Chapter 4 Study Guide

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Chapter 4 Study Guide

1. According to the success of Poor Richards Almanac, what do we know about
many colonists? __
2. What is the meaning of the proverb A penny saved is a penny earned?
3. What is the meaning of the proverb Early to bed, early to rise makes a man
healthy, wealthy, and wise?
4. What is the meaning of the proverb Fish and visitors smell in three days?
5. To whom were almanacs most useful to?
6. How many colonists lived on farms?
7. What was the colonial economy based on?
8. How did colonists that lived on farms get most of what they needed?
9. Compared to today, how big were colonial cities?
10.Where were most colonial cities located?
11.What was the Magna Carta?
12.What was Parliament?
13.What did the English Bill of Rights list?
14.What does the right to petition give a citizen the right to do?
15.What were the blue laws?
16.Which group was responsible for writing the blue laws?

17.Briefly describe the Salem Witch Trials.

18.In regards to social classes, what was the easiest way to move up the social
ladder? __________
19.How could you tell which social class someone belonged to?
20.Which voyage became known as the Middle Passage?
21.What was the First Great Awaking?
22.What was the main significance of the Great Awakening?
23.Why did the New England colonies have public schools?
24.Why did almost all colonial women get married?
25.How big was the average colonial family?
26.Why did colonial families have so many kids?
27.What was a bee?
28.How did the colonists make work and chores not seem so much like a
burden? ______________

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