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Object Oriented Programming:

Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is a programming paradigms (i.e. model) where

programming is done using Objects.
Object is an instance of a Class.
A Class is a blue print or Concept or idea of an Object.
Class and Objects are the key concepts of Object Oriented Programming (OOP).
Every object contains some properties and methods. Properties are attributes that an
object holds and methods are the actions or operations those can be performed on those
attributes of that object.
If the value of an attribute is changed, according to OOP it is said that the State of
an object is changed. Generally, the methods are responsible to change those object
Class is a prototype of an object that models the attributes and methods of an object.
Class can not be used directly; at first, an object is to be created. The process of creating
object is known as instantiation or object creation.

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