Code Blue Chapter 1 Questions

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Kalena Muller

Mrs. Anaya
3rd Hour
Code Blue chapter 1 questions

Focuses on details: Del Cluff

Focuses on the big picture: Hap Castleton
Motivated by facts: Cluff
Motivated by feelings: Hap
Focuses on the possible: Cluff
Motivated by dreams: Hap
Analytic: Cluff
Sympathetic: Hap
Interested in things: Cluff
Interested in people: Hap
Inclined to gather a lot of information before a decision: Cluff
Inclined to decide quickly based on emotion rather than facts: Hap

2. Why is it important to understand the values, personalities, and decision making

model of a person you wish to communicate with?
You need to know who the person is, what they believe in, what they value, and
what kind of person they are in general. Every person is different, which is why
we need to know who they are in order to correctly observe them.
3. It is obvious Del Cluff has not established a good rapport with his boss Hap
Castleton. To what do you attribute this problem?
Hap and Cluff are very different people. First, Cluff does not believe that Hap
knows anything about hospital administration. Also, Hap does not understand how
or why anyone would spend his day with his nose buried in accounting records.
Plus, anyone, (Cluff) who could get along with the chairperson of the finance
committee was a suspect in Haps eyes. Finally, Cluff did not agree with the way
Hap spent money at the hospital,
4. What are the differences in the ways Del Cluff and Hap Castleton process
information, and therefore make decisions?

The difference between Cluff and Hap is that Cluff gathers as much information as
possible, wants all the facts, and takes his time making decisions. Hap does not
spend much time on the facts, makes decisions based on dreams, feelings, and
people, which means he makes decisions more quickly.
5. Given the differences in personality, values, and decision-making style, how
could Del Cluff be more effective in communication his concern about the
hospitals financial condition to his boss Hap?
Cluff could be more effective by not sneaking around all the employees, not trying
to scare the employees, and maybe try to be kinder discuss concerns with
sympathy and feelings, not just numbers.
RE: Hospital Budget
TO: All Staff
BY: Del Cluff
The board wants us to cut three million dollars , half of the suppliers have us on a
cash only basis, and we are having difficulty meeting payroll. As some of you may
know that the hospital has been having financial difficulties for some time now.
Budget cuts will probably be the best way for the hospital to get itself back on
track. We all have lots of work to get done. Thank you.
Del Cluff

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