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Sexual an

d Asexual
EQ: How d
o organism


What is

0The survival of any species

depends on the ability to reproduce.

0Reproduction lets genetic

information(DNA) be passed on to
new organisms.

0There are two types of

0Asexual reproduction
0Sexual reproduction

How do organisms reproduce asexually?

0 Most single-celled organisms and some

multicellular organisms reproduce asexually.

0Asexual reproduction is when one

organism produces one or more new

organisms that are identical to itself.
0The organism that produces the new organism

is called a parent, and every new organism is

called the offspring.

0The parent passes on all of its genetic

information to is offspring; Offspring

created asexually are genetically
identical to their parent.

What are the different types

of asexual reproduction?
0There are four types of asexual

1. Binary fission
2. Budding
3. Spores
4. Vegetative Reproduction

What are the different types of

asexual reproduction?

0Binary Fission: the form

of asexual reproduction in
0During binary fission,

the parent organism

splits into two new
0The new cells are

exactly like the parent


What are the different types

of asexual
0 Budding:
during this reproduction?
reproduction, an organism
develops tiny buds on its
0 A bud grows until it forms a

new full-sized organism that is

genetically identical to the

0Eukaryotes such as

single-celled yeasts and

multicellular hydras
reproduce by budding

What are the different types of

asexual reproduction?
0 Spores: a spore is a specialized cell

that can survive harsh conditions.

0This organism is light and

can be carried by the wind.

0Both prokaryotes and
eukaryotes can form
0In the right conditions, a
spore develops into an
organism, such as a

What are the different types of asexual



Reproduction: During
this type of asexual
reproduction new plants
may grow from stems,
roots, or leaves that
will eventually drop off
the plant and grow on
their own.
0The offspring is

genetically identical to

What is sexual

0Most multicellular organisms can

reproduce sexually.
Sexual reproduction: The
reproductive process that involves two
parents who combine their genetic
material to produce a new organism,
which differs from both parents.
Half the genes in the offspring come
from each parent. So, the offspring
are not identical to either parent

0During fertilization you have one parent

that is a male and the other is female.

Males produce sex cells called sperm
Females produce sex cells called eggs.
When a sperm cell and an egg join

together this process is called


When an egg is fertilized by a sperm

cell, a new cell is formed call a zygote.

Advantages of Asexual
0Asexual reproduction has many

An organism can reproduce very
Offspring are identical to parent, so
this ensures that any favorable traits
of the parent is passed on to the
Parent organism does not need a
partner to reproduce.

Advantages of Sexual
0Some advantages of sexual

reproduction includes:
Increase in genetic variation.
Offspring have different traits that

improve the chance that at least

some offspring will survive.
(especially during environment
More likely to survive

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