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Student Project: Mathematics formula Booklet update

Motivation of the project:

The Mathematics Formula Booklet in use within the Mathematics Scheme
dates back from previous century and the original source code has long
been lost. A new version is needed.
Project aims and objectives:
The aim of this project is to produce an up-to-date Mathematics notations
and formulae booklet typed in Latex, based on the requirements of our
current Mathematics modules.
Project implementation and cost:
The project would be implemented by two students working in parallel for 100
hours each.
The project will be implemented in the following steps:
1. Identify the (still) relevant content from the current booklet
2. Edit this content into Latex to obtain Version 0 of the new one.
3. Circulate Version 0 to the members of the Mathematics team for
4. Mathematics Team indicates other useful formulae relevant to the new
module specs
5. Students implement the new formulae and Version 1 is produced
6. The Mathematics Team checks and approves Version 1
7. This is made available to all Maths students in electronic form
8. 70 hard copies are produced for use in exams
Cost: 1600 for the students + 200 for printing 70 copies.
1. Students get access to a high quality and modern booklet to use for
their studies.
2. Students engage in producing their own teaching resources.
People involved:
Project coordinator:
Ovidiu Bagdasar will provide the Latex template for the new booklet.
He will invite and then select the students engaged with the project.
Provide Tex support and guidance for the students involved.
The Mathematics Team will check drafts, suggest improvements and approve the
final document.

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