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Warning: This book is for readers who are 21 years and above

Naughty Wife

Is a division of Bigga Dreamz Publications

This book must not be reproduced either in book form, movie, drama, or
sold without the prior permission of the author. It is a crime and I have a
damn good lawyer.
Copyright 2013 by Ify-Asia C.
This book is totally fiction. The names, places and incidents are
the product of the authors imagination.
Images credits:,

Naughty Wife

a zesty read

Chapter 1
Things hardly went the way planned. At least to Jessicas
surmising. Time was running out and the wedding looked
to be a flop. She was going to be dumped at the alter
she feared.
At thirty five and she was going to be left at the altar. Not
really the real alter, for she was wedding over the
internet. She had met James on NooksNCrannies social
network and he had proposed to her and she accepted.
At her age, she had no many options. It was either the
men chasing her were too young or too irresponsible.
Most responsible men were already married at that age.
So, when she met James, she was drawn to him by his
sensible nature: the way he talked with her and his
general view about life; maybe because he was a doctor.
But she had come across various degenerate doctors in
her lifetime. It must be his kind of person.
He lived in Italy. His pictures were a dream: His finely
sculpted face and full head of curly hair, the dimple on
his left cheek. And he was always smiling in his

He had introduced her to his adopted parents, a mixed

race couple. The father was Italian while the mom was
Nigerian. James was of biological mixed parentage of
white and black, what Nigerians knew as half-caste. His
parents were friendly too, though a little distant. They
hardly spoke with her. She guessed they werent that
used to the internet. Most old people were like that. He
had a brother somewhere serving in a foreign army, in a
country where he had naturalised, Canada or USA, she
couldnt remember which because he hardly talked
about him. They werent close. Their parent had other
natural children too. James said they had adopted him
and his soldier brother before they started having their
own children. They never knew their parents, he was
sure that their mother was one of those Nigerian Italian
prostitutes who got pregnant on the job and had to dump
the babies fast.
James planned to come to Nigeria so they could get to
know each other before the marriage. But his practice
hardly allowed him enough time to stay away. He just

started working as a partner in a new clinic and they

were working their ass off to keep the place afloat.
Then they made plans for her to come over but the visa
tribulation delayed her too. So, they decided to get
married over the internet while they worked out their
travel arrangement. After all they had met online.
Today was the wedding day, and it was taking long for
James to come on the webcam as usual. He was
habitually punctual and tactful. She wanted this wedding
to be over with and for her visas to be ready so that she
could be in his arms for real. She knew she wasnt going
to be disappointed in him for she had seen the whole of
him. He had gone naked for her and she saw every inch
of him on the cam. He was gorgeous. He was of average
height, sturdy and had managed to gym out strong chest
and shoulders. No bulges hanging around. He had seen
her nude too. She was slim with full rounded buttocks.
Her breasts were palmfulls. She has pretty heart-shaped
face and luscious lips. Her nose was small and her eyes

wore eye-shadows well. So, they were what people

might call a good match.
Jessica was already despairing when he came online.
He was spotting a black tuxedo suit and really handsome
despite his thick eyeglasses. He made a joke and she
laughed, looking down on her white lace gown. A priest
was with him and his witness, a young man he
introduced as his office assistant. It seemed James had
no many friends.
They got married and plastered their laptop screens with
kisses. So, she was now Mrs James Danillo. They talked
for a while, making arrangements.
I will introduce you to my parents properly, he told her.
They dont know you.
Jessica shrugged. I have met them once.
For two minutes. That is hardly knowing.
I will try and process this visa as fast as possible, she
He smiled at her; a heart-warming, sensual smile that
caused passion to course through her system. She
wished with all her heart they were physically together.

He cleared his throat noisily. Now, what do we do about

our wedding night lovemaking?
She laughed uncomfortably. She was already dripping
wet, needing him with such intensity that her hearth
ached and her womanhood throbbed. Intending to do
something about it, she got up and undressed. She sat
further away from the laptop so he could see her well
and lifted up her leg to place it on a stool beside her,
opening her legs wide and exposing herself completely,
unfurling like red flower petals as she slid her fingers in
between her legs.
James inhaled sharply, his hand going down to his
crotch. She massaged herself, fantasising her hand to
be his own while she touched herself the way she
imagined he would. With her eyes closed, she kept on it
on until she peaked.
When she opened her eyes, James was drooling and
with a glazed look.
How was that? she asked him, laughing.
He shrugged, recollecting himself. Well, it would do until
we meet soon enough.

We should do it every night, like normal couples, she

He nodded, adjusting his glasses, pushing it up the
bridge of his nose. I would like that.
They talked for a while until he had to go back to work.
Jessica shut down her laptop and went to prepare
something to eat. That amatory exploit made her hungry.
She also needed to tidy up her one-bedroom apartment.
She wished he was here. They would have remained in
bed, making love all day.

Three days later, FedEx dropped off a package for her
from James. It was a gold wedding band, pearl necklace
and earrings. It came along with a love letter. She wore
the jewelleries, laughing and went online immediately to
leave him a message snapping a picture of herself in the
nude wearing his gifts. He had surprised her, so she was
returning the favour.

He called her later to laugh about her message. It made

me stiff when I saw it, he said. And I had patients to
attend to. I couldnt leave my seat for ages. They thought
I was queer.
They laughed and he hung up.
Jessica was still smiling dreamily as she went about her
chores. The next day was Tuesday, a working day. She
had to be at her secretarial post at Frouks Energy early
enough. It was going to be tough for the next week. With
a conference she was going to attend with her bosses
as far as Akwa Ibom.

Chapter 2
Predictably, the next day was hectic. She talked briefly
with James and let him know about her tight schedules
for the days to come. They wouldnt be talking as much
as they should.


Four days, they had only spoken three times. Then they
didnt speak with each other for the next two days and
they only exchanged text messages. When she later
called him his phone was off. She couldnt reach him
online either.
And she became worried. She didnt really know whom
to call. Maybe his clinic if she didnt hear from him the
next day. The next morning, he called her. Theres been
a family emergency. I will be travelling immediately to
see my folks.
Oh! Jessica didnt know what else to say.
Network is usually bad in that area, so I might not be
talking to you often for the next couple of days.
I will miss you, she whispered.
They said their goodbyes and she hung up.
Jessica couldnt get through to him the next day as he
predicted. The day after was worse. He had managed to
send her a text message which was obviously late in
transmitting to her phone. He had mentioned that his


parent had retired to a remote scenic village somewhere

in the mountains.
The third day, she was already preparing for bed when
someone knocked at the door. Wondering who the caller
was she peeped through the hole on the door and what
she saw almost felled her.
It was James.
She flung the door open and flew right into his arms.
How did you manage it? she cried while plastering his
face with kisses.
Wanted to see if I could catch you doing something bad,
he joked, logging her inside, their mouth locked in a long
sizzling kiss.
They separated, breathing heavily. Jessica stepped
away to pick up his bag from the door. You didnt tell me
you were coming.
Wanted to surprise you.
She closed the door and carried the bag towards the
bedroom. You came straight from your parents?
He acted a bit surprised then nodded. Yeah, came
straight from there. He followed her to the bedroom.

Do you want to eat something? she asked him.

He grinned, pulled her closer and crushed her to
himself. Yeah. You. he dipped his head and caught her
lips with his, caressing her mouth with his velvety
tongue. She responded it eagerly holding him tight.
Their mouth remained joined for a long time, she pushed
him down on the bed and climbed on top of his, luckily
she wasnt wearing any panties. She only needed to flip
her short skirt up and around her waist.
Jessica unbuckled his belt and freed his gorgeous
erection. Wasting no time, she slipped it into her and
began to move. I have waited so long to feel you inside
me, she cried with joy.
He held her hips, his mouth opened and his eyes closed.
You are wonderful, he moaned. He opened his eyes
and suddenly got up, carrying her with him as if she
weighed nothing then landed her on her back on the bed.
Wow, you are strong, she sighed, running her hands
up and down his muscular biceps.
Yeah, he rolled his waist plunging in deeper into her.


She moaned. Im so fortunate to be your wife. her body

He ran his tongued along her neck, sucking at it. He
shifted her blouse up and gathered her full breasts in his
palms, pushing them together. His tongue flickered
round the nipples and sucking and pulling while he
moved in and out of her steadily and powerfully.
Jessica was in heaven. She had never had it so good
and he was her husband. She married a genius in
They lay in each others arms luxuriating in the after-feel
of their whirlwind copulation. She entwined her fingers in
his hairy chest playfully, a leg flung over his well-toned
thighs. Im so glad you are here.
He dropped a kiss on her forehead and said nothing.
James was usually talkative on the internet. She
wondered if he was more reserved face to face. He
hadnt said much since he arrived. She expected him to
talk like he talked to her online. What crisis occurred in
your family?

He sighed, ran his hand over her back, and then

gathered her tighter to him. My dad had a major
What happened to him?
His hand travelled over her buttocks and she could feel
his arousal under her leg. He turned, tucking her under
him and spreading her legs wide with his legs and took
her. She sighed with pleasure at the silkiness of him
moving inside her. he was so full and strong and
arousing millions of tingling feelings from around her
vagina to her entire being as she shuddered and
moaned loud.
He made love to her expertly, taking her to the nadir of
pleasure and sensuality. Jessica was satiated when he
came the second time and she the fifth time. She drifted
into contented sleep with a large smile on her face.


Chapter 3
In the morning, she woke up thrilled that James was with
her. He was awake and watching her when she opened
her eyes. He leaned over and kissed her on the lips, a
lingering stimulating touch that immediately spread
warmth in between her legs.
She had to get up to pee and make breakfast as well as
prepare for work too. She had slept late and woke up few
minutes to eight. Good morning darling, he said to her
as she pushed him away gently.
Good morning James, she smiled at him and padded to
the bathroom in the nude. She came out less than a
minute later and put on the large T-shirt she used as
house gown. What would you like for breakfast? I need
to go to work.
Whatever you are having, he replied getting up, already
dressed in a brown camouflage combat shorts and army
green singlet. He looked all manly and sexy to boot. The
internet definitely didnt do him justice all the time she
saw him on the camcorder.


She escaped to the kitchen, she must prepare for work.

He was her husband and they would have the entire
night to devour each other.
She plugged a kettle of water and buttered slices of
bread for toast. After popping the bread into the toaster
she began to break and beat eggs. She was at the eggs
when she felt her husbands hands circle her tummy and
pressed her into him. She could feel the rigidness of his
manhood pressing her bottom. This guy was insatiable
she chuckled to herself, loving every second of it.
He reached round for her breasts and squeezed them
softly. The eggs forgotten in her hands, she sighed.
He wasted no time this time. He lifted her shirt up, parted
her legs and searched for her opening with his fingers
and slid in quickly. Jessica cried out, reaching out behind
her to clasp her hand on his neck as he nuzzled hers.
He pulled back, bending back slightly to slam into her,
lifting her up entirely from the floor. She remained on the
tip of her toes as he grinded her bottom nonstop.
After that hot session and they their juices had mingled,
he withdrew, dropping a kiss on her lips. She looked

down on the table, her eggs had poured away. She

began to laugh. He smiled briefly and kissed her again.
I guess our breakfast would be delayed. I need to
prepare for work. She said shakily.
Just go. I will take care of everything.
She felt they should talk more. This James was solemn
and possessed this quiet strength that inadvertently
added to his sexiness and allure. Online, he had seemed
ordinary, almost a nerd, counting his thick glasses. But
she loved him, because he was fun to be with. His jokes
and openness endeared him to her. She wondered if all
that was a put on. This was the real James, quiet,
intense and full of strong sexual energy. She heard
people normally show different personalities online. But
she liked this James more. He filled her with so much
surging passion. A mere look from his deep set
penetrating eyes sent shivers all over her. It was like he
did more talking with his hands and body. And she loved
the way he wanted her so hot and urgent, as if all he
wanted was to be inside her all the time. She thanked


God for pushing him into her path that fateful day on
She looked into his face. What happened to your
glasses? she asked him.
I had to ditch it. I reckoned I didnt need it for my
You look better without them though.
He reached down and brushed her nose with his. That
little show of affection touched her deeply and she
melted into his arms, damning any consequences. This
was better than work. She could get another job if she
loses the one she had but she wouldnt get back any of
these moments ever again.
Dont go to work, he told her, reading her mind.
Theyd sack me.
We are leaving this country anyway, he reasoned. We
are married, remember that.
That was true. I will call in sick. She dipped her tongue
further into his mouth and they rocked in each others
arms, revelling in the feel of their bodies against each

He pulled his mouth away to gaze at her. I love you, he

told her quietly, earnestly, as if he was putting a stamp
or a mark on her.
I love you too, she replied.
He claimed her lips again in that style that took her entire
breath away.
When the kiss ended, she strove to regain her
composure and made that call to the office. Her
immediate bosss veiled threat did nothing to faze her.
She had decided that with James, she could accomplish
anything in this world and beyond. He was marvellous
and a rock to lean on. He also seemed and felt quite
dependable, strong for her. All these she never
discovered while courting him over the internet.
What do you want to do now? He asked her.
To be alone with you for days.
I can arrange that. We could take a boat cruise.
She laughed up at him. I didnt know there was a boat
in Abuja.

He touched her cheek lovingly. Who said anything

about Abuja. I know someone who could arrange
something for us in Lagos. I talked to him before I came
She grinned at him. Then lets go.
Pack few things. Or nothing at all. We are going to live
in the nude. He almost laughed.
She laughed uproariously. I wouldnt mind, if I could
constantly have the view of your gorgeous body for
hours on end.
They had late breakfast and she packed while he made
reservations for flights to Lagos and other contacts.
By midday, they were in an afternoon flight to Lagos.
They held hands throughout the voyage, kissing
intermittently. She loved him with all her heart that it
hurts. Now she understood it. Her love for him expanded
and lodged deep into her heart that she causing flitting
pain. She hoped he felt the same for her too. She knew
he loved her, but she wondered if his love for her
equalled the one she had for him.

Chapter 4
The white elegant boat he got for them was anchored in
an alcove in a private property close to a beach. The
small house seemed unoccupied at the moment. So, that
they had the whole place to themselves. Jessica never
knew or imagined that such place existed in Nigeria. The
place was dreamy: the blue sky and the white sandy
beach plus the cute house by the sea. There were even
the proverbial palm trees swaying in the gentle ocean
breeze. The place made her fall in love with James the
I love this place, she breathed, its wonderful.
He circled her waist and drew her to him. Im glad you
like it.
Is it expensive? she asked him, worried that he may be
spending a fortune just to please her.


Not really. I told you a friend arranged it, he replied

succinctly leading her towards a motorised canoe that
would take them to the boat. You can change and have
a swim if you like.
I cant swim, she told him shamefacedly. She had been
meaning to learn how to swim all her life, but never got
round to venturing. Now, she wished she had taken time
out to learn. Probably she would make love to him in the
water like it was done on TV. That would be the ultimate.
But here she was feeling all lame.
He gave her a small smile. Dont worry, I will teach you.
Yeah, just change.
Later, James pulled the canoe up beside the white boat
and they climbed in, making their way below deck.
I dont have a swim suite, she told him with regret.
You can go in your panties. We are alone here.
She undressed down to her lacy red panties and bra.
He looked her over and touched her chin. You are
beautiful. He said it with thick adoration that made her
wonder if he was really talking about her. She was okay,

pretty, yes, but not breathtakingly stunning like James

was making her to feel. Or maybe she never looked at
herself well. Thank you.
He had on his boxers and he looked edible in them.
They climbed down to the water holding hands. He was
a good teacher. He patiently guided her on how to swim
and by the time she was getting cold, she could float and
paddle. He took her inside the boat cabin to towel dry
and rest.
The sun was gearing to go down so, he took her in the
small canoe to the shore.
He led her to the sands. Come and lie in the sun. Enjoy
it while it lasts.
She dropped down on the sand, lying flat on her back.
James stretched out beside her. Jessica was hungry but
she needed him more. She turned and faced him,
skimming her fingers along his jawline and cheek, then
his chest and abdomen going down to his thigh, she
noticed the light brown birthmark there, shaped like a
half moon. She rubbed her fingers over it then slipped
her hand under his shorts to wrap her fingers around

him. He squinted at her in the sun, then sat up and gently

pushed her down on her back again and followed it with
a rain of feathery kisses. He toured her body with his
mouth. He returned to her lips and worked on them. He
was a great kisser. She could lie their all her life receiving
that magical ministration from him.
When he paused, she left his lips to kiss him from his
neck to his navel, and then pulled his short down to
spring free his erection. She covered its head with her
mouth and sucked. She ran her tongue up and down his
shaft and sucking it, swallowing more than half of it. By
now she was moist down there and her mound was
throbbing painfully. When she stopped and lying on her
back to catch her breath, he leaned on one of his elbows,
shifted her panties to one side and slid his finger into her.
He fingered her for a while arousing her more. Then
climbed on top and entered her, his pubic bone grinding
into hers with delicious force, the fabric of her underwear
rubbing at her delicate flesh and adding to the
exhilarating sweetness.


As he sexed her, he pushed her bra up exposing her

breasts, he palmed them, licking and sucking them. They
made love their under there setting golden sun like the
world belonged to them and they were alone in it
They left the beach thirty minutes later and moved back
to the boat. They were ready to make love again as they
climbed up the hull. He simply put her on all fours on the
little bed and rammed in from behind. She was crying out
loud with delight and pleasure, letting go completely as
she yelled into the roof, expressing her ecstasy.
The fridge was well-stocked with cold food. While
Jessica rested, James rustled up spaghetti and gravy
and white wine. He brought it to bed for her to eat. I will
tidy up out there, he told her.
Did you see my phone? she asked him. I think I might
have forgotten it in Abuja.
He shook his head and left.
Jessica devoured the food, she was that hungry. The
spaghetti was good and the wine completed it. She


almost finished the bottle. James returned later as she

was finishing.
Have you eaten? she asked him.
He nodded. Had mine while you were snoozing. He
took the plates away and returned to her. Go back to
sleep he told her.
Jessica smiled, stretching under the blanket where she
was completely naked. Earlier after their lovemaking,
they had showered and she fell into bed immediately.
She closed her eyes again and slept for a long time.
She woke up in the night and watched movies with
James and drinking the rest of the wine. They talked a
little after that. Mostly about general matters. He wasnt
much of a talker and Jessica didnt push it. She was
already letting go of the James she knew on the internet
and accepting his more silent and profound personality.
Deep in the night, as the boat gently swayed in the water,
he gave her a breath-taking cunnilingus. He ate her
vagina as if it was made of vanilla ice-cream. Jessica
thought she would go mad with pleasure. Her heart


exploded over and over again until she was weak and
I love you, she sang.
He told her he loved her too.

Chapter 5
Getting up the next morning was a challenge to Jessica.
She lazed about in bed while James brought her
breakfast. He was already dressed in his camouflage
and singlet.
Good morning honey, he said as he kissed her. Had a
good sleep?
Dreamless, she replied. Good morning handsome.
They smooched for a minute.
We will be cruising further into the sea today, he told
her when they disengaged. I will teach you how to sail.
Id love that. She drank her tea and ate sliced bread and
eggs. She returned the tray to the kitchen area, naked.

She washed up while James stood and watched her.

After she was done, he came over to hug her and to
fondle her breasts. They are lovely, he said.
Oh, they are good company, she quipped.
He laughed a bit. You are funny.
He continued caressing her breasts and kissing her until
she was as aroused as he was. They didnt make it to
the bed but made the most of the floor there. Her bottom
been hammered against the cold hard board was a novel
experience that electrified her, it allowed him deeper
reach into her core. He pushed his palm onto her thigh
to open her legs as wide as he could manage as he
drove in and out with long powerful strokes. She kept
crying his name and professing her love for him.
I love you so much, she cried once against as he
collapsed on her.
Forever? he asked her.
Forever, she affirmed, looking at him lovingly.
Please dont ever forget that, he growled in earnest.
She smiled up at him. Who would take my love for you
away? No one.

He nodded, smiling contentedly.

Later, dressed in white shorts and red halter neck she
stood beside James while he manned the boat. You
know a lot for a doctor. She told him. You are a physical
person. I always thought doctors were indoors and soft
He shrugged. Im adventurous. Love going places and
doing things.
With your tight schedule in the clinics, how does it affect
your life?
He didnt reply immediately, when he did, it was laconic.
I try to adjust.
She nodded, accepting his answer. With time she would
get to make him open up to her more.
They cruised around for a while enjoying the view and
the air on her face and blowing her hair when she sat on
the deck.
They returned to the alcove several hours later and ate.
They lay in bed watching movies and caressing. She fell
asleep in his arms. She woke in the middle of the night,
the whole place was dark. She was lying in bed, James

must have carried her there while she slept. She tried
turning on the light but couldnt find the switch. She felt
and stumbled her way to the outer part and couldnt find
James. She went up to the deck and he wasnt there
either. She was surprised and worried. Where could he
be? She waited for him outside for a while and was
beginning to feel cold when she decided to go back
inside. But staying there without James wasnt
appealing. Then she saw a flicker of light further up the
water. It was like someone was approaching in a small
Her heart swelled. It must be James. He must have gone
somewhere while she slept, maybe to get provision.
She waited for the boat, rubbing her palms up and down
her bare arms for warmth.
The boat pulled up and instead of James, three men
clambered on board.
Who are you? she called out, for they had seen her
where she sat exposed.


The men stopped short, then lunged for her. She

shrieked and made to run back down, but they grabbed
Where is the owner of this boat? they kept asking her.
I dont know, Jessica continued telling them. I dont
know who owns this boat.
They dragged her inside the boat, started the engine and
drove off. One of them held her forearm in a painful grip.
Jessica began to weep.
I told you it would be easy to steal the boat, the one
holding Jessica laughed. The others laughed too.
We will be across the border by morning, the first one
continued boastfully. I had seen this boat lying here for
months. I knew the owner was hardly around.
The custom wouldnt know which way we are taking,
the smallest one among them said. They will be busy
searching the roads.
Count the goods, the biggest one who was also
manning the boat ordered. Make sure they are still in
good conditions. The coke is hundreds of millions you
know. Those custom boys thought they were smart.

The smallest of them opened the big bag they had been
lugging and began counting out packets of white
substances sealed in transparent cellophane bags. He
worked with a torch light.
What do we do with the woman? the one holding
Jessica asked.
The biggest one looked back at her. I have not had a
woman for months. She would be of use if she kept her
mouth shut. If not, throw her overboard. Hope she knows
how to use her mouth. I dont have condom and I dont
want to catch anything.
They let out raucous laughter.
Jessica imagined her using her mouth on that filthy
animal and began to cry again. She wondered where
James was and hoped they hadnt harmed him in any


Chapter 6
By morning, she couldnt tell where they were. There
was vast expanse of water everywhere, the steady
humming of the boat engine and spray of water
remained constant. The smallest of the delinquents was
manning the boat and the big one was sleeping. The
other one watched her.
She had said all the prayers she could afford; praying for
her husband and for God to rescue her from these
crooks. She thought of Abuja, the people there and her
family and friends. She cried some more and thought
she was going to be sick cause she felt feverish,
probably out of fatigue and terror.
They journeyed for a long time and later docked in a
seaside village. Her captors tied her up on the bed and
left the boat. She thanked God the horrible big one
wasnt about to carry out his threat on her. Perhaps, she
would be rescued before he came round to doing it.
Hours later, they returned, and very drunk. That was
when the big man came into the bedroom and untied her.


He unzipped his trousers, hiccupped and waving from

left to right in a drunken gait. Come over here and suck
this boy. He fumbled out his limp penis and waved it at
Jessica covered her mouth with her hands and shook
her head, tears coursing down her face.
He lurched for her, collapsing on top of her in that
process. He dragged himself up and slapped her across
the face. Stupid girl.
He was reaching for her again when a shout outside the
door stopped him. He staggered to the door and opened
it. A hand reached over and seized him, pulling him out
of the room with such force like he was a mere toy.
Jessica screamed. Who could have done that? The man
was big, yet a hand plucked him away like a rag doll.
James came in moments later and she began to cry
more, this time with relief.
Thank God you are here, she wept on his shoulder as
he embraced her. Those horrible men. Where are they?
Overboard, he simply told her. Lets get out of here.
He immediately started the boat and sailed away.

Do you know where we are? she asked him, standing

beside him and scared that those crooks might catch up
with them.
I dont know, but I will find the way home.
She put her hand on his shoulder. How did you find me?
I followed the boat. I saw them leaving when I came in
from getting provision. He looked at her. Dont worry, I
will never allow anything to happen to you.
She smiled at him, believing what he said. She was safe
with him. Thank you.
They journeyed for a while and towards evening, they
were in another village. We will rest here. I need to refuel
He was about to leave when she threw her arms around
him and held him, pressing her head to his chest. Please
dont leave now. I need you.
Okay. He picked her up and carried her to the
bathroom. He took his time to undress her and bathe
her. Then took her to bed and lay her there, covering her
with a blanket. I will get you something to eat.


He brought her bread and a hot mug of cocoa and milk.

She ate ravenously.
He then climbed into bed with her and gathered her to
himself. They stayed like that for a while until Jessica
drifted into sleep.
She woke up later feeling refreshed and happy when she
got out and saw James driving the boat and the sun up
and glorious. Her heart soared and she ran to put her
arms around him. You are my hero.
What was he not? He was a dream come true; her
innermost heartbeat.
He turned and grinned at her. They joined lips.
We are almost there, he said, turning back to the wheel.
She frowned. We should go somewhere else. Or return
to Abuja. I cant feel safe here anymore.
We will check into a hotel.
She smiled and kissed him again. Lets get a hotel in
They docked and packed their things and moved out.


They were in Abuja later that evening and checked into

a hotel he had chosen. He paid for a month. She
wondered where he got that kind of money from.
Tomorrow, we see the town, he suggested. I can see
you wish to get out more.
She kissed him for an answer.
He pecked her forehead. Lets go and buy a car in the
She puckered her brow. I thought we were leaving
Nigeria soon. Why buy a car?
I want to buy it for you. You can always use it when we
come for a visit.
I have a car at home. Her Toyota was still fairly new and
He placed his hands on her shoulders and squeezed it
with love. I want to buy one for you. Part of my wedding
She nodded. They bathed and changed and went to bed.
He didnt make love to her. He said he wanted her to
rest. She agreed with him. The event of the past day had


really rattled her. She slept early. The next morning, she
felt stronger and renewed.
They took a taxi straight to a car shop and he bought a
brand new Mercedes. They cruised around town with it,
visiting several interesting places.
While they were leaving a restaurant where she had
eaten, James said he wasnt hungry, she whispered into
his ear, I want to make love to you in the open again.
He smiled. Where do I park?
There is a lonely road over there. She pointed to a road
that led off the express way. It led to an estate still under
He parked along it and they got down.
He held her, immediately pressing her back to the car.
People might see us.
There are no much people around. I cant even see
anyone. She glanced around then pulled the helm of her
gown up. I intentionally didnt wear a pant. Her dark love
triangle winked at him. He reached down and inserted
his finger into it. She whimpered. He pushed the finger
further in, she spread her legs to allow him more access

and he reached the moist opening. He used his fingers

in her for a minute while she moaned, her breath heavy.
Turn around, he told her, removing his finger.
She turned, bending her bottom up in a duck fashion. He
unbuckled his belt and let out his cock, rubbed it
tantalisingly on her naked behind before pushing it into
her delicious opening. She whimpered loudly.
With one of his hands reaching around to press down on
her clit while the other one held her across the chest, he
pumped her from behind. She braced herself against the
car, moving back to meet his thrust each time. As he
came, he grabbed hold of her breasts with both hands
and squeezed. She clasped her thighs together; using
her vagina muscles, she squeezed him while still trapped
inside her. They remained glued together while she
squeezed him dry.
They separated and adjusted their dresses. She was still
dripping with him when she entered the car. She
laughed. Thank goodness these seats are still covered.
I would have smeared it with your sperm.


He looked at her as he adjusted his seat. Next time, we

do it in the car.
I heard that cars people shag in usually crash.
He keyed on the car. Thats bullshit. He drove off back
to the hotel. She cleaned the car seat before going

Chapter 7
The four weeks they spent in the hotel were heaven for
Jessica. They enjoyed each other thoroughly; eating the
best gourmet spreads the hotel could offer and basking
by the poolside. They took two short weekend trips to
other holiday resorts: Obudu and Nike Lake. Jessicas
love for James waxed stronger each passing day and
she could not imagine a life without him. He continually
professed his love and commitment to her. In the midst
of all these she kept wondering when he would go back
to work. She had believed he put his job under

consideration before embarking on this honeymoon, but

it was also paramount that he not cut ties with the source
of their fund. She was no longer working, and they might
start a family soon.
Luxuriating beside the pool on the last day of their stay
in the hotel, she had asked him subtly. Your clinic must
be missing you.
James shrugged. He was as handsome as ever in his
dark shorts and dark glasses. They can do without me.
She didnt know how to proceed with that line of
conversation, he seemed offish with it. Didnt he wish to
go back to Italy? Or to work?
I will go back to work, he said as if he read her mind.
But not in Italy. Im going to work in Brazil and I want you
to come with me.
It surprised her. She sat up on the pool chair, looking
ravishing in a red swim suit. Why didnt you tell me
I was waiting for the right time. He reached over and
touched her arm in a soothing manner. We will leave in
two weeks time.

Jessica shook her head, flustered. This is a surprise. I

need talk to my family about it in time and to introduce
you to them properly. I didnt tell them I married over the
internet because they would have thought I was crazy. I
wanted them to meet you first then I introduce you. You
remember my elder sister I told you about? The one that
I gave you her Facebook account. I remember you
exchanged mails. I told her you were my fiance but she
doesnt know we have married. We need to see her too.
She lives in Ghana. You remember her?
Yes, he replied. We can see them next week if you
wish. But the earlier the better, I cant leave without you.
I will call them as soon as I find my phone. It must have
ringed dead all this while. Can I use your phone to call
my line?
I haven charged it yet.
Okay, I will find it immediately I get to my place
He didnt seem happy they were going to her apartment.
Are you okay with it? she asked him.


He faced her. I want to buy you a house. We will go

house-hunting tomorrow.
She opened her mouth in amazement. Why?!
We need to have a base here. Somewhere to call home.
A permanent place.
She nodded slowly. I can purchase one of those
property magazine and we could go and look at some
houses tomorrow.
He reached over and held her hand. Come, lets go
She asked the hotels doorman where to get her property
magazines and phones. Hours later, they were poring
over four papers for appropriate properties on sale. It
was hard narrowing it down to three. She used the new
phone and SIM she just bought to call the agents. They
met her few hours later and booked appointment for the
next day.
She went out with James the next day to select the
house she wanted. He paid cash right there. He had the
money in the booth of the car all along. Jessica was

aghast. James scared her sometimes. There were so

many intriguing qualities about him that begged for
understanding. Like when he dealt with those crooks in
the boat and paying for this property now. Much as these
things about him scared her, they also ironically added
to his charm; the mysterious handsome man.
When they were alone in the house with the keys
jangling between her hands, she began to ask him the
questions. How come you have so much money in the
I knew we needed it to buy a house, he answered
She frowned. But
She didnt finish her statement for he pulled her to him in
a flash and crushed her mouth with his in a hair-raising,
mind-blowing kiss. I love you, he mumbled in between
kisses. That is what matters now.
His touches had a way of making her abandon her
senses. She latched on to him and was soon pulling his
shirt apart to get her hands on his magnificent body.


He carried her to the wall and pinned her there with his
body while he pulled off her pant with one hand. He
unbuckled his belt and unzipped his crotch. She kept
kissing his torso and jawline and mouth without break.
Quickly, he lifted one of her legs hanging it up on his arm
and found her wide open to him. He entered her quickly,
sinking in all the way. She squealed out, her body
trembling violently. She thought she would faint.
I love you, he groaned.
I love you sooo much, she sighed.
Dont forget that. He made love to her there in a very
new way, as if they just met. Jessica couldnt believe she
could be this lucky. She had gotten the best for a
husband without even trying: A man that loved her so
much, would do anything for her and also knew how to
handle her body.
She was breathing hard when they finished. I cant
stand, she laughed, her legs buckling.


I will carry you. he picked her up like a baby and carried

her outside. He only put her down to lock the door and
then carried her to the car. He drove back to the hotel.
We need to furnish the house quickly, he told her. She
They spent another three weeks putting the house in
order while living in it. Jessica had no time to get in
contact with anybody whereas living in her own paradise
with James. She didnt need anyone. She would make
the calls to her relatives any other day. They werent
running to anywhere.
After furnishing the house, Jessica insisted she go to her
old house to pick up few personal items. She had
decided to give away other stuffs to friends and relatives.
She stubbornly left James in the new house and drove
to the old one in the Mercedes. He hated her leaving him
alone even for an hour. She only needed to pick up few
clothes and shoes; books; photographs and credential
and say goodbye to her neighbours. She would call
people to go and pick up what they need later.


Her neighbour was first to come to talk to Jessica as she

unlocked her door.
Where have you been? Regina asked her. She lived
with her fiance in the flat right beside Jessicas.
Its a long story, Jessica replied with a smile. She
opened the door and entered, Regina followed her.
Youve had visitors. I didnt know where to tell them you
went to. You just disappeared.
Jessica closed the door. Well, I am back now. But I wont
stay long.
Before you start running away, a man kept calling here,
looking for you. He seemed worried. I was shocked when
he said he was your husband.
Jessica left whatever she was doing to stare at Regina.
What did you say?
I didnt know you were married. He was such a
handsome guy too.
What are you talking about? I have been with my
husband all this while.
He was here yesterday too.


Jessica shook her head, baffled. I said I was with my

husband all this time. He couldnt possibly be coming
here to look for me.
Regina shrugged. Well, all I know is that he said he was
your husband and he was here yesterday.
How did he look like? Describe him.
Regina demonstrated with her hands. Tall, not so tall,
good-looking, light in complexion like a half-caste, he
wore medicated glasses.
Jessica reeled and almost fell if not that Regina rushed
over to hold her. What is it? Are you okay? The man said
I should call him when you return. Come and lie down.
She supported Jessica to the bedroom to lie down. Are
you sure you are okay?
Jessica thought her head was going to split into two. Her
vision was no longer alright. And she felt chilly to the
bones. If James came to look for her, who was that she
had been with for the past two months and?
She shook her head and decided that it wasnt James
looking for her, she had been with him. He was at home,
in their new house, waiting for her right now. There must

be a rational explanation for this. Call him, she told

Regina. Tell him am around. I want to know who this
man is.
Regina nodded. Let me get my phone, she left,
returning two minutes later. I have called him. You dont
look okay to me. She sat with Jessica. Should I get you
a glass of water?
Jessica shook her head. No. I need to sort things out.
Then she remembered her old phone. Please call my
Regina called it. It is switched off, she reported.
Jessica was going out of her mind with worrying and
trying out hundreds of hypothesis on what must have
happened, why someone who claimed to be her
husband was looking for her, when a knock sounded at
the door.
He must be the one, Regina said, jumping to her feet to
get the door.
Jessica braced herself for whatever would come through
the entrance. She hoped she could laugh at it or sort it
out quickly. She got up and went to the sitting room.

James walked in through the door, peering at her

through his thick glasses. Jessica swooned and
crumbled to the floor.

Chapter 8
She came to few minutes later but almost fainted again
when she saw James. Her husband was holding her in
his arms and Regina was dabbing her forehead with cold
water. She was lying on her bed.
Darling, are you not happy to see me? James asked
worriedly. I thought you wanted to see me. I came like I
Jessica kept shaking her head, tears coursing down the
sides of her face. Then she thought of something.
Maybe Im crazy. Maybe they are not true. I must have
dreamt everything up, she clutched Jamess shirt collar,
her eyes wild. You are a doctor. There must be a


condition that makes one see things that are not true.
Like if am dreaming and thinking it is real.
Yes, he agreed with her. But I need to know what you
are talking about.
I have been living with you for the past two months, she
told him.
What are you talking about? Youve not been in your
house. I have not heard from you for a while. I was out
of my mind with worry. I thought you dumped me. I came
here to know what the hell was going on.
Jessica kept shaking her head. You came here two
months ago and we went to Lagos together, then we
came back and lodged in a hotel and you bought me a
house and a car.
James seemed baffled. Then, his eyes deemed with
realisation. Maybe you need to see a professional. Or
have you missed me so much that you conjured me up?
he smiled at her.
She tried to smile back but failed. Then she flew out of
the bed. I came here with the car you bought for me. It


is outside. It is a brand new Mercedes. She ran to the

door, James and Regina followed her.
She wished she wouldnt see the car there and she
would gladly seek medical help, but the magnificent
black Mercedes was there before the house, gleaming in
the sun.
Jessica threw herself on the ground and wailed, You
bought that car for me! I wasnt dreaming. I am not mad.
The car is right there.
James picked her up and took her inside, Regina
followed, speechless.
Inside the room, James rocked Jessica in his arms. She
was sitting on his laps. Tell me everything. He told her
gently. What did I look like? I mean this man that was
me. What are things you can tell me about him?
He looks like you but didnt wear glasses, she halted to
remember more. His hands on her body and him inside
her kept popping up to her vision. He is more muscular.
Nothing different?
He had a birthmark.
A birthmark?

On his thigh, here, she pointed at here thigh. It looked

like a half moon. She stopped because Jamess hold on
her tightened. He clenched his teeth and his eyes bulged
Its not true.
Jessica looked at him, her brow creased. What?
James looked at Regina. Please, excuse us for a
Regina nodded and left.
What is it? Jessica asked him again when her
neighbour had left.
James sighed deeply. He looked at Jessica with so much
sorrow that she panicked. You just described my
brother, he told her. My twin brother, Caesar.
Why?! Jessica jumped to her feet. How could it be
possible? How did he find me?
I dont know, James roared with sorrow. I dont know
because he is dead.
No! she hit him with her balled fists, hit him hard on the
chest. He cant be dead. He is there in our house waiting
for me.

That was why I travelled to see my parents. Remember

I told you we had a family emergency. My parents called
me and told me my twin brother was killed in
Jessica suddenly remembered the other Jamess army
combat shorts and singlet. Oh no! I slept with a ghost.
James held her hand. Dont rush to conclusion. We
didnt get his body. It was a bomb attack. It may be he is
still alive. That he never died in Afghanistan. Maybe he
ran away from the army or staged his own death and
came here and stole my wife. James was visibly shaking
with anger. He had always been like that since we were
kids. Always taking the best by force. I grew up in his
shadow, he got all the girls and everyone adored him.
He was the adorable twin. I never hated him but we were
never close. Now, he has stage his own death and steal
my wife. Why didnt he get his own? Where is he?
In the house he bought for me. We were to leave for
Brazil soon.
Not on his life. He is not going to steal you from me.
James held Jessicas hand. Take me to him.

Jessica was glad she didnt sleep with a ghost but was
sad that he wasnt her husband, because she truly had
fallen madly in love with him. She hated him lying to her,
but she couldnt get out of her head the marvellous way
he made love to her. He gave her what she never had: a
true feeling of love.
She drove the car while James rode shotgun. They
arrived at the new house, Jessica parked outside the
compound, her heart beating fast as she led James in.
She wondered what she would do. Whom would she go
with? She was married to James but loved with Caesar.
They arrived at the house and she parked the car and
led James inside the compound. She opened the front
door and walked in, James followed. Maybe he is in the
bedroom. She told him leading the way to that side of
the house.
She opened the door and there was Caesar lying on the
bed. He smiled up at her when she entered and her heart
tore into two. There he is. She made way for James to


enter and waited for the fur to fly, for James to maybe
pounce on his brother.
There is no one there, James told her.
She glared at him, looking back at the bed where Caesar
was looking at James and then returning his gaze to her.
He is right there on the bed, she shouted at James, her
heartbeat rising.
James shook his head sadly. There is no one there.
Jessica looked back on the bed and there was no one

Chapter 9
Jessica was lying down in bed and snivelling. She had
cried out all her tears and felt dry and emptied inside. But
she still wanted to continue crying, besides, her nostrils
were already blocked. Her eyes were swollen and she
was really ill.
Youve got to take some medicine, James told her
again. You have a fever coming on.

She shook her head. I want to die.

Why? he was lying behind her, trying to comfort her
since she discovered that Caesar wasnt real.
I made love to a ghost. I slept with a ghost for weeks
and you think nothing is wrong?
He is not real. It doesnt mean anything. I am your
husband. Come back to me.
This house is real enough. The car is real enough. She
shook her head. I dont understand why he did what he
did. He said he would love me forever and made me
promise the same.
James pulled her into him. He lied to you. I love you. I
have waited so long to feel you in my arms; to touch you.
And make love to you.
Jessica felt cold towards James. All that happened had
affected her desire for him. Caesar had altered her
feelings, changed her somehow. Though both men
resembled each other, but there was something
different, Caesar had something James didnt possess.
Maybe because he was a ghost, like a fantasy.


You need to eat. James left the bed. I will call Regina.
She would know what to do to help.
I said I want to die, she repeated.
I wont let you die. He walked towards the door, and out
in the parlour. She heard him faintly talking with Regina
over the phone.
He returned to the bedroom. She will be here soon with
your drugs and food.
He cooked for me, Jessica whispered.
James leaned over her to hear her better. What?
I said Caesar cooked for me, she reiterated louder.
James sighed, sitting beside her on the bed. I am a
hopeless cook. I could burn down your kitchen if I should
boil an egg. He laughed, expecting to lighten her mood.
But I will learn to cook to please you. Maybe cook one
of your cultural meals. What do you say? You can start
by teaching me.
She didnt look at him.
He placed his hand on her shoulder. Look, honey, come
back to me. Its me James, your husband. Remember
our wedding day, we couldnt wait to see each other, to

touch each other. Remember how we made love on the

webcam. It kept me going. I had to hightail it down here
after seeing my family just to make that real. He swept
his finger across her cheek. I love you so much.
She rested her gaze on him, then reached over to
remove his glasses. He smiled at her. You can keep it
for a while. I have memorised you.
She smiled a bit, the cold band around her heart
releasing gradually. He leaned closer and kissed her.
She allowed him to go on, not returning it. Tasting him.
She couldnt stop her brain comparing the kiss with
Caesars. He deepened the kiss, his hand travelling up
to cup one of her breasts and squeezed it softly.
He withdrew to catch his breath. You taste good. But I
need to go and pick Regina. I will take a taxi so it can
bring us back here. Would it be okay if I leave you alone
for a short while?
She nodded. I want to bathe. She also wanted to know
if Caesar would return. She knew now he was a ghost,
but she wasnt afraid of him. She still wanted to see him
and ask him why he did what he did to her.

James picked up his glasses where she had dropped it

and put it on and walked out after dropping a kiss on her
She waited for Caesar, thinking of what to say when she
saw him again. She would yell at him and banish him
from her life. She would then try and forget him and
devout herself to her true husband. She was lucky that
he didnt run from her or feel abhorred by what she did.
It might be because his upbringing didnt make him
believe in ghost much. James accepted that she met his
brother but his way of processing the information didnt
include making a big deal out of his wife sleeping with
his dead brother. Or living in the house his wife claimed
was bought by the same brother. She also suspected
that James was considering that Jessica was suffering
from some psychological issues. Just like he said that
her love for him might have conjured him in her sub
consciousness, making him real enough to sleep with
him and live with him for weeks.


She felt his presence and turned slowly to look behind

her. Caesar was there, standing and looking down at
her. She sat up glaring at him. Why did you do it? Why
did you deceive me? You were dead and not my
He walked over to her and sat beside her. James was
my twin. I felt you through him after I left this life. I was
drawn to you and loved you at first sight. Pretending to
be James was the only way I could get to you. I am sorry
if I hurt you but I would do it all over again to be with you.
he reached over and touched her, placing his hand on
her chin and lifted her face to look at him. I love you. he
kissed her.
Jessicas heart was beating wildly until it hurt. She didnt
care if he was dead. She wanted him. She kissed him
back. They kissed for a while.
Im going to make love to you, he said hoarsely. I need
She nodded, speechless.


He pushed her down on the bed gently and climbed on

her. They fondled each other. He undressed her and
undressed too.
She opened up for him, receiving him gratefully. She
wept as he made love to her. She wept because he was
He stopped moving inside her and wiped her tears with
the bed sheet. Dont cry.
She looked at him with pain in her eyes. You are dead.
We cant be together for real. I am married to James. I
am leaving with him, for Italy.
Come with me to Brazil. We can live there together like
normal couple.
Im the only one who can see you.
For now. He resumed moving, rotating his hips to screw
in deeper.
She gasped.
He nuzzled her neck. You said you would love me
forever, he whispered. You promised.
She didnt reply.
You promised, he said again, fiercely.

Yes, I did.
He moved faster and stronger inside her sending
titillating sensations to course through her vain, raising
goose bumps on her skin. She shivered as she came.
He continued delving into her core until he came later.
Caesar left before James returned with Regina. He
simply walked into the bathroom and didnt come out
again. Jessica lay satiated in bed.
You look better, James commented as he crossed over
to sit by her on the bed. And you are undressed too.
Regina is in the siting room. She will make you
something to eat. She bought things on her way here.
Im famished, she said with a beam.
Then get ready for a treat. He leaned forward and
dropped a smacking kiss on her mouth. We must have
our honeymoon.
Regina prepared rice and stew and salad. James
brought wine and they all shared it after eating. James
seemed happy with Jessicas improvement. She was
happier and more relaxed. He hoped they would make

love that night. The first real lovemaking between them.

He was still pushing the issue with Caesar to the back of
his mind. He refused to believe that his dead brother
travelled down to this place to live with his wife, buy her
a car and a house. There must be a sane explanation for
it. But what he couldnt rationalise was her knowledge of
Caesars birthmark. She would only know if she had
seen it or heard it mention somehow. Maybe he had
mentioned it to her during the course of their online
conversations. He couldnt remember. Then he had
considered the possibility of his wife experiencing a
psychological problem and decided to consult a
professional about it. But for now, she seemed happy
and well enough to be with.
After dinner, Regina and Jessica cleared the dishes.
While in the kitchen Jessica expected Regina to bring up
the issue of Caesar but she didnt. It appeared her friend
was eager to push the matter away. It clearly scared her.
After meal, Regina hung around for a while and then
decided to leave. There is stew and soup in the fridge,


she explained to Jessica. I got some loaves of bread and

eggs. There are crackers too.
Thank you. Jessica hugged her friend.
I will see you guys soon. She left immediately.
As soon as Regina left, James grabbed Jessica and
smothered her with kisses. I have been spotting a bluesteel hard-on since I saw you naked under the sheets
hours ago. It is a wonder Jessica didnt trip over it while
rushing around. He chuckled.
Jessica didnt return his kisses enthusiastically. Caesar
had satisfied her already. Her mound still throbbed from
his assault. Im tired, she told James, please, let me
rest for a while.
He dropped his hands beside him in disappointment.
Okay. I can wait for a few hours. I have waited for
months. He made an attempt to laugh but didnt see it
Jessica was sorry to see his erection straining his
trousers. She left him there and went to bed after she
changed to her nightie. She fell into a deep sleep
immediately she touched the bed.

She woke up in the middle of the night and was shocked

to see Caesar lying beside her in the dim light that
streamed from the security light outside. James slept
soundly on the other side with his back to her. Caesar
encircled her in his powerful arms and squeezed her into
him. She sighed, snuggling closer. He kissed the top of
her head then slid down to meet her face to face and
they continued kissing.
He slipped her flimsy nighty over her head and dropped
it on the floor, then rubbed her naked breasts. She
sighed, closing her eyes.
He spread her legs and took her with such intensity that
she shuddered and moaned out loud before she could
stop herself. He steadily rode her into frenzy. She held
on to him rocking her hips in rhythm with his movement.
They climaxed together. He kissed her thoroughly. I love
you so much. You are what I missed in life. I cant let you
go now.
She kissed him, her heart expanding with love for him. I
love you too.

James stirred. Im leaving. Caesar rolled off her and left

in a flash.
Jessica fell into a dreamless sleep. She woke up next
morning with the feeling of wetness around her nipples.
She opened her eyes and stared at the crown of Jamess
head on her chest. He was sucking at her oranges.
What are you doing? she asked him.
He lifted his head and smiled at her. Waking you up. He
moved, positioning his waist in between her legs and his
hand slipping in to guide himself in.
She stopped him quickly. No. Stop.
He looked at her puzzled. Why? I am your husband. We
are married. Weve been looking forward to this day,
when we will be together.
She moved away from him. I know. But a lot have
happened since then.
I know, he pulled her closer. But it doesnt matter. We
are still married. I still love you.
I slept with your brother.


He is dead. He doesnt exist in the real sense of it. he

held her and kissed her on the lips. I am James, you
love. Forget him.
She pushed him away. No! jumping down from the bed,
she ran into the bathroom, locking the door. James
sighed tiredly, rubbing at is forehead. He left for the
kitchen and made simple breakfast of tea and bread,
piling a plate high with crackers and another with bread.
He brought it back to the bedroom, his wife was still in
the bathroom. Breakfast is here, he called to her.
She didnt answer.
He hoped she was okay. He left the tray on a dinette,
walked to the bathroom door and knocked. Are you
He heard her sniffle and knew she was crying. What do
you want me to do? he asked her. Hed do anything to
save her from this situation she found herself in. If he
hadnt married her she wouldnt have encountered his
brother. He brought Caesar upon her. Caesar had
always been a thorn in his side. He was glad when he
naturalised in another country far away from home. He

still remembered those days, during their teenage years,

Jamess girls would always prefer Caesar. One girl he
had chased for months actually came to his house on
the pretence of visiting him only to ogle at his twin
brother all day. Caesar had no shirt on and had begun
working out then, his body fully developed, a far cry from
Jamess scrawny look. It was part of the reason James
started working out religiously after he left school. He
was tired of people telling him how macho his brother
Caesar made him feel inferior and made no bones in
frolicking with his brothers girls who threw themselves
at him. Now, even in death he took his woman.
James sighed, anger filling up his lungs and spurting bile
into his mouth. He must destroy the hold he had on
Jessica even if it meant him digging his grave up and
burning his corpse like it was done in all those horror
movies. But the thing was, there was no corpse to dig
up. A missile took care of that in faraway Afghanistan.
James waited for a while for Jessica to make her
appearance and when she finally did, her eyes were

swollen and reddish. He allowed her to sit on her own on

the other side of the bed. He would do all he could but
accepting him back was totally left to her. She must
reach out to him too. Open up her heart to him like
Do you want breakfast? he asked her.
She shook her head.
He took back the tray to the kitchen and had his
breakfast there. He brought out a book from his bag and
began to read.

Chapter 10
Three days they lived together in the new house like two
strangers playing house. She hardly talked with him and
only listened half-heatedly when he did the non-stop
monologue. On the third day, she became increasingly
morose, lashing out at him without warning.


He had come out of the bathroom after a warm shower.

He towelled dry, rubbing at his head longer to mop up
wetness from it.
Are you going out? she asked him from where she lay
in bed.
No, he replied.
Why dont you ever go out? she shouted at him. You
dont have to be indoors shadowing me.
He was stunned. I am not shadowing you. I want to be
around you. Besides, there is no place to go to without
you with me.
She swept him a dagger-look and sulked. When are you
returning to Italy?
Next week, and you are coming with me. I have spoken
with a friend at the Embassy and he is willing to help.
She jumped to her feet. I am not going anywhere with
you. I want to remain here. She tore out of the room
slamming the door behind her. He followed her to the
visitors room. She was standing by the window, staring
out of it, her arms folded across her chest.
Go away, she snapped. I want to be alone.

He obeyed her wish and went back to the bedroom to

dress up.
Jessica sighed as soon as James left and she began to
cry. A soft mewling sound emitting from deep inside her
as her shoulders shook. She felt that bad because she
had not seen Caesar for days. She blamed it on James.
His presence was driving his brother and her lover away.
She knew she was irrational regarding her feelings but
she couldnt control it. Caesar was like her battery.
Nothing made meaning to her without him. All she
wanted was to be with him and in his arms. She was
badly addicted to him and didnt wish to be cured.
James continual presence meant he could possibly
break Caesars hold on her. He was her husband and
legally had every right to her. She couldnt bear giving
her body to him when all she yearned for was Caesar.
She wanted his hands on her body and him inside her.
Thinking of him hurt her heart so badly. She wondered
where he was and if she would see him again. Had he
gone forever? To where the dead go to? She prayed that
he would return. She would go with him anywhere he

wanted. Like Brazil. As long as she was with him, she

could be happy.
Lashing out at James this morning was her way of
fighting her pain. She needed to get James out of the
house so that Caesar could return.
She hardly ate that day as she planned how to remove
James. She even thought of killing him. She quickly
banished that thought from of her mind. She couldnt kill
anybody. But she must get him out. Maybe, she would
leave the house and hole up somewhere.
She went back into the room and packed a bag.
Where are you going to? James asked her curiously.
She shouldered the bag. Im moving into a hotel.
I need to be alone.
James held her hand. Why are you acting crazy? For a
dead man?
She turned and slapped him. Leave me alone. Her eyes
were wild as if possessed.
James was stunned. What are you doing? You are not
you. He is controlling you. he reached out and wrapped

her struggling form in a tight embrace. Please stay with

me. I need you.
She calmed down, looked up at him. I love him, she
whispered. He made me fall in love with him. I told him
I loved him over and over again.
But you were deceived. You thought he was me.
She straightened away from him. I suspected there were
some things different. But even now that I know he is not
you, I still cant resist him. He wants me to go to Brazil
with him.
He is a ghost! He is dead! James shouted at her.
I know, she shouted back. I know. But no one would
know over there.
She pushed him away and ran out of the house. She ran
blindly into her car and almost ran down James when he
came after her. He watched her drive off.
She checked into the hotel she had lodged with Caesar
before, paying with her ATM card. She entered her room
and locked the door. She lay on the bed and closed her
eyes, waiting. She knew he would come. She had done
what he wanted her to do, to be alone where he could

find her. He didnt tell her this but she somehow knew
what he wanted her to do. It was weird but she didnt
She dozed a little and when she woke, he was there
beside her, looking into her face. She threw her arms
around his neck crying happily. You are here.
He grinned at her. Yes, I am. He claimed her mouth in
an all-consuming kiss. They kissed for a very long, long
She dragged her mouth from his later. I need you, she
cried. I need you badly.
I need you more, he growled.
She separated from him to tear her clothes off her body.
He undressed too and they fell on the bed entwined and
rolling around like two snakes. He separated his mouth
from hers to rain kisses all over her body. You are
beautiful, perfect, sweet, he murmured in between
kisses. She writhed, running her hands through his soft
curly hair and the length of his back.
He planted his hips between her thighs, fisted his
erection and took her. She moaned, quivering as she

held tight to him. He took her through waves of

ecstasies, loving her skilfully. I love you, he groaned.
I love you too, she sighed.
And ever.
They spent all day in bed, he only went out to get her
food and toiletries. They stayed together for days while
he made plans for their migration to Brazil.
We will be happy there, he told her.
I know. She snuggled into him, as he spooned her soft
figure with his hard one.
I will marry you properly.
She nodded.
We can have children too.
She turned to look at him. I didnt know ghosts have
Im not a ghost, he replied. Im not dead.
She was confused. But James said his brother died in


I know. But I am not dead as he thinks. But I am not

human either. So, I can have children. Hope you still love
She smiled at him. I dont care what you are. I love you
so much. I will go anywhere with you. Even hell.
He held her tightly, his face wrought with emotion. You
will go to hell with me?
She smiled. That figure of speech must have gotten him
all torn up inside, she thought. I will go there with you.
He enfolded her in an embrace. She would have heard
his heart beating if he were human. But all she felt was
heat. He made love to her again. This time she thought
she was going to really die.

Chapter 11
James contacted Jessicas sister in Ghana. He
explained to her that he was Jessicas husband and she
was missing.

Felecia, Jessicas sister, was agitated. She promised to

be in Nigeria the next day. He went with Regina to the
airport to receive her.
Back at the house, Felecia was distraught. I dont know
what to say to this. She had Jessicas pictures in her
hands and her sisters other personal effects scattered
on the floor near her feet. I dont understand. Her phone
is off. For a week? she cried, tears dripping down her
face. Who is this guy she is with?
James didnt know how to explain it to her. Regina was
in the kitchen. I dont know how you would take this. But
after I married Jessica over the internet, I came here
more than a couple of months later only for her to tell me
she had been living with a man that looked like me. She
thought the guy was me.
Felecia dropped the photos in shock and clapped her
hands over her open mouth. What?! Who was he?
James shook his head. I dont know. She described
someone who looked like my brother. He had died few
months back.


Felecia jumped to her feet. My God. In my own family?

she cried.
James didnt comprehend her.
She cast a piercing look at him. I know of such thing. I
run a prayer institute in Ghana. I have come across
different beings in the course of my work. Spirit
husbands, demons, half-deads. But I have never
encountered a fallen angel.
What do you mean by a fallen angel?
The angels cast out from heaven. They come to earth,
take up bodies and live among men. They enthral
whichever woman they choose and own them. These
women marry them, live with them forever and have
children for them. And when Arch Angels catch up with
them, they are cast into hell, and most times they drag
their family with them. If we dont rescue Jessica, she
would die a horrible death one day when caught up in
the crossfire.
My God! James was trembling. So, he is not my
No, he is putting on your brothers body.

James broke down and wept. Poor Caesar.

Then he had to sober up. How do we find her?
Where were they headed? Felecia asked him.
He is taking her to Brazil. Jessica told me.
Felecia frowned. The headquarters of two third of the
universes deleterious spirits, he would easily melt into
the crowd and live like any normal human being.
We must stake out Brazil bound flights, James cried.
We can catch them at the airport.
Felecia agreed. I will call a police relation. That is the
only way we can stop Jessica from leaving. But we must
do that before she enters the airport lobby.
James nodded. Yes, any international airport is a no
mans land. The police cant arrest her inside it.
The police relative, when contacted,

helped to

incorporate into their plan a stop and search police team

who were stationed before the airport gate and armed
with Jessicas photo.
It took two days to find Jessica. She was at the back of
a cab when she was stopped. As she was arrested, she

kept calling out to an invisible man only she could see.

The police were convinced something was definitely
wrong with Jessica. But the taxi driver believed she had
entered his cab with a man an hour ago. He wondered
where the man had gone to. But he kept his mouth shut
and drove home, not wanting to get involved in police
case. He had a family to feed.
Jessica was bailed from of the police station hours later
by her husband and sister. Though she was glad to see
her sister, she refused to talk to James.
Back at home, her sister sat her down and talked sense
into her head. Jessica, you are been used by a powerful
demon, she told her plainly. He will destroy you.
Please dont go there, Jessica snapped at her. She had
changed from the sweet sister Felecia used to know. It
must be the effect of the encounter. You dont hang out
with demons and not get changed.
Jessica got up. I need to rest. She went into the room
and lay down.


For days, James tried to get his wife to talk to him

normally, while Felecia prayed and did other spiritual
things to break the bond between Jessica and the fallen
angel cum spirit husband. She prayed all night, singing
and chanting and lightening strong smelling incenses
from the innards of a fish. She said Angel Raphael used
it to chase away a demon in the bible. She did it in the
sitting room while Jessica slept alone in the masters
bedroom. James managed one of the guest bedrooms.
As the days progressed and Felecia was concluding her
prayer session, Jessica got better. Today, she allowed
James to sit with her this evening and they talked for a
while. That night, he slept in the bedroom with her.

Chapter 12
Jessica had preferred sleeping alone because she
longed for Caesars visit. But he only came to her in her
dreams now, not physically the way he used to do. He

was fading away from her. She tried to call him to her but
he only came in snatches in her dreams and hardly
spoke with her. He merely appeared, make love to her
and vanished quickly as if being chased.
But now, she felt sorry for James. He had been so nice
to her and patience. It showed that he truly loved her. He
was never angry with her and tried to help her. He said
he would never leave her. She talked with him today.
I am glad you are better, he said, relief overwhelming
She truly felt healthier and lighter. I dont know about
that. I wasnt ill.
He sighed. Id like to spend the night here with you. I
want to be near you.
She agreed. He went to the room he was using and
brought his bag. He had his bath and joined her in bed.
He reached over to touch her but she pushed him away
gently. Im sorry. I am tired. He let her be, turning to the
other side and slept off later.


She slept naked, expecting to dream of Caesar. He

came as usual, kissed her briefly and entered her fast.
She panted heavily, crying out intermittently as he
rammed into her.
Are you okay? Jamess voice made her open her eyes.
He had snapped on the light and was staring down at
Remember you will love me forever. She heard Caesar
whisper from the residue of her dream before vanishing
and before she could come, leaving her extremely
aroused and needing him still.
She nodded. He left.
All the while, James was staring down at her wide open
legs, his mouth hanging open. What are you doing? He
asked her. You said you were tired. I was lying near
She pulled herself together covering her nakedness with
the blanket and said nothing.
James climbed the bed again coming over to straddle
her. Touch me. He seized her hand and pressed it on


his stiffness. I need you badly. I am your husband, dont

refuse me.
Jessica wanted to refuse him but Caesar had awakened
her yen. She looked at James, he was really her legal
husband. She had married him because she loved him.
She smiled at him. Okay.
He sighed with relief and tossed off his pyjamas. He
wasnt wearing his glasses and so looked more like
Caesar. His erection stood out strong and veiny. He
climbed on top of her and claimed her mouth in a hungry
kiss. She kissed him back, rubbing herself against him,
her breasts against his feverish chest. He gathered the
globes in his hands and caressed them with his tongue,
licking and sucking them enthusiastically. I love these,
they are so suckable, he gushed.
After ministering to her breasts he moved down to the
mound between her legs and delved into it with his
tongue. He sucked and tweaked her clit. Jessica
He lifted his head and slid back on top of her his mouth
to hers. You love that?

Yes, she whispered.

I can give you more. he went back to her love nest and
perused it until she groaned louder and squirming under
his touch, her body trembling, beset with overpowering
emotions and she threw her legs open wider.
He finally came up and adjusted his hips between her
legs, screwing the head of his penis to her pink opening,
teasing it, rubbing and sliding up and down.
Jessica bucked under him, then when she couldnt take
it anymore she pulled him down. Please take me.
He smiled at her and entered her, sheathing himself
completely. He made love to her fast and furiously,
Jessica cried into the ceiling. She was reliving her
moments with Caesar. The bed shook as he rode her
hard, pounding into her with such ferocity that she
imagined she was going to burst open.
When he spilled his seed into her she was sweating and
I love you, he told her.
I love you too, she replied.


Instantly, a gust of wild wind blew from nowhere violently

through the room. The electricity trembled and went off.
The lampstand crashed to the floor and the painting
hanging on the wall fell. Jessica screamed in alarm.
Is it a storm? James asked, rattled. Are the windows
He checked both windows, there were shut. That clearly
baffled him. What just happened?
Jessica shook her head. But she knew it was Caesar.
She had just confessed her love for James in the throes
of lovemaking and he didnt like it. Caesar was jealous.
She trembled.
James finished putting things back in place and
sweeping up broken glasses, taking them to the dustbin
in the kitchen area. He returned to sit with Jessica on the
bed. She was still shaking. Its okay, he told her
reaching out to hold her.
She shook her head.
I love you, he told her.


She didnt reply. Her body was numb and her heart
mottled in jumbles of confusing thoughts. Caesars
image occupied most of her thoughts and she feared
what he might do to her or his brother. She was now
terrified of Caesar
They were silent for a while. Then James drew her
closer. Come here. This is our first real night together.
We should enjoy it.
She leaned into him for support. He smelled good.
I dont know what to make of these occurrences, he
continued to speak. But if these have to do with the
person that is Caesar now, I wont allow him destroy my
happiness. You are my wife. We love each other very
much. He is interfering in my life, ruining things for me. I
dare him to face me.
He seized Jessica and kissed her thoroughly. She
returned his kiss. I love you, he said to her. Answer me.
Break loose. Untie your heart from him.
She nodded. She could see it now. James was her
husband and true love. Caesar was only using her. What
was she thinking wanting to follow him to Brazil? Was

she serious? What had covered her vision all this while?
She agreed with James, she must work loose the
connection she had to Caesar and face her life with her
husband. Things might go back to the way it was. She
had loved James with all her heart until Caesar
interfered. She smiled up at James. I love you too.
The house shook to its foundation. Felecia ran into their
bedroom carrying a silver bowl of burning incense and
chanting prayers in a strong almost inhuman voice.
Felecia suddenly had a supernatural aura emanating
from her person as she circled the room confronting
Caesar calling him by his true name.
You said you will love me forever! a deep voice
thundered from the walls.
Because I didnt know who you were! James is my
husband. I want to be with him. Jessica screamed back
at the ceiling, angry, scared and bold enough to defy
Go to the pit of hell where your likes belong, Felecia
roared. You disobeyed the sacred law of the almighty.


You are not of this world and the body you are wearing
is not yours. Be gone!
The house trembled and groaned. The voice shrieked in
a horrible bloodcurdling tone.
Felecia brought a pail of holy water and began to spray
it all over the room and other rooms and around the
house. She anointed the house with oil and poured the
rest all over Jessica, some of it slipped into her mouth
and she swallowed them. Be gone! Felecia kept
After a while and fierce spiritual battle, with an
excruciating groan, the voice died away and everything
became death still. He is gone, Felecia whispered with
Jessica fell into Jamess arms, sobbing. I am sorry. I am
really sorry.
He stroked her lovingly. Its okay.
They held on to themselves in a tight embrace. Felecia
left them, closing the door behind her, a triumphant smile
on her tired face.


Caesar never returned. James and Jessica finally had
their honeymoon and moved to Italy after selling the
house and the car.
Over the coast of Onitsha river Niger, Caesar lingered.
He was trapped in that domain, pinned down by other
nefarious forces who didnt want him in their own realm
after his clash with Felecia the Spiritual warrior. He had
just discovered she had the backing of some Seraphim.
He must spend time here until he could be reintegrated.
And while he was here, he should find a wife and
reproduce. Maybe this time, it would work out fine.

The end


If you enjoy this story you would have a feast with other

Naughty Wife novels like KIDNAP ME and JUNGLE

KING, all coming to you on

Authors note

My Ghost Lover is the first of my Naughty Wife novels

in this genre. It is a novel solely crafted for entertainment
and mostly targeted at women. It started with talking with
my friends who were interested in erotic stories but too
busy or shy to go look for ones that suited their tastes,
so I offered to write them one and continued after that. I
did not envisage it to come out this beautiful. For moral
reason I prefer this book not exposed to people under
twenty-one years. This story is meant to put in one or
two zests to a wife/mothers romantic life. It is not easy
to be passionate after a typical womans day, this book
would help, somehow.


Ify-Asia C.
She is a wife, a mother and had worked as a
photographer before becoming a full-time writer. She
has published other books and currently lives in Abuja.

My Ghost Lover

is one of her free e-books in the

Naughty Wife series you can download from her website for free. There are others such as

Kidnap Me, Jungle King and several exciting short

stories like Coming Home, Ruling Class, Little Girl etc.

Excerpts from KIDNAP ME

Chapter 1
Julius stared at the sleeping form of his wife for a long time,
wondering how life would have been without her.
From head to toe, she was unimaginably beautiful. Her skin
glowed in the semi-darkness, her hips curved to perfection. And if
she wasnt backing him, he would be looking at well-endowed
chests and finely sculpted face. He loved her lips the most.


But with all these, Julius still wished his wife dead, or better still,
lost. He wanted and needed a life devoid of her. He had never
known peace and happiness since he married her. And he always
wondered how he missed these deadly qualities he was just
finding out after foolishly getting himself hitched to her.
He had run from pillar to post to solve the problems which were
his wife. He was still searching; looking for solutions and dying
slowly each day he spent with her. He wasnt actually dying
physically, for she would not let him, but his spirit had withered,
shrivelled out.
Maybe he should just reach over now and try strangling her again.
The last time he tried it, he regretted it for weeks. She punished
him thoroughly and he thought God would finally grant him his
wish and take away his miserable life, but that didnt happen. He
lived on, to suffer more in her cruel clutches.
She stirred, sighing in her sleep. Julius quickly dived back on the
bed, closing his eyes tight.
I know you are awake, Venus said softly, her eyes still closed. I
could hear you thinking in my sleep, thinking one of your evil
Julius remained still. She must not know he was awake or he
would be in for a gruelling night.


Venus sat up, opening her beautiful eyes and smiling down at him.
She reached over and smacked his cheek. Get up, she ordered
him gently. Since you are awake, we can have some fun.
Julius was already quaking. He was hungry and tired. If she
handled him again, he wouldnt be able to go to work the next day.
His fashion business was already suffering as it was. The top of
the shelf boutique he opened eight years ago, that steadily drew
classy crowd for five years until he married Venus, then the
success of his businesses suddenly depended on her moods. He
wished to God he never opened that boutique, the reason and
where he met her.
Venus removed her flimsy red nightie. Come, I need it. You made
me horny just by using your brain too much this middle of the
He lay prone.
She got up and straddled him. He opened his eyes and sighed.
Venus, I am tired and hungry.
She opened her eyes wide in shock. Why didnt you eat?
There was no food in the house and I had no money.
She shrugged. Kay, I will get you something to eat later. You
shouldnt have returned late today. I have warned you several
times to always come back early.
The last of my workers left today. I had to run the shop alone.


She shrugged again. Well, if you had been a good husband, I

would have come to the boutique to help you out.
Venus, I am a good husband. I do everything you tell me. Why
dont you have mercy on me and
Her eyes suddenly changed colours, from light brown to stormy
black orbs. What? You want me to leave you again? To divorce
Julius held his breath.
Well, you know I will never leave you. I love you too much. I want
us to have children. Plenty children. I have always wanted them.
Maybe seven girls and a boy. She smiled. Then screamed, but
you dont want to give me children! You are deliberately impotent!
Julius covered her mouth with his palm. Shhh! The neighbours.
You dont want police case again?
She scuffed. Let them go and pick police again that we are
disturbing their peace and they will regret it the way they did the
last time.
Julius shifted a little under her weight. I was the one that suffered
it. The police men let you go and threw me behind counter all
Well, I poisoned the neighbours four Alsatians to revenge your
incarceration. They couldnt prove it.
That was cruel. Whatever the poor dogs did to you.
They disturbed my peace by barking.


When there is an intruder.

She hissed. I dont need mere dogs to protect me. They werent
mine so why should they be barking for me?
Julius shut up. He didnt want to rile her. He hoped she had
forgotten about sex.
She disappointed him. Darling, she purred, I am all wet and
dripping. Can you feel it? she caught hold of his hand and shoved
it under her, in between her legs. Feel it.
He sighed, resigning to fate.
She grabbed his penis and began to work on them, massaging
and sucking it. Against his wish, his thing sprang to life. She
grinned happily, that was the only part of him she really liked a lot.
She lifted herself up, positioned his member at the tip of her
opening, eased it in smoothly and began to ride him, moaning as
she did so.
She was on top of him for thirty minutes flat. He remained hard
while she rocked, climaxing several times in a row. She climbed
off him when she was done, his manhood still stiff.
She padded to the kitchen, still naked, returning a minute later
with a plate of rice and salad and a bottle of chilled Star beer. He
didnt wonder where she got it from. He was used to that. She
could produce whatever dish she wished anytime and could make
the house empty of food too.


She placed the food on a bedside stool and returned to bed. Julius
jumped up immediately to eat but she held him. We are not
through yet. I had just few orgasms. I need more.
Julius shook his head. I am starving. He stubbornly carried the
food and spooned in rice to his mouth and chewed it fast. His
throat constricted when he tried to swallow. He tried several times
to swallow the food but couldnt. Then his chest began to burn. He
looked at his wife. She was glaring at him with squally eyes. He
returned the food to the table and lay back on the bed, his penis
pointing upwards like a long metal water pump.
Wordlessly, Venus climbed on top of him and began to ride him
again. She climaxed thirty minutes later and that was when he
could swallow his food. He ate hungrily, polishing off the plate in
a flash and chasing it down with gulps of his beer, breathing like
he ran a mountain race. She brought more food to him, rubbing
his back as he ate.

Chapter 2
Predictably, Julius was too tired to go to the boutique the next
morning. He groaned as the sun broke through the curtains to
remind him men like him were off to work. Venus slept soundly
beside him. He got up to ease himself, then pad to the parlour. A


flask and cups were on the dining table. Toasted bread and eggs
in a plate sat beside the flask.
When did his wife prepare this meal? He must be too whacked to
notice her doing these things. He sat down and devoured the
breakfast and returned to bed.
When he woke up two hours later around eleven oclock, Venus
was already up and dressed. She was applying her perfume. She
looked stunning in a simple blue gown that hardly reached her
Where are you going to? he asked her.
She turned around, checking herself in the full length mirror. All
of us mustnt be lazy and idle in the house. I have a job interview
to attend.
You didnt tell me that when you were here, all night, fucking me
to oblivion, Julius almost shouted.
She stared at him, her lips curled in amusement. What is eating
you? I thought men love vagina. Better get up and go to work.
Lazy man.
She picked up her bag. Let me not meet you here when I return.
She swished off.
Julius knew she wasnt going to any interview. She must have one
poor man in one corner she was going to torment for the rest of
the day. Julius was supposed to feel jealous, but it wasnt there.


He was rather relieved that he was going to be free of Venus for

a while.
He got up, picked his phone and called his brother, the only
member of his family still talking to him. Venus had stripped him
of almost all his relatives. She never allowed any of them to visit
and never spoke to them. His father died a sad man a year back.
On his dying bed, he lamented the misfortune of his first son. None
of the family members attended Juliuss wedding, because his
wife insisted they do it somewhere abroad. And Julius never
visited home after the wedding, even when his father was gravely
ill. When the old man eventually died, Venus insisted he mustnt
travel for the funeral.
Julius swore he must attend his fathers burial. And that was when
she nearly killed him.
She had glared at him and said. You will not leave this street.
He had decided to travel with his own car. As he was about to
drive out of his street and join the main road, another car from
nowhere rammed into his? Julius ended up with a fractured leg.
He was screaming, telling people helping him out of his car not to
take him home but to a motor park.
I need to see my fathers corpse, he kept shouting. I must attend
my fathers funeral!
He is delirious, one man told another. Shock, I guess.


Take it easy mister, another said. Your father is dead. Thank

God you are alive. Lets take him to the hospital. Somebody, call
his wife.
Dont call my wife! he screamed. I dont want to see her.
Delirious again.
He saw Venus looking down at him. He is my husband, she cried.
Take him to the house. I will call our family doctor immediately.
Julius was carried to the house. When everybody left, she
bandaged his leg by herself and injected him a painkiller. She
used to be a nurse she had told him.
She got a bone doctor later who treated him in the house. Take
me to your hospital, Julius begged the man. Admit me there.
Admit me for months.
There is no need for that, the doctor said and left few minutes
Julius was devastated. He couldnt get across to his village or talk
to his family, his phone was nowhere to be found.
Dont worry, they wont miss you much, Venus told him standing
over him. They always believed you were a bad son since you
married me.
Please I need to see my father before they bury him, Julius
pleaded with her, teas gushing from his eyes.
Dont worry, you can always dig him out and enjoy the sight of his
decomposing body when you are ready. You belong with me. I


want you too much to let you stay away from me even for a
So, with him in bed, his leg in a cast and alleviated, Venus used
him thrice a day.
He was able to use her phone to get across to his brother few days
later. He was the only one that listened to him. You need to find
a way to get away from that woman, he told Julius. That woman
is pure evil.
Now, as he ate breakfast, Julius ran through his mind how he met
Venus and why he had married her in the first place.
Visit if you wish to finish the story.


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