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Northwest Nuggets Basketball 2015-2016

Grades 3rd - 8th

Welcome to Nuggets basketball! We are excited you are choosing to have your son be part of
our program. We are committed to fostering an enthusiastic and competitive basketball season
through the teaching of fundamental skills and team play.
Potential Schedule:
The first part of the season would involve being part of the Viking Fundamental League. This
league would consist of four Saturday mornings in November and December where the high
school coaching staff and players will take Nugget players through 60 minutes of fundamental
stations and 30 minutes of 3 on 3 with high school players coaching the teams.
Grades 3-6 Nugget teams in grades 3-6 would be created the first week of December and
coaches could start practices to get ready for tournaments after January 1. The Nuggets teams
would participate in four tournaments. The coach should get parents the information of the
tournaments ASAP so parents can plan accordingly. If a team participates in more than four
tournaments then the funding for the extra tournaments will be the Coachs responsibility.
Grades 7-8 Nugget teams in grades 7-8 would be created the first week of November. The
Nugget teams would participate in six tournaments. The coach should get parents the
information of the tournaments ASAP so parents can plan accordingly. If a team participates in
more than six tournaments then the funding for the extra tournaments will be the Coachs
What we ask of Parents? Always encourage and support hard work, disciplined play and good
sportsmanship. Our players will be asked to focus on controlling their effort, actions and
attitudes in all practices and games. We ask the same of parents and their families. Please model
appropriate behavior toward all players, coaches, officials and spectators.
Cost: $75 for grades 3-6. $115 for grades 7-8. This fee will go toward all tournament entries.
Uniforms: Nugget reversible jersey tops are provided for the players. Jerseys are to be turned
in at the end of the season. We are missing quite a few Nugget jerseys so if you have a jersey
from last year, please return the jersey for our inventory. Thank you!
Northwest Basketball Game Pass: Each Northwest Nugget player gets in free to Northwest
High School basketball home games just wear your Nugget T-shirt which is provided by the
Nuggets program. Players can keep the T-shirt.
If you have any questions you can contact Northwest Basketball Coach :
Ryan Rathke
Derek Runzie

Northwest Nuggets Basketball 2015-2016

Grades 3rd - 8th
Registration Form
Return Form by November 16th
Please fill out this registration form and return the form and the fee to Northwest High School.
Fees are $75 for grades 3-6 and $115 for grades 7-8. Please make checks payable to Northwest.
You may drop the form off at the athletic office or you may mail the form to :
Northwest High School
Boys Basketball 2710 N. North Road
Grand Island, NE 68803

Grade ___________

School Now Attending ____________________________________________________

T-shirt Size




Parents Names ________________________________________________________

Mailing Address (include zip code)
Phone #s _________________________________________________
E-mail Address _________________________________________________________
Willing to Coach a team




Willing to help Coach a team




Willing to help with practices




Please put comments and/or concerns on the back of the form. Thank You!

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