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¢ LUNIVERSITI TEKNIKAL ‘No Dokomen Ne twu/Terikh MALAYSIA MELAKA. se/moist/n fomesaaza/1| 1/12-12.2007| ‘SOLID MECHANICS 1 No Semakon/Tort om monet FORCES IN TRUSSES 4/28-06-2010 ‘ ‘OBJECTIVE OF EXPERIMENTAL WORK To letormino the lternel fores and normal or axial sraits in uss members by wing the concept of stot equilibrium, strezrtaln relation (Hooke's Law) ond meterial propertor ofthe ius systom subjected too given loading. LEARNING OUTCOMESIN. Students should not rewrite hese to be pat of ther reper) A the end ofthis loboretory session, students should be able to: Ty To understand the behoviour of mur system sect to pont loosing, 2. To determine the Intel fores for each member of the tus system by ung joint rmethod or/and section method. oni and specity whether the rast members in tenon or compression through the ‘nclicalonalyss ond compare wih the experinentolly measured sins dae, 4. Understanding of bese laboratory practice Inling design of experiments, wite ‘a dear ond well-prerentedtechnicel report, data acquit, interpretation anc nly, an the reltionship botweon experiments ond theory. THEORY ‘Atrun i 0 tructre composed of slender members joined together ot ther end joints The members commonly ved in contruction const of wooden or metal sts or ors: The end connections ae ually formed by bolting of weling the ends ofthe members 1 @ common plete colled © gusot plot, as shown in Figure I-b, oF by simply pasing large Bolt or pin though each of the members, Figure T-b 2 igure 1 lernol Frees ts To detign both the manbers and the conactons of @ tus, ie necesiory to determine the force developed in each ri member when the ir system ie sublected fo @ given loading In his regerd two important sumptions wil be made: © Allloedings ae applied a he jon The russ members are jained together by smooth pins Becaute of the two astumptons, each trust member rts ar @ tworforce member ond therefore the forces ot the ends of the member must be directed along the oxir of the member Ifthe force tende to elongote the li ‘sin Comgein o » igure 2 Tenile and compresive fore in a bor force (1), Rewe 26), ond tends to shorten the member, I & compressive force (C) Figure 2(6) Insta equlbriam the trust members wl satisfy the Following condions BRO= 0 a ze ° @ =e ° e When matelal properties are weed to determine force In tuts mame the Falling ‘equation wil be needed, From Hoake's law: o fe @ hore 1g = Stress inthe member (N/m?) = Young's module (N/m) = = Displayed axiel strain produced in ts member cond o FA 6 where F = Force ia member (N) A= Crossaectonsl eres of member (n#) From equotion (4) nd (5), F Age 6 APPARATUS Le Fixed boxe 2. Roller boxe 3. Steel bars with stron sensor (stain gouges) 4. lead controler 2 PROCEDURES Experiment I~ Frees in Simple Cantilover Truss yout ofthe apparatus and is schema dlagrom ore shown in Figure 3. Figute 3 Simple contlever truss 1. Moke sre the experimental equiament eet vp properly. Apply preload of 100 N and check the szembly I seble Ji Gradual increase the load 10 500 N end ched the frome is table and secure, |. Return the load 0 zero. Apply foods vatil 500 Nin the increment of 100 N ond record the strain readings In Table 1. 3. Subtract the ita reading (be careful with your sign] end cmplete Table 2. Experiment 2 ~ Forces in a Idealised Warren Girdor Layout ofthe apparatus andi schematic clagrom ore shown in Figure 4. an 4 ees Warren girders ore common sutures. They are vial seed for imple bridges ond. la cantilevered form for erane boom. 1. Make sure the equipmant it et up properly «2. Apply prelocd of 100 N end check the exzembly i stole. '. Gradually inerecse the laod t2 500 N end check he frame ir stable ne! seone. € Retur the load o 200 2 Apply lacs unl 500 Nin the increment of 100 N end record the stroln eecings in Table 4 3. Subtract the nto reading (be coraful with your sgn) and complete Tble S. EXPERIMENTAL DATA (EXPERIMENT 1) Steel ber diometer mm Table 1_ Strain eading for each te ‘Siain reoding for] Strain reading for) Strain weeding for member AB (12) | member AC (ut] | member BC (ue) ood iN) 100 200 300 400 500 “7 Toble 2_ Tre strain reading for each ruet int [enn [ea ian” [amie [EXPERIMENTAL RESULT (EXPERIMENT 1) 1. From the measured dete, plot graph Load (N} ages True Stain je for member AC ‘and BC on the 21m ox 2, Thearetieally, celelate iteral force In each member with « load of 500 N. (Exes = 210 GPo} end write dwn in Table 3. By using the mecsied dat calculate intemal force (experimental force) in each ‘member with load 00 N. (Ewer = 210 GPa} and write down in Table 3. 4. Determine the percentage of error Between the expermentel and theoretical fore, CComplate Toble 3 end wiite down i Table 3. ‘able 3 Experimental and thanrtical forces st SOON Experimeniel | Theoretical * force {N)__| force (N) Fron (8) 7 a ac EXPERIMENTAL DATA (EXPERIMENT 2) Table 4 _ Stain reading for ecch huss ‘Strain reading (ue) Ai T8e RE 80 | coc toed (N} ° 100 200 300 400 300 or Table 5_True strain reading for each use Lee) Rg ge a ee oo lo jojo jo jo fo 100 - 300 300 400 500 [EXPERIMENTAL RESULT (EXPERIMENT 2) 1. From the measured deta, plot graph Load (N} agains True Strain (jt) for cll members onthe rome ox Theoretically, coledote intemal force in each member with e load ef 500 N. Assume that Erg = 210 GPa for el tus members. 3. By using the mecsured data, collate internel force (experimental fore) in each ‘member vith ¢ load 500 N. (Ewe = 210.GPa} Using @ suitable method coleslate the theoretical member forces forthe frame work ‘with load of S00 N. 5. Determine. the percentage of error between experimental and thoorsicl force, Complete Table 6. Table 6 Experinentol and theoretical forces et SOON Experimental | Theoretical) force NI seco (N) enous Member 2B aC aC » © G DE DISCUSSION (N.8 This section of your report must be writen in he paragraph form) ‘+ Anclyze or interpre and comment on the tabulated end graphicol rests obteined for both experimen. Explain the reletionshlp exist between the variables involve nhs work ‘+ Discus and exploin the differences between the experimental ond theoretical result ‘+ ony which uss members ore in compresion ond teeion for both experiments Give the reason lo ths behaview / observation ond explain which members wll be on of the more cial to be known fs behevour In order to ovoid stucural file / collapse + State the factor of errors or discrepancies for both experiments. July your ‘ergument ond suggest how these errare may be elinincted or mined, ‘CONCLUSION (N.S Content ofthis section should not more thon 150 words) Give conlsion ond summarize the main findings ofthis laboratory work. [QUESTIONS (For Formal Report Only) 1. There ore two methods that may be vied to analyse forces in tus members. Explain bray how these methods may be employed 1 enalyze tusees problems 2. Give two exomples of uss sructire/momber ore vred in practice 10 sypport loads Draw the appropriete dagram te supper your answer. 3. Failure by busting ls conidered one of the aifcel arpects need to be avoided in Jesigring the rue members. Explain brlely how thls phenomann may ecevr under the curently REFERENCES (For he Formal Report Only) List et lost 3 main references tht have b loboretory exercise 7 roferred to wrt the formal report af his 77

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