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Clint lSD Early College Academy

Course Information
School Year :
Phone Number:

Pre AP Geometry

Carlota A. Basurto

(915) 926-8100

Course Description
Students continue to build on foundation concepts for high school mathematics. Students use geometric
thinking to understand mathematical concepts and the relationships among them . Students study properties
and relationships having to do with size, shape, location, direction, and orientation of these figures. Students
perce ive the conn ect io n bet w een geo metry and the rea l and m athem at ical w o rl ds and use geometric ideas,
rel ation ships, and prop erti es to solve problems. St ud ents use a vari ety of representat ions (co ncrete, pictorial,
numerical, symbolic, graphical, and verbal), tools, and tech no logy (incl udin g, but not lim ite d to, ca lculat ors
with graphing capabilities, data collection devices, and computers) to solve meaningful problems by
~presenting and transforming figures and analyzing relationships .
Source: ht t p ://ritt er .tea .state .tx. us/ ru les/ta c/ chapterll l /ch lllc. ht ml
Structure of the course: The course will cover standards mandated by the state of Texas in their entirety.
1st Nine W eeks (August 24- October 23)

2nd Nine Weeks

(October 26 - December 18)

3rd Nine Weeks (January 6- March 4)

4t h Nine Week s (March 14- June 7)

Unit 1: Foundations of Geometry

Unit 3: Constructions

Unit 6: Quadrilaterals and Polygons

Unit 10: Crrcles

Sub 1: Points, lines, and Planes

Sub 1: Constructions

Sub 2: Distance and Midpoints

Unrt 4: Introduction to Triangles

Sub 1: Properties of Polygons

Sub 1: Circle Properlies

Sub 2: Properties of Quadrilaterals

Sub 2: Equations of Circles

Unrl 11: Area and Volume

Unit 7: Similarity
Sub 3: Angles

Sub 1: Classification and Properties

Sub 4: logic

Sub 2: Relationshrps in Triangles

Sub 5: IntroductiOn to Proofs

Unrt 2: Parallel and PerpendiCular lmes

Unrl S: Trrangle Congruence

Sub 1: Triangle Congruence

Sub 1: Parallellrnes and Transversals

Sub 2: fquatrons of lrnes

Sub 1: Similar Polygons

Sub 1 Area of C11cles and Sectors

Sub 2: Triangle Similarity

Sub 2: Area of Polygons

Unit 8: Rrght Triangles

Sub 1: The Pythagorean Theorem
Sub 2: Special Rrght Triangles
Sub 3: Trrgonometry
Un1t 9: TransformaiJOns

Sub 1: Reflections.

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Charles, eta/., Geometry, Texas Edition, Pearson Education, Hoboken, NJ, 07030

Sub 3: Total and lateral Surface Area

Sub 4: Volume
Unil 12 Probabrlrly
Sub 1: Probabrlrty

Pre AP Geometry
Students are required to have the following materials for class every day:

Loose- leaf paper

Composition notebook (provided by CECA)

Pencils (replace as needed)

Students will use Tlnspire graphing calculators daily provided by Clint lSD Early College Academy. Student and
parent must sign the Calculator Use Contract.


Daily work: Students will complete daily work in class. It will consist of a variety of note taking,
discussion, questioning, collaborative group work, short writing assignments, demonstrations, and
other activities that best facilitate student learning.

Homework: Homework is vital in reinforcing skills and will generally be assigned Monday or Tuesday.
Selected homework problems will be graded for accuracy. Quizzes may include homework problems to
check for mastery of skills.

Grading Policy (as per Clint lSD Policy)

Daily work - 40%

Tests- 40%

Homework- 20%

You can check your son or daughter's grade by using the Skyward Gradebook. If you do not have a username
and password, please contact CECA to request one . If you do not have access to Skyward and you need a
current report or any other information on your child, please contact me via e-mail or phone .
Instructor's Policies

Attendance- It is important that you attend class every day. It is the responsibil ity of the student to
collect all assignments prior to or immediately after returning from an absence. If you know that you
are going to be absent, please make necessary arrangements to have your work submitted on time.
This needs to be done before or after school prior to your absence. Any quizzes or tests missed during
an absence will be made up before or after schoo l unless other arrangements are made. Students are
expected to complete ALL assignments. Unexcused absences will be dealt with accordingly.

Tardies- It is important that you are in your seat ready to learn when the class period starts . All
students have enough time between classes to take care of any neces sary business. Class instruction
will begin promptly when the period is scheduled to start.

Academic Dishonesty- Academic dishonesty is considered a serious offense and will not be tolerated .
Please refer to the CECA Student Handbook for more information. Any form of academic dishonest
will re sult in an automatic reference to admini stration and a cour se of action will be determined .

Ele ctronic Devices - As per Clint lSD policy, the use of cell phone s on campus is strictly prohibit ed and
will be confi scated .

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