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Cheng Xing

Where am I from
I was born and raised
in Beijing, the capital
and the political,
economic, and
cultural center of
China. My Primary
language is Chinese,
the Mandarin, to be
specific, which is the
language in China.

The big life change

In 2011, I moved to Okemos, MI. I am pursuing the Maste

r degree to boost my future career as a teacher and contri
bute myself to the cross-cultural educational practice.
It takes me quite a while to get used to the life in US. There are
tremendous changes I have to deal with, eg, my hometown is t
he biggest city in China while Okemos is very quiet and closed t
o the nature.

My educational background

B.A Communication University of China

M.A Beijing Normal University
Michigan State University Master program of Teaching and C
urriculum 2013-2015

My work life

As a former ESL teacher, I pro

vided community education fo
r teenagers in the areas of Eng
lish reading and traditional Ch
inese calligraphy.

I was a teacher of in Post Oak

Elementary School last year. (3
rd grade Chinese immersion)
The program focused on natur
al acquisition process of Chine
se language through teaching
different subjects including M
ath, social studies and science.

My hobbies

I like traveling and gardening. I

have been to many provinces of
China and went to Chicago, Was
hington DC and Mackinac Islan
d last year. I am also a member
of the garden project of Lansin
g, growing and donating health
y food. (Picture taken within my
plot). I have learned a lot from
many green thumb gardeners a
nd exchanged vegetables harve
sted from our own plots. I also
like practicing Tai chi which is a
n excellent way to promote hea
lth and reduce stress.

Something I am passionate about

In my spare time, I also enjoy watercolor

painting, calligraphy, and cooking. I learn
ed painting with a talented professional
water color artist in Lansing.

Favorite quote

To know that we know

what we know, and tha
t we do not know what
we do not know, that i
s true knowledge.
(From Confucius whose principles l
aid a solid foundation for Chinese tr
aditional belief. My mother is one o
f the descendants of Confucius and
has the same last name with Confu

Learning Chinese Is A Growing Trend

Being Able To Communicate With 1.3 Billion Peopl
It's Good For Your Brain(Researchers have found t
hat people who speak Chinese use both sides of th
eir brains to understand the language)
It will earn you a competitive edge

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