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*Different types of equivalence serve to masque the inability or deficit of skills on the part of

the translator rather than to define or at least attempt at finding a definition of solutions of
certain linguistic problems.
Translation is always about finding equivalents. Various definitions of translation, whatever
the names, define translation as putting SL (Source Language) elements in TL (Target
Language) elements. What is it if not looking for equivalents.
Equivalence shall never mean sameness since there are no synonyms in one language, let
alone in two different languages.
There is a trend in translation studies to differentiate equivalence. There are various types
depending on the language focus taken into account.
And this is where there a conflict.
When we look for a synonym within one language we chose the one most appropriate,
fulfilling the functions we want it to.
The subject of this thesis is verifying whether we can talk about something such as general,
universal equivalence in translation from English to Polish. Is it only theoretical concept or
can be applied to practice of translation.

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