Personal Detailsjujjj

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Personal Details :
Place / Date of Birth
Phone / Mobile
Marital Status
Tribe / Nationality

: firman, S. Pd
: Ujung pandang, Desember 5, 1990
: Male
: Jl. Cilallang Jaya V No,32 D Makassar
: 081 355 165 833
: Single
: Bugis / Indonesia
: Islam
: 73.628.821.8-805.000

Formal Education :
S1 Degree (2011-2015)

: S-1 Bachelor, Engineering Faculty, Department of

Education Electro, Universitas Negeri Makassar
Senior High School (2007 2010) : SMKN 3 Makassar
Junior High School (2004 2007) : SMP NURKARYA TIDUNG Makassar
Elementary School (1999 2004) : SD INPRES Cilallang Makassar

Working Experiences :
1. Job Period

: April 2010 Mei 2011

:Panaikang, Makassar, South Sulawesi Province
: Cevrolet Province of South Sulawesi
: Mechanical

2. Job Period
area of

: October 2010 - May 2011

: Project Coordinator Site Maintenance and Telkomsel Genset

Project Name

Ternate (North Maluku)

: Site Maintenance Project & Genset, PT. Telkomsel
: Ternate (North Maluku)
: PT. Nabila Timur Indonesia
: Telecommunications Contractor

Seminar Certificate and Course Certificate :

1. World Seminar Working "Opportunities anticipate and AFTA 2003 challenges in world
working perspective " carried out by Lingkar Study Elektroteknik (LISTRIK) UNHAS
(April 20rd, 2002)
2. National Seminar and Curriculum Workshop of PS JPTE, Engineering Faculty of UNM
with theme "curriculum Relevance with need for Business and Industry" was held at
the Losari Beach Inn Makassar December 8th, 2007.
3. Seminar participants on limited dialogue with the theme " Teacher Certification and
Education Problems " organized by Lembaga Penerbitan dan Penyiaran Mahasiswa
(LPPM) Profesi Universitas Negeri Makassar , may 8th2015 in Amanagappa Auditorium
of UNM Gunungsari campus.
4. Talkshow Participants "Cyberlaw" of Shop Computerworks STIMIK Dipanegara
Makassar, held in Hall A Celebes Convention Center Makassar, sponsored by the
National IT Expo 2010 and APKOMINDO South Sulawesi, May 08-12nd, 2010.

5. Computer Education Course Certificate Dipanegara "Windows Optimal" certificate

No. 040 487, held on February 9-14th April 2004.
6. Certificate of English course by Phillippines Indonesia America (PIA) English
Languange Centre SK Number: PIA/672/L.2, September 15th, 2004.
7. Technical Design Certificate Course Autocad 2D and 3D Autocad, by a computer
education center widyaloka Makassar, certificate number: 421.9/4300/DP/VII/2013
Nosis: 15004148448, July 2nd, 2014.
Makassar, August 30, 2015
sincerely yours,

Ishak Dirwan, S. Pd

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