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HOW TO BUILD YOUR - G-HOP Ocean Scene Lego Design:

Begin with the base of five blue 2x4 blocks, and two 2x2 blocks (Figure 1)
Align them in a 8x6 rectangle

Figure 1

Take six 4x4 blocks and attach them to the center of the base (Figure 2)
You should be left with a single peg showing from the bottom pieces around
the edge

Figure 2

Take six 2x3 blocks. Hold the base vertically. Place three 2x3 blocks on the
left and right sides of the base so that they are in line with the second tier of
2x2 blocks. (Figure 3, 3.1)

Figure 3

Figure 3.1

Keep the base vertically placed. Take two blue 2x6 blocks and attached them
underneath the second tier of blocks on the left and right. 2x4 pegs should be
showing from the 2x6 blocks, pointing towards you. (Figure 4, 4.1)

Figure 4

Figure 4.1

Take two, single row, 8x1 blocks and attach them horizontally on top of the
protruding 2x6 blocks previously placed. The will be in line with the second
tier of blocks. (Figure 5)

Figure 5

Take the 2x8 block and attach in the back, centered on top of the second tier
of blocks (Figure 6, 6.1). Two pegs will be remaining on either side,
underneath this block.

Figure 6

Figure 6.1

Take two single peg, inclined blocks and attach them next to each other on
the left most part of the 2x8 block. (Figure 7)
These two slanted blocks will be the base for the shark figure. Place shark on
these blocks.
Place the remaining slanted block (this one should have a hole on top) at the
opposite end of the shark, on the second tier of blocks. The largest seaweed
will be placed inside of the hole.

Figure 7

Figure 8

Place the remaining seaweed figures and the fish figure where you wish.
(Figure 8)
Take two brown and two yellow 2x3 blocks and place them on top of each
other, every other color (Figure 1)
Attach the flat 2x4 yellow block on top (Figure 2)
Attach the 1x2 yellow piece on top of the flat piece opposite the edge where it
is hanging off (Figure 3)
Take the two single slanted blocks and place them on top of the 1x2 block
from the previous step
Attach the two, eye blocks on the second row of pegs of the flat block. Eyes
should be facing outward. (Figure 4)
Attach sea-monster to ocean base

Figure 1

Figure 1

Figure 3

To start building the boat, you will need:

Three long blue Legos, one by six that look like this.

Two of the long black Lego two by eight pieces.

Figure 4

Three of the rectangular white Lego pieces two by four that look like this.

Eight of the square white Lego pieces two by two that look like this.

Two of the single white long pieces one by four that look like this.

Two of the light brown pieces one by two that look like this.

Two of the green pieces

Two of the small white Legos one by one

After assembling all those pieces, you can start building the boat.
Step 1: Get the three one by six blue Lego piece, put them next to each other and
attach the two, two by eight black Lego piece to them, by putting the two black Lego
pieces on top of the three blue Lego pieces in a perpendicular manner. Make sure
that the black pieces are next to each other and are set in a corner.

Step 2: Take the three, two by four white rectangular Lego pieces and put them on
top of the black surface. After that take two of the two by two Square white Lego
pieces and put them next to each other, so they would form a rectangular Lego and
fill the space of the black platform.

Step 3: Attach the two single white one by four long pieces to the front and the end
of the white platform that was created in step 2. After placing the two single white
long pieces put a one by two light brown pieces on each of the single white long
pieces, make sure it is in the middle of each.

Step 4: Take the remaining six square white Lego pieces and fill the sides of the
boat with them. Make sure only half of each piece is attached. If they are fully
attached there will be no room for the steering wheel and the Lego person.

Step 5: Attach the two of the small white Legos to the first slot of the two of the
green pieces. Then place the two green Lego pieces on the outside of the boat, which
are the three square pieces on each side. But make sure its on the outside of those

Step 6: Carefully place the steering wheel in the front of the boat, which is right
behind the light brown piece and set the glass on the light brown piece. Make sure
that it is in the front (not in the back). Put the Lego person into the boat, then attach
the boat to the rest of the Lego design.

For the base:
1) To build the base of the boat, you will need (2) 1x2 red pieces, (2) 2x2 red, and (1) 2x2

2) You will then need (1) flat 2x4 and (1) flat 2x8 beige piece. You will attach the pieces
from step 1) beneath the beige pieces. One of the red 2x2 pieces should connect the two
beige pieces together and assemble the rest of the legos so that there is equal distance
from the ends on both sides.

3) Attach (2) 1x2 red angled pieces on one end and (1) 2x2 blue angled piece on the other

For the sail:

4) You will need (2) 2x3 pieces, (1) 2x4 piece, (2) 2x2 pieces, (1) 1x2 piece and (6) angle
Use (1) yellow angle piece, (1) 2x4, and (1) 2x2 to construct the first level of the sail.

4) Use another yellow angle piece and the 2x4 piece to attach the next level so that it is
slightly shorter than the first level.

5) Use another yellow angle piece and (1) 2x3 piece for the next level.

6) Use another yellow angle piece and (1) 2x2 piece for the next level.

6) Use another yellow angle piece and (1) 1x2 piece for the next level.

7) Add the last angle white piece on top as the last level.

9) You will need (16) 1x1 pieces as shown to make two poles. Attach the pieces together
so that each pole has 8 pieces.

10) Situate the two columns behind the rest of the completed sail.

11) Add one final angle piece on top to combine the two columns to the sail.

12) Attach the end of the two columns to the base made in step 3) about of the way
from one end.

14) Place a sailor on the boat and you are ready to set sail!

Last step!
Place boats on to the ocean scene where you like them best and away you go!

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