Bball Fundraiser Letter 1

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Eagles Basketball
International Leadership of Texas
Boys Basketball Coach Kenny Tyler
Player: _____________________ Grade: ______ November 18thrd, 4:15-5:30
Dear Friend and Supporter of Eagles Basketball:
We, the Eagles basketball team are conducting a Free Throw Shoot-A-Thon on Nov
18th during our Practice time. We are raising funds to use towards improvements
towards our Eagles Basketball programs. Every dollar raised goes towards the ILT
AHS Eagles basketball program.
I would very much appreciate you sponsoring me in this Shoot-A-Thon!
I will shoot 100 free throws. Therefore, your pledge will be the amount you check
below multiplied by the number of free throws I have made out of 100 attempts. If
you prefer, a flat donation can be made instead. Money will be collected by
November 19th .
I will sponsor you for the following amount per Free Throw made:
$____.__ x ______(shots made) = ______(Total Amount given.)
( ) .25
( ) $1.50
( ) .50
( ) $2.00
( ) .75
( ) $2.50
( ) $1.00
( ) $______
I would like to give a flat donation of: ( ) $25 ( ) $50 ( ) $75. ( ) $____
Thank you for your sponsorship during our Free Throw Shoot-A-Thon. We are
looking forward to a tremendous season, and hope to see you at our games!
Thank you so much for supporting our program!
In Hoops,
Coach Kenny Tyler

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