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Beginning the Day


I will begin my day each morning by greeting my students with a smile and by saying,
Good morning (students name) or Im happy to see you this morning (students
Once my students have entered the classroom, I will remind everyone to take out their
folder from their backpack and place the folder in the folder bin. At this time I will have
any students who have a lunch box, place it in designated area for lunch boxes.
I will have my students sit on the carpet quietly, as they wait for morning announcements,
the pledge, and our morning exercises.
While my students are listening to morning announcements I will be scanning all folders
in the folder bin. I will be looking for any notes from parents, important forms that have
been signed and returned, etc.
After announcements, I will take roll.
After roll, I will take a lunch count.
Finally, we are ready to begin our day with calendar time, counting, and reciting the

Ending the Day

1. I will end the day by ringing my special teacher bell. I will teach my students that they
will only hear my bell once a day and that is at the end of the day!!
2. When my students hear my bell, they are to stop what they are working on, put away all
materials, and clean up any mess or trash around them.
3. Once they have everything put away, they are to sit at their table quietly and wait for me
to call their table.
4. After I have called their table, those students will walk quietly to get their backpack and
walk back to their seats at their table.
5. I will begin passing back all red folders and waiting for everyone to put their folder in
their backpack.
6. Finally, after everyone is packed and ready to go students will line up quietly by standing
on their number as they wait in line to exit the classroom.

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