Cuba and North Korea, the struggle between socialist and capitalist

countries exist in weak form, which doesn't have sufficient strength to perform as determinant role. That's why two major contradictions are prevailing in the world

at present. One is the contradiction between capital and labor and the other one is

the contradiction between the capitalist-imperialist countries. At present, the





resistance war of Iraq and Afghanistan against imperialist occupation, the struggle of Iran, Syria, Middle-East, Central Asia to be freed from new-colonial exploitation, the struggle for sovereign Palestine, development of independent national economy free from the influence of imperialism, the conviction of the establishment of socialist system in Venezuela, Bolivia and other Latin American countries, the struggle of leftists and socialists in Nepal to sustain in the state power etc. gave birth to another significant contradiction between imperialism and these new emerging powers. During Second World War, the way in which Comrade Stalin handled the contradiction between imperialist countries in order to defeat fascism and in favor of peace of the world, absence of a powerful state like Soviet Union and great leadership provided by Comrade Stalin, the question of war dealt by war monger United States is being given consent by European countries though many of them have strong differences. In the present world, gleam of hope can only be seen from the movement of common people. In many countries, mass demonstrations are being broken out against imperialist globalization. From Seattle of United States to Genoa of Italy ever-developing mass up-surge shook the foundation of imperialism, for which the incidents of one-eleven were utilized to divert the attention of world community. In Capitalist China anger of the masses is being crystallized which is being suppressed by Chinese government in capitalist manner. People of Latin America are disgorging their hatred placing Fidel-Che and Cuba in the fore. The rulers of Venezuela,

Bolivia openly declared for socialism and took strong ant-imperialist stand. The '

pressing duty, which has been imposed by the present world on a party of the working class, is to organize movement against new-colonial exploitation and conspiracy of imperialist war throughout the world by uniting all the peace loving

forces on one hand and on the other hand to re-establish the magnanimity of Marxism- Leninism in this post counter-revolutionary era to establish exploitation

free society of socialism. For that purpose, it is very urgently necessary to understand exactly the capitalist-imperialist world system, world communist movement and analysis of success and failure of revolutionary struggle in different


countries and to take lesson from these expenences to re-organize the revolutionary struggle depending on today's enriched experience. MarxismLeninism is the beacon not only to find the ways of political programs but also to wage struggle covering all aspect of life to fight out individualism. The party has to be built up based on the spirit of 'Party is life, revolution is life'.

In the present world, the great hurdle on the way of freedom of humanity is capitalism-imperialism. In the situation of post Second World War, Comrade Stalin showed that capitalism-imperialism had lost its relative stability. Though there is wide scale campaign that "In the era of globalization, qualitative change has occurred in imperialism" we are still in the era of imperialism described by Lenin; though there are some important changes taken place but there is no fundamental changes. So long socialist camp persisted with all the limitations of revisionist diversion, still the intensity of war had been lessened to a great extent in order to avoid the devastation caused by the war but collapse of socialist camp intensified the risk of war far more than the era of socialist camp existed. Thus world context has been inclined in favor of war mongers. Irresponsible and dangerous military attack of imperialism from Yugoslavia to Iraq, extension of NATO towards the east, military attack in the middle east, assassination of Saddam Hossain through camera trial in Iraq conducted by the puppet government in Iraq, relentless threatening towards Iran, intensifying military attack in Afghanistan during the period of Barak Obama hoisting the flag of peace, demand of military attack anywhere according to their will in the plea of formless terrorism which doesn't exist in a concrete shape, unpleasant interference and poking their nose anywhere and everywhere in the name of the suppression of AI-Qaeda, demonstrates some of the instances which are the expression of aggressive mind of imperialism.

Since neighboring India had earned imperialist character India always endangered Bangladesh like other smaller countries in this subcontinent. Though there was tremendous and effective support of Indian people towards the freedom struggle of Bangladesh, there was a purpose to weaken Pakistan which was competitive to



India and there was always ambitious interest of Indian monopoly capital to occupy market of a nascent independent state Bangladesh. In the absence of a powerful socialist camp, imperialist India sometimes overtly and sometimes covertly aims to establish it's all out control in this region with the instigation of the United States. Ever mounting pressure on Sri Lankan government led Sri Lankan Tamils to organize movement based on democratic demands, which was openly assisted by Indian ruling class and later transformed into cessationist movement in the end. During the period of Rajiv Gandhi, Sri Lankan Government was compelled to come in an understanding after which Indian imperialism backstabbed on the legitimate demand of Tamils. Once, in Nepal, Indian Regime has supported the legitimate movement of Nepalese Congress against Rana-Regime. Nepalese regime complained against India that they provided shelter to the extremists in Tarai region, which in recent years has taken the stand a&ainst the

- movement for democratic Nepal and extended its support to kingdom. AntiPakistan stand of India is known to all. In recent time, American government, taking the opportunity of the poverty of Pakistan, is providing economic help to Pakistan along with which America has attached the conditions in an unfair way to launch military operation tosuppress terrorism and AI-Qaeda. Indian regime is providing support to America just by keeping silence. Again when, America is interfering into the bilateral relationship between India and Pakistan using China, Indian imperialism raises protest against such move.

Imperialist mindset of India towards Bangladesh is not new. Not only the occupation of oil, gas or water resource, but other strategic interest of Indian imperialism is also working behind the relationship. Bangladesh has become strategically important though economically still much weak even after 38 years of the achievement of independence since 1971. It is not possible to construct road from India to Myanmar without involving Bangladesh. The interest of the Indian monopoly capital is involved with the construction of this road. Besides, for the purpose of taming of insurgence in North-East states and to extend economic expansion in seven other states, which would lead to the extension of markets to



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South- East Asia, India is demanding for transit highway. Since Bangladesh is situated on the shore of Bay of Bengal, the ports of Bangladesh are militarily important. In this case, American interest is also prevailing. In the pretext of helping cyclone hit people, America disembarked its soldiers in the Chittagong Sea Port. This was not liked by India naturally. Another obj ective of Indian imperialism is to take control unilaterally over the water resources flowing though all the common rivers. That's why, in the name secularism, India favors a party which is so-called friendly to India. Although, India doesn't raise much objection whenever other party also remains in power and creates jingoism of anti-Indian sentiment in order to destroy the harmony between people of two countries and earn commercial benefit. Again, in India, the power struggle between two major political parties, the fundamentalist B.I.P. earns support from Bangladeshi fundamentalists. People of Bangladesh still won't be able to forget that when there was powerful movement demanding trial of war criminals along with Golam Azam, BJ.P. has extended support to war criminal Golam Azam who was associated with the collaboration with Pakistan during freedom struggle of Bangladesh. Thus, in the interest of democracy and secularism, imperialist aggression led by U.S. in the world and expansionism of Indian imperialism instigated by U.S. has to be fought by the people of Bangladesh.

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Economic Situation

World capitalism-imperialism at present is passing through the most acute crisis in the history. According to the opinion of many experts, the crisis of the recent years has surpassed the great depression of pre-Second World War. After the fall of socialist camp, the freedom struggle of toiling masses in different countries has been weakened both ideologically and organizationally. That's why working class has been disarmed though so many prospects for working class movement are prevailing. Taking this opportunity unilateral imperialist domination prevails



throughout the world, which puzzled commoners, intellectuals and even a section of Marxists. Many of them utters, that the prediction of Karl Marx that capitalism would come to an end is inevitable has not occurred rather the span of the life time of moribund capitalism is being extended. Experiencing these incidents, many of them are thinking, probably there is some inherent power in capitalism by which capitalism can overcome its crisis. Those who are thinking in this way have not only failed to understand the basic logical system of Marxism. They have not minutely read the literatures of great Marxist leaders. In the second congress of third communist international Comrade Lenin has told, "There is no such thing as an absolutely hopeless situation. The bourgeoisie are behaving like barefaced plunderer, who have lost their heads; they are committing folly after folly, thus aggravating the situation and hastening their doom. All that is true. But nobody can "prove" that it is absolutely impossible for them to pacify a minority of the exploited with some petty concessions and suppress some movement or uprising of some section of the oppressed and exploited" (Lenin CW vol 31 page 227) Today capitalism is striving to survive like a drowning person by holding straws and leaves, which is being proved futile since there is no definite path for its survival.

The Crisis of Imperialism Calls for Globalization

During post Second World War, in order to save capitalism from acute crisis, the

prescription given by John Menard Keyns that the government fund can be utilized · .

to promote the demand was accepted by many capitalist governments. They

invested in the industrial sector on government's initiative on the one side and on

the other provided subsidies in agricultural sector, enhanced allocation in different

. social security and welfare programs. They also enhanced military expenditure direct or indirect ways. In this way, on Government initiatives they have attempted to suppress the crisis by creating artificial stimuli in the market. On the plea of the presence of powerful socialist camp, imperialist commenced cold war, and in its cover, started militarization of economy. On the basis of the education of Lenin



and Stalin, this peculiarity of capitalist economy was analyzed by Comrade Shibdas Ghosh and showed that in the past capitalism used to go for military production for the stimulation of military equipment while at present they go for the military production for the stimulation of economy, for which they always break out war on small scale and if they fail to do that they would always sustain the threat of the war. Due to indiscriminate increment of government expenditure, capitalism falls into deeper crisis very fast. Government budget deficit increased in an unbridled way. This squeezed the field of capital investment and surplus capital became a very great problem. Financial market started to swell being enriched with surplus capital. In this situation, British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher at first and then U. S. president Ronald Regan gave the prescription of reducing government expenditure. In Britain, industry, health and service sector which developed on government's initiative were privatized, which means that British government commenced privatization. In the United States there is no such scope of privatization since even military sector in U.S. was also under corporate capital. In order to reduce crisis, Ronald Regan followed the path of reducing role of the government on economy even more and to leave it on market and reducing the burden of tax on rich people. The bourgeois media, which used to praise government role and initiative to protect social security (especially in Britain) changed their tone and started to campaign for privatization and reducing the role of government in economy. Presently, when the world economy has entered in

another phase of crisis then again they have started to talk for government's . .

control on economy to some extent. This point will be dealt with later.

Globalization is the Outcome of Imperialism Directed by Lenin

In the altered and deeper crisis of capitalism-imperialism the countries adopted some newer steps and decisions but the basic character of imperialism has not changed. Five elements of globalization are more prominent at present. Firstly, monopolization of capital is exorbitantly high. There are many U.S. corporate organizations the annual income of which is same as total income of ten countries




like Bangladesh. The annual income of only one corporate organization General Motors exceeds the total income level of a country I ike Bang1adesh. Secondly, the volume of Banks in the world has not only swelled but through modem information technology foreign branches are keeping contact round the clock with central bank which facilitated the implementation of banking sector to be proliferated. The main instruments of developed countries for encroachment of the asset of underdeveloped countries are foreign banks. Lenin showed that in the beginning of capitalism, banks used to conduct business transaction and used to transform saving money into capital. But in the period of imperialism, banks combining with industrial capital gave birth to financial oligarchy. During the era of free competition, share market was inevitable for the flow of capital while during the period of imperialism the banks have reduced the importance of share markets and converted themselves as different share markets. Presently, what is happening worldwide as merger acquisition, very big capitals are being accumulated, engulfing small capitals - all these have occurred through banking system.

Thirdly, export of capital has increased to a great extent in recent years than before. It may be mentioned that though there is huge budget deficit and burden of loan, U. S. government has been pursuing for foreign loan even more than ever, for the interest of market economy. Demonstrating this aspect, one would attempt to show that globalization has created opportunities for the developing countries to export capital as well. Poor countries do not have such strength of capital in order to take this privilege. The privilege, which exists mainly on paper, might be exploited by India only to some extent, the strength of capital of which is more than underdeveloped and backward countries. Fourthly, World Bank, IMF, etc. the international organizations are extended and centralized form of the monopoly groups which has been mentioned by Lenin. Besides, the big multi-national companies and banks are all groups of companies or banks. Fifthly, Lenin demonstrated that it is possible to penetrate much deeper into the economy without directly occupying a nation, which is not different from neo-colonialism at present.



The theoretical concept of neo-colonialism provided by Lenin exists at present throughout the world. This means that the theory of neo-colonialism has been enriched. Past British colonial state, Indian relative strong bourgeois classes in this region desire to fulfill their imperialist aspiration and want the establishment as regional super power. In this case, India is advancing with the backing of the United States - is not new. Lenin demonstrated that in the beginning of the nineteenth century though Portugal was an imperialist country yet Britain acted as a safeguard of Portugal and its colonial states, for their own interest. This concludes that we are passing through the era of imperialism and proletarian revolution. Only difference is, with the passage of time, the more crisis of capitalism has escalated the more neo-colonial oppression. One form of this oppression is globalization, privatization and the other form is military attack. The purpose of attack is the same, which are the occupation of the market of a, different nation, to exploit labor power and raw materials. The fall of socialism in the end of twentieth century has given the privilege to imperialist countries to take decision unilaterally.

Industrially Developed Countries Preserve Protection and Subsidies

We have mentioned earlier that in order to save crisis-ridden capitalist system imperialist-capitalist countries enhanced military expenditure very fast, yet they were unable to proliferate the market; rather deficit budget became a very big problem in those countries. In this situation, in order to cover-up deficit of capitalist governments they reduced corporate tax, burdened people by imposing extra tax on them, reduced government expenditure in social welfare sector and prescribed privatization as a medicine of all disease. The attitude was such that it was only state control, which hindered unlimited growth and people's welfare of capital; for which economic growth became stand-still. Now this had been released by obliging to democratic norms. Authorities of globalization said that the hidden power which is implied in individual's capital and individual initiative for the bettennent has been accommodated in the program of globalization. On this



plea, industrially developed countries, sold government organizations/initiatives at a very cheaper price, in the name of reducing deficit in government budget they reduce government allocation in education, health, food and other welfare sector, there is widespread propaganda to create initiative within civil society, to create network ofN.G.O. and micro-credit system.

Practically, using micro-credit system, government brings the labor power of poor people especially the labor power of women under the exploitation of banking capital on the other hand they shred shoulder to the social responsibility to protect poor people by providing theoretical support for new liberal steps. The social force which gets initiative from N.G.O. are diverted from the struggle against oppression-illegitimacy and make them enter into the path of reformation. For this reason, bourgeois classes have launched wide-spread campaign in the name of micro-credit, self help group etc. as social initiative of N.G.O. and new liberal steps. In the name of capitalist development in industrially backward countries the financial institutions of imperialist provide surplus capital as loans in exchange of huge interest and impose conditions of liberalization, privatization, reduction of expenditure as welfare state, commercialization of health-education and other service sector, removal of tariff and non tariff barrier for the investment of imperialist capital in industrial and agricultural sector - etc. which are being made forcefully accepted. This ended up in the increment of GDP, few riches are being produced but poor is getting more poorer, middle class people are simply passing

through an impossible state of life and unemployment is growing far more than ' .


In the United States though they are talking about liberalization of economy, state control on economy is prevailing in fullest extent.

Developed countries have imposed many tariff and non-tariff barriers in different forms like quota and labor standard on import. U.S. government can impose prohibition on any export oriented items on the plea of child labor. In agricultural sectors they have still provided huge amount of subsidies. Governments of America, Britain, Japan and other industrially developed countries provide huge



government grant in agriculture, livestock, agro-industry and agro-based products. Industrially developed countries keep up growing pressure on under developed countries to reduce subsidies on industry in every meeting of W orId Trade Organization. But, Britain and other Western imperialist countries do not agree to reduce subsidies on agriculture. In the Dunkel proposal, before Gatt, it had been proposed to remove agricultural subsidies. But imperialist countries failed to agree. At last, in Maracas of Morocco meeting, resolution has been passed that industrially developed countries would reduce subsidies about 200/0, but under developed countries cannot introduce subsidies more than 10% of the income from agriculture.

What will be the outcome of this? In Japan, subsidies on agriculture was 93% of the income from agriculture. According to the agreement this should be reduced to 73%. On the other hand, in many cases, subsidies on agriculture is not ~ore than 10%. In the United States agricultural subsidies per farmer was 21000 dollar, in European countries 17000 dollar, in Japan 28000 dollar. (Ref: Business Standard of India, 23.01.02). The total amount of subsidy equalize more than the defense expenditure of many countries. This type of commonness is being brought by globalization. As a result of this type of equalization the economy of south-east Asia, Argentina and Brazil has collapsed. Millions of poor people of poor countries of SAARC shed tear, no food in farmers home, no work for workers, shameless propaganda of imperialism for consumerism is destroying the culture of people.

When under the cover of globalization, it is being said that national state is the concept of antiquity, we have arrived in the era of global vi11age - American army is occupying Afghani stan- Iraq, the brutality of Israeli army in Lebanon is being far more shameful than Attila or Chengis Khan. At the beckon of U.S. military forces, the puppet government of Iraq hanged Saddam Hossain. On the plea of eliminating AI-Qaeda base, United States launched air strike and missile attack in Somalia. Poet Kazi N azrul Islam once raised the question towards imperialist countries having greed for other countries -



Thy universe be gusto of all,

Pulse of Thy universe has union with its genesis Light and rain exude from Thy sky

Who're shedding bullets therefrom?

Who, in Thy generous wind and sky Cause Sahara like fright?

Whose cannon patrol around Thy infinite?

u.s. Authority Desperate for Occupation of Oil Resource and Hegemony of


Lenin made it clear in his famous book in the year of 1916, that the quarrel of finance capital contains the purpose of imperialism to occupy not only ,coal, but also power and oil resources. When, in the year of 1916, the utilization of oil as source of power has just commenced, Lenin pointed out to occupy different parts of the world by creating division. After the fall of Turkish regime in the First World War, British imperialists and partially French, collaborating with reactionary forces of Middle East, grabbed oil resource. For the next twenty years, the importance on oil in the international economy became abnormally high. Following Second World War, U.S. imperialism with the help of Britain occupies Palestine territory forcefully and founded Jewish state Israel. Side by side, Israel

was powered by heavy armaments and collaborating with the reactionary forces ~ .

they suppress and oppress Arab nationalism and democratic forces. They occupied

Iraq in the year of 2003~ as a continuation .of previous incidences. Another imperialist interest is associated with oil; to keep up the hegemony of dollar. Everyone knows that state, business and family-wise U.S. imperialism is the most

indebted country in the world. Again U.S. is the highest importing country of consumer products in the world. Along with Japan, China and other export

oriented countries, healthiness of economy of many countries depends on U.S. economy. Not with the supremacy of capitalist business, U.S. authority is being


able to manage with huge business deficit and crisis of debt due to hegemony of dollar. If there is continuous in-pour of dollar from foreign countries only then it would be possible to manage deficit and debt. But the condition for that is the stability of the value of dollar. If the value of dollar is not stable foreign depositor would not deposit money in dollar.

After the defeat of axis power in 1945, imperialist powers decided to alter their leadership in Bretenwood of New Hampshire. Dollar had been recognized as exchange media instead of British pound in world business. In order to earn this recognition, the U.S. government had agreed upon to pay one ounce gold for every 35 dollar. This leaded to huge earning of foreign currency when dollar-gold exchange value was settled. Huge amount of money in the form of dollar (Petrodollar) was deposited in the U.S. banks and treasury bonds. Huge amount of Petrodollar play growing importance to keep up balance in the U.S. economy, The fixed exchange value of dollar with gold was first stumbled in 1971. Crisis ridden U.S. government detached the relation of dollar with gold. This leads to the uncertainty in the flow of foreign currency in U.S. bonds and banks. It is a privilege for U.S. authority if huge foreign currencies are converted into dollar which is helpful to recover huge debt and deficit of U.s. economy. Thus, if hegemony of dollar retains, U.S. imperialist will be able to utilize its influence in world politics. The most advantageous part of United States was that there was no power, which could compete with U.S. military force. Besides, there was no

alternative of dollar during the period of internal contradiction of imperialist world ..

in that definite stage. In order to maintain its hegemony role in the imperialist

world, U.S. government was very much desperate to increase its military might, to

import commodities from collaborating countries and to protect the hegemony of

dollar. Due to the incarnation ofEuro as combined currency of European countries

on 1 January, 1991, the future of dollar became uncertain. Since each of the European countries could not manage with the United States as a single country,

they combine to bring Euro into effect to replace Dollar. Along with middle-east, European countries pour capital in many African countries also to commence the




discovery and production of oil. The rulers of these countries maintained very good relation with European countries. All these factors led U.S.-Europe business conflict in an acute state, which was expressed in the form of conflict between Dollar and Euro.

European imperialist countries always attempt to face U.S. imperialism by launching EUTo, which still has not crossed the periphery of compromise. The representative of U.S. oil companies, President George Bush called three countries as "axis of evil" of which Iraq introduced Euro as medium of exchange for oil. When Euro was proposed as currency, Iran called EUTO with satisfaction as a symbol of freedom from the shackle of dollar in the year of 1998. China and Russia invested capital in the oil field of Iran; North Korea also introduced Euro. The Venezuela, the fifth oil exporting country to U.S. also announced to introduce Euro as a medium of exchange. Venezuela decided to nationalize all natural resources including oil. Following Venezuela, Bolivia also took the steps to nationalize gas fields. Bush authority became very much disturbed due to all these steps. For the sake of helping U.S. oil companies in the central Asia they occupied Afghanistan on the plea of AI-Qaeda, occupied Iraq on the plea of the existence of weapon of mass destruction (WMD). They caused to create riots by the manipulation with reactionary forces in oil rich countries of Africa such as Angola, Sudan and Nigeria, launched attack in Somalia. Venezuela and North Korea are under continuous threat. They attempted to destroy Cuba, the source of anti-

imperialist struggle of Latin America; there is ceaseless attempt from U.S. to ~ .

assassinate Fidel even.

Bangladesh is not free from this threat of imperialism. Already most of the gas field has been occupied by U.S., British oil companies with the help of subservient authorities of these countries. They also have attempts to occupy coal field, and also the valuable minerals in Cox's Bazaar beach sand. Their attempt is also ongoing to occupy Chittagong port which is the largest sea port in the country and geo-politically very much important. On the other hand, in order to secure their occupation they have been attempting to impose various treaties like SOFA, TIFA




etc. which are very dangerous for the interest of the nation. Meanwhile, they have made it successful to take the signature from government in the treaties like HANA, MOl, Science and Technology related treaties. There is high risk that these treaties would become tools for U.S. government to endanger our freedom and independence.

Whatever steps are being taken by the capitalist-imperialist countries in order to get a false hope to get rid of the crisis, since the problem is inherent in the profit making of capitalist system, heal-up of one problem leads to another. There is no escape from this vicious cycle of crisis by leaving capitalism intact. The inevitability of the crisis of capitalism predicted by Marxism has again been proved in recent sub-prime crisis, which was a derivative of the recent and modern crisis of capitalism-imperialism. The present crisis of capitalism-imperialism had been first attempted to demonstrate as the crisis of U. S. economy. or more precisely it was described as the result of indiscriminate investment of the authorities of U.S. financial institutions. But, now it will be admitted by all that this crisis is the outcome of the crisis of the world capitalism-imperialism.

It is not the characteristic of individual directors to earn quick and maximum profit. Rather, the capitalism, which runs after profit maximization is the father of this characteristic. Huge financial institutions, which were compelled to invest huge capital to provide loan in housing sector with high risk factor, for the extraction of maximum profit from squeezed market, failed to collect return due to great

depression. This has brought into light the acute depression prevailing in the ..


In the capitalist economy, the risk is so high that it has become the occupation of some people to buy and sell the risks. Monster like U.S. banks provide loans by mortgaging the property of the harrower as a security against loan. To secure the loans the bonds related to mortgage, are sold in exchange of somewhat lesser price and earn profit. Thus they reduce the risk by selling bonds. Those who buy bonds, earn profit at the end by realizing the installment. Those who borrow loan at first earn profit by selling bonds at somewhat lower price. Though they earn lesser


profit there is no risk of loss. Those who buy bonds, their task are to realize installment with high risk. Since they buy bonds at somewhat lesser price, they can earn profit if the loan is realized. If the borrower fails to pay installment then there is no loss of the first lender but loss occurs to the purchaser of bonds. This is what exactly happened in United States. Those who have borrowed loan from banks, when failed to pay installment the giant financial institutions like Lehman Brothers became bankrupt. Why did the directors of U.S. financial institutions purchased bonds though there was seeming risk at a very high level? Why did the borrowers failed to pay installments? The only reason was the acute crisis in economy. With a very high level of risk giant financial institutions did not find any way to make their investment secure and expenditure of the borrowers are more than their average income for which they failed to pay installment. The root of the crisis was the difference between the opportunity of investment and income. The crisis which has been expressed in this way has been marked as the most acute depression in the history of the world.

During the earlier part of this century, imperialism attempted to survive by exporting capital in colonial and semi colonial states. During those days the tendency of the finance capital that rather than investing in production, it prefers to invest in bonds, share, usury was exposed. During post Second World War, in order to create artificial market, capitalism commenced militarization of economy and side by side increased the periphery of usury. When, in the year of 2000 there

was heavy shock in the share market, there was huge investment in the ~

information technology, There was hue and cry that after the industrial revolution

there had been another technological revolution. When that had also failed to work, emphasis was given on real estate or housing sector to make more profit. Loans

were made available to them even those who didn't have the criteria to obtain loan. Sub-prime loans were given beyond natural prime loans, consumerism had been

created by large scale advertisement and those who didn't have the purchasing

power also got loan in huge amount. In this way, instead of natural demand driven economy, loan driven economy was created. But the people who received loan, i.e.



workers, employees and semi-employees didn't have the ability to pay even capital let alone the interest.

Bourgeois economists tell today with great anxiousness that acute economic crisis and the effect of great economic depression have endangered today's capitalistimperialist world. How much futile is their much publicized unparallel "market economy" is being demonstrated wen by the recent crisis. This is the crisis not only in industry but the agriculture as well. This is not the crisis of the United States alone but the crisis of whole developed and under developed countries. They have stated that the current crisis is deeper and wider and far more dangerous than the great depression of pre Second World War. The shock of the crisis is so much deeper that the leader of the imperialist world, the United States, which is called as the locomotive of the world, has not only been stopped rather its wheels are being submerged into deeper whole. Economists sometimes prescribe


medicine like a quack, but they are so short lived that they vanish like bubbles. As

a result they are calling by themselves as bubble economy. During the period of First and Second World War, economic boom used to be followed by depression in a cyclic order. One used to last for longer duration than the other. But, at present, depression has become the main feature. This crisis has appeared in a period when the markets of the pre-socialist countries have been included in the world economy. Still, the incessant depression, closure, lock-out, lay-off, unemployment, inflation, higher tax rate, price hike etc. have shaken the base of capitalism. Abrupt rise and fall of share market, collapse, devaluation of money, failure in the banking system - all these phenomenon demonstrates the vulnerability of imperialist -capitali st economy. What is the reason behind the crisis of world capitalist economy and where its solution lies - is not known by bourgeois economist. They are looking for the solution. The more they are advocating for solution the more cloud of crisis is being accumulated. If one has to search that why is this crisis and where is its solution, then its answer can be derived from the scientific philosophy of Marxism. In the middle of the nineteenth century, Marx have demonstrated in "Das Capital" basing on science and inventing the characteristic and inherent law of capitalist



economy that the source of profit comes from the surplus value, which has not been paid to wage slave or laborer. Again, most of the buyers in the capitalist market are these laborers deprived of their legitimate wage. In order to perpetuate capitalism and for its advancement, ever expanding market is necessary. That's why, Marx and Engels have demonstrated that the commodities produced by bourgeois class always haunt themselves for the search of newer and newer markets all over the world. This necessity leads them to create communication and permanent residence in the different part of the world. (Communist Manifesto, page 35) That's why in the last few centuries capitalism is hunting for means of exploitation in land-water-underground and market expansion wherever possible. By the law of capitalism, productive force is being continuously revolutionized since according to Marx, "Capitalism cannot survive without continuously revolutionizing the productive forces" (Conununist Manifesto, page 34) on the other hand by this very law of capitalism, the working class is being paid less than the market price of commodities, which leads to the contraction and crisis of market. In the capitalist production, there is competition, who will earn more profit, who will lead in the market. To win over this situation it is always required that production cost must be reduced by procuring labor power and raw materials at the lowest price. To reduce the production cost it is always required to reduce number of workers for which newer invention is required. For this they put more emphasis on capital intensive production. This creates joblessness, which further reduce the total volume of the market. This law of capitalism was invented by Marx following scientific laws and said that capitalist market economy would continuously create crisis in the market - reduction of overall purchase capacity would lead to the overproduction than the demand of the market, crisis of over production would break out. Closure of mills and factories, lay-off, unemployment and poverty would inevitably appear.

When the crisis of the world capitalist system worsen especially during sub-prime crisis, in the last year in the United States more than about 50 thousand to one hundred thousand workers were laid off every month. 1.9 million worker lost their


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job in the year of 2008. (New York Times, 5/8/08) Depression caused to loose 3.6 million jobs of which half of the jobs were lost in first three months. (29 January, 2009, ILO Report) In the year of 2009, three million people of America are about to loose job. Due to ever deteriorating economy of America 40% of the population said that in the last 12 months, it had happened that someone in their family lost job, or working days were reduced, or the salaries were cut down. Fifteen percent of the population said that someone in their family was the victim of layoff or job termination. 70 million people are living below poverty level. (Shirajur Rahman, Shangbad Protidin, 8/11/08) According to the statistics of U.S. Labor Bureau, the unemployment has reached to the number of 13:7 million in the month of April of 2009 and the rate has increased to 8.9 percent. According to the distinguished U.S. psychologists, ever decreasing income of and acute financial crisis led to acute anxiety and uncertainty of eighty percent of U.S. civilian within the age: of 14 to 90 years, which led to mental depression and psychological pressure.

Likewise, not only in these countries, foundation of the economy has collapsed in the rest of the imperialist capitalist countries also. While in U.S. and Europe only 2.6 million people lost their job throughout the year, two million people lost their job in the month of January in 2009. (Yushita Sing and H.S. Rao, Chicago/London, 27 January, 2009 PTI) GOP has decreased to the ground level. Crisis of the second and third largest imperialist economy Japan and Germany or Britain and France have also reached at the ground level. The number of unemployment in European

Union has reached to more than 17.5 million. It has been said that by the year ...

2009, 3.5 million people would loose their job. (ILO Report, 29/2/09)

According to the British government the number of unemployment has exceeded two million. (MSN News - 19/3/09) In the month of November in 2008, number of unemployment has exceeded 2.5 million (Anandabazar Patrika, 28/11/08) The condition of Indian people is also not in lesser crisis. In a survey of Labor Bureau on economic depression, it was found that in the present financial year the number of employment has reduced by 0.171 million in the places of direct recruitment.


This information demonstrates that large number of layoff have taken place and working class passed through acute financial hardship. (Indian Express 7/8/09)

The number of unemployed person by March, 2009 may exceed 100 million. Number of unemployed would remain around 120 to 150 million in the world. 456 million people, which is about 42 percent earn lower than the new poverty level fixed internationally, i.e. the income is lower than 1.25 dollar. (Granma International, Havana, 8 April, 2009) Unemployment may leap to the number of 5.1 billion throughout the year of 2009. (ILO Report, Halic News, 28/1/09) ILO Report is also forecasting that the present crisis may throw 200 million unorganized workers of Africa and South Asia into acute poverty. Number of poor workers who earn 2 Euro per day may reach 140 million. In the world, 45 percent of total population has financial capability. (Times of India, 28/1/09) If the crisis persists in this dimension then the number of poor workers in the world would rise


to 200 million. (News India, 31 January, 2009)

Acute crisis and incessant war prove that the most dangerous threat of human civilization is capitalism-imperialism. It is not possible to secure democracy and overall progress by making this system permanent. That's why capitalismimperialism must come to an end. With the means of revolution, capitalism must be overthrown and socialism should be established, which must be continuously uplifted to a higher stage, which would lead the society towards communism. Marxism showed that this can only be achieved through class struggle.

Social and Ethical Context · .

There are innumerable steps adopted by the capitalists that the working class should be far from this path. When socialism had reached in the hands of the revisionists and reactionaries, deviating from Marxism, they utilized the bourgeois media to make people understand that Marxism, class struggle are all old concept. By the touchstone of history these theories have been discarded. Again the socalled progressives, in the name of post-modernism, subaltern practice of history, attempt to confuse the scientific lesson of Marxism that class struggle is the main dynamic force of history. Side by side, in the name of democracy and right of the



individual they had been trying to establish individual whim and degrading ethical standard of mankind. Obscene movies, advertisements, pornography, cyber porno, sex education at school level are being conducted in different region of the world according to the environment and acceptability of different countries. On the plea of this rotten side, fundamentalists attempt to take advantage to perpetuate reactionary ideas and destroy democratic values. They know very well that whatever idea is said in the theory, it gets life in the moral. If, moral is being destroyed from character, revolution becomes only a vocabulary. That's why, they attempt to destroy ethical standard of people and make them just a machine of consumer culture. On the other hand, so-called communists made the working class understand that the compromise between capital and labor is a reality, for which the workers loose faith in movement. This way they perpetuate capitalism. If we try to find out the reason behind the unprecedented advancement of socialism followed by undesired fatality, we need to remember that from Marx to all great corrununist leaders pointed out that even after successful materialization of socialism, capitalism may again follow if class struggle in socialism ceases. Marx told that on the way towards communism from capitalism the society has to pass through socialism which bears the birth mark of old society. Lenin demonstrated that small production in economy, purchase of commodities, existence of currencies, private property, bureaucratic tendency, old habits etc. bears the seeds of capitalism. Based on the lesson of Lenin, Stalin showed, mental complex derived from private property also persists which has been stated by Comrade Shibdas Ghosh more clearly as "socialist individualism". This rotten individualism is engulfing leaders and activists from within who are fighting for socialism in capitalist and socialist countries. On the other hand, it is being appearing to the workers from everyday experience that this suffocating capitalist system must come to an end immediately. This requires correct theory, correct party and organization. The people who are the soldiers of this struggle must attain true Marxist revolutionary character under the leadership of correct Marxist Leninist party not only in political field but also covering all aspect of life to be

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freed from individualism and individualistic mental make-up. Only then, it will be possible to maintain the onward struggle towards communism. It has been decided by the history that this grave duty has been bestowed upon all communists.

In the end, it may be mentioned that in the context of world communist movement, we have four proposals, which are: (1) Communist international is absent since fortieth decade. This is a great weakness of communist movement because communist movement is an internationalist movement. Communist parties of different countries in the world, at sub-regional, regional and international level should conduct regular criticism-self criticism to eliminate the differences in opinion by ideological struggle and to develop monolithic communist international. (2) In order to build-up solidarity of the movement of the working class and intensify the strength of movement, it is required to take the initiative to develop central organization of regional and international trade union. This is. required because during this era of capitalist globalization the industries-organizations of multi-national companies spread to different countries in the world. The multinational companies attempt to suppress labor movement of one country based on the profit of the same companies located at different countries. Side by side, they adopt the same measure in case of the movement related to the farmers. (3) In order to develop movement against imperialism led by the United States, it is required to take initiative to develop anti-imperialist organization centering on the left forces in different countries, regions and at international level and the organizations and initiatives, which have emerged by now must be coordinated, which will be accepted to all and unidirectional. (4) In order to strengthen the anticapitalist and anti-imperialist movement and their offshoot anti-fundamentalist revolutionary movement it is required to exchange the experiences of struggle of different countries. It is also required to strengthen the solidarity movement to save a revolutionary struggle from the onslaught of capitalism-imperialism.


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