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Focus for Intention What is an outcome in my classroom that I want to work on


What new knowledge and/or capability do I need?

Where can I go? Who can support me in this?

Using 3D printer to functional model - Examine a range of functional

modelling options
Better time management allowing time to produce several reworked
functional models.

Richard/ Tinkercad programme

What are some possible strategies that I could use?

What research/readings can I collect to support my


Improve the quality of Functional Modelling - to produce more

successful outcomes

Evidence (How do I know this is an area that I need to

work on?) Data may be quantitative or qualitative

Functional modelling at the moment is a rushed/token

part of the students time in here would like them to see
that what they functional model is a reflection of what
they are going to produce and that it can be re-worked
What do I already know might be useful?
Using similar materials (that final outcome will be made from) to learn new skills is important
It is ok to produce several functional models but I need to allow time for this
Redraw a conceptual design before re-functional modelling

Images of different types of functional modelling

Using different materials for functional modelling

Examples of real world functional modelling

youtube, try streeters signwriting

How will I know its made a difference? How will I measure any change?

Improved final outcome that is fit for purpose, meets key attributes and reflects the stakeholder.
Better understanding of the technological process.


What did I notice? What evidence have I got? Was my change effective? Why?
Why not?
The students created far more meaningful outcomes because of the lead up
theyd had to their final outcome. They all knew the process to go about making
their pokerwork look bold and effective because they had made two other,

What now?
Keep at it Target the year 8 students next. Ensure they
have an understanding of Functional modelling and why
we do it. Try and organise real world examples (streeters


Adapted from a version by Jennifer Glenn Thames High School

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