Algebra 2 Systems Project

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Algebra 2 Systems Project

Your job is to create a poster detailing and explaining the steps involved in solving a system of three
equations and three variables through either substitution or elimination.
1. Your project must be presented on poster board/poster paper.
2. On one side of the poster board/poster paper, write each step in the process of solving a system of
three equations and three variables through either substitution or elimination.
3. On the other side of the poster board/poster paper, write a word problem which represents a
system of three equations in three variables.
4. Identify the variables.
5. Identify the three variables to be solved as well as the system of three equations.
6. Write each step in the process of solving your system of three equations and three variables
through either substitution or elimination
7. Demonstrate each step in the process by showing all work for solving your system of equations. .
You can use a calculator to check, but all work must be shown on the poster. (All examples from
video notes and in-class work are not eligible to be used for this project.)
8. Provide illustrations/visuals/decorations for your information. You can use colored pencils, markers,
magazine clippings, computer generated artwork, etc. You must illustrate your work with at least
two pictures or original drawings which relate to the word problem. If pictures are used, cite each
source of information on the poster itself. (See the examples on this page.)
9. Include your name, class and class period on your poster.
10. Attach the rubric on the back of this sheet to your poster and receive an extra +5 points.
11. Your project is worth two Quiz grades, and is due in class no later than: B day: 10/19/15
A day: 10/20/15

Grading Criteria Rubric for Systems Project


Word Problem

The word problem

involves a system of
three equations and
three-variables and is
completely and clearly
written on the poster.

The word problem

involves a system of
three equations and
three-variables and is
clearly written on the

The word problem

involves a system of
three equations and
three-variables and is
written on the poster.

The word problem

involves a system of
three equations and
three-variables and is
difficult to read on the


All three variables are

All three variables are Only two variables are
clearly identified before identified in the work of identified.
the work on the
the problem.
problem is started.

The variables are used

in the system, but are
not identified.

System of

The system of
equations is correctly
related to the word
problem and is
completely and clearly
written on the poster.

The system of
equations is correctly
related to the word
problem and is written
on the poster.

The system of
equations is correctly
related to the word
problem but is not
clearly written on the
poster and is difficult to

The system of
equations is not
correctly related to the
word problem.

Steps for Solving

the System

All 5 steps are

completed and are
clearly written on the
poster. A detailed
explanation is given if
any step is not used.

All but one of the steps

are completed and are
clearly written on the
poster. An explanation
is given if any step is
not used.

All but two of the steps

are completed and/or
are not clearly written
on the poster.

Several of the steps are

not completed.


Explanation shows
understanding of the
mathematical concepts
used to solve the

Explanation shows
understanding of the
mathematical concepts
used to solve the

Explanation shows
some understanding of
the mathematical
concepts needed to
solve the problem(s).

Explanation shows very

limited understanding of
the underlying concepts
needed to solve the
problem(s) OR is not

Neatness and

The work is presented

in a neat, clear,
organized fashion that
is easy to read.

The work is presented

in a neat and organized
fashion that is usually
easy to read.

The work is presented

in an organized fashion
but may be hard to read
at times.

The work appears

sloppy and
unorganized. It is hard
to know what
information goes

Graphics Relevance

All graphics are related

to the topic and make it
easier to understand.
All borrowed graphics
have a source citation.

All graphics are related

to the topic and most
make it easier to
understand. All
borrowed graphics
have a source citation.

All graphics relate to

the topic. Most
borrowed graphics
have a source citation.

Graphics do not relate

to the topic OR several
borrowed graphics do
not have a source


There are no
grammatical mistakes
on the poster and the
final answer is written in
a complete sentence.

There is 1 grammatical
mistake on the poster
and the final answer is
written in a complete

There are 2
grammatical mistakes
on the poster and the
final answer is written in
a complete sentence.

There are more than 2

grammatical mistakes
on the poster or the
final answer is not
written in a complete



Final Project Grade:

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