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Lesson 1

Formalities and explicit racism










country/acknowledgement of country and know the difference between

Learning outcomes
#2: Students will recognise the stereotyping that occurs in society
A welcome to country/acknowledgement of country will be said at the
start of every lesson, and in the introductory lesson an explanation shall be
provided as to why its said (i.e. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

were original inhabitants of land and we should respect our history and our
past). Explicit racism shall be discussed in terms of stereotyping groups of
individuals and students will be asked to think of an example of stereotyping
that they have seen in the media.

Questions for
students to discuss










country/acknowledgement of country an example of racism?

#2: Does the media represent the stereotypes society creates or does it create
the stereotypes that society then accepts?

Lesson 2

The other side of the story

#1: Students understand that history is constructed

Learning outcomes

#2: Students can list several historical events that occurred to Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander people
Introduce the concept that history is constructed and explain the concept of a
master narrative using words that are at the students level. One book of The


Other Side of the Story series will be read (such as The True Story of the
Three Little Pigs by Jon Scieszka) and then students will be shown
Babakiueria (which runs for approximately 30 minutes).

Questions for
students to discuss

#1: If history is constructed, how can we know who to trust is telling the

#2: Is comedy an effective method to teach an audience about controversial

topics or does it trivialise the topic?
Lesson 3

The power of words and implicit racism

#1: Students will have an appreciation that some words are loaded

Learning outcomes

#2: Students will understand that not all forms of racism are explicit (some are
A Woolworths milk carton (which states that its the official white milk of
the AFL) will be provided to students as an example of the power of words,

and the power of the word racist will be discussed. Implicit racism will be
introduced as being an unconscious prejudice.
Questions for
students to discuss
Lesson 4

#1: What does racism look like in todays society?

#2: Should we take steps to reduce the power of certain words and if so, how?
Adam Goodes (and other current topics)
#1: Students will understand the events surrounding Adam Goodes

Learning outcomes
#2: Students are able to identify current examples of racism
The controversies surrounding Adam Goodes will be explained. Students

will then be encouraged to find another current event regarding racism to

share with the class.

Questions for
students to discuss
Lesson 5

#1: Who should decide what is and isnt racist?

#2: If someone isnt offended, has no harm been caused?
Recognising privilege
#1: Students will appreciate that whiteness is considered to be the default

Learning outcomes

#2: Students will appreciate the importance of including Aboriginal and

Torres Strait Islander histories and perspectives in the classroom
Students will complete a survey that investigates whiteness being the


default in society (with such questions as, do you see people who look like
you in the media?). They will then be asked to think back to the first lesson

and analyse whether their thinking and opinions have shifted and if so, how.
#1: What are the defaults in our society and how can we ensure those who
Questions for
students to discuss

are not part of the default still feel part of the society?
#2: Why has this lesson sequence focused on Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander histories and perspectives when the topic was racism in general?
Students are to present their answer to the question, what is racism?, in any
form they choose (essay, Powerpoint presentation, song, comedy sketch, etc.).

Assessment task
This is to be started at the end of the teachings in lesson 5 and is due the next
lesson (when it will be presented to the class).

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