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Teacher Candidate: Sara Saurazas

Cooperating Teacher: Dr. Varano

Group Size: 24
Allotted Time: 45 minutes
Subject or Topic: The Changing Seasons

Date: 10/13/15
Coop. Initials: ________________
Grade Level: 1st
Section: _____________________

STANDARD: (PA Common Core):

4.1.1.E: Describe the seasons and describe how the change of the season
affects living things.
I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes)
A. Students will be able to demonstrate their knowledge of the characteristics of the seasons by creating
collages depicting things associated with each season.
B. Students will apply their knowledge of seasons by dressing a stuffed animal appropriately according to
seasons and weather differences.
II. Instructional Materials
6 sheets of poster paper
6 glue sticks
Several magazines and catalogs
Chart paper
Several pairs of scissors
Access to YouTube link:
Access to smart board
Several articles of baby clothing for various weather conditions
4 teddy bears
III. Subject Matter/ Content
A. Prerequisite skills:
1. Students need a basic understanding of the four seasons.
2. Students need basic skills in working with a cooperative group.
B. Key Vocabulary:
1. Seasons: each of the four divisions of the year
C. Big Idea:
1. The weather changes throughout the year; this affects our daily lives in many different ways.
D. New Content:
1. The weather changes as the seasons change
2. Daylight changes with the seasons
A. This affects the ways we live in many ways
a. the ways we dress
b. the activities we do
IV. Implementation
A. Introduction
1. Show YouTube video of season song (
2. Ask for a volunteer to tell what they think today's lesson is going to be all about (seasons)
3. Explain that we will be looking at the different seasons and how the change in the weather during
those times affects the way we live

B. Development
1. Divide the students into groups of four and have them go to their group work stations
2. Ask for a volunteers to tell you the four different seasons
3. Write the four seasons on the board for the class to refer to
4. Explain that the students will be creating
5. Collage of the seasons. Explain that they will have to divide their poster paper into four sections,
model how this will be done on the board.
6. Explain to the students that each section will be one of the four seasons
7. Explain that they need to work as a team and look through magazines and catalogs to find pictures
that represent each season and be able to explain why they chose that image
8. Give the example that if they find a picture of someone wearing a heavy coat that that picture can
go into winter.
9. Tell the students to consider what activities we do in each season, what we wear, what the weather
is like, etc.
10. Hand out the supplies and instruct the students to begin working.
11. Walk around the class and observe and offer support where needed.
12. After the students have finished have them gather at the rug in their groups with their collages.
13. On a piece of chart paper, in four equal sections have the four seasons listed
14. Begin by selecting a season to start with (preferably the current season) have students volunteer to
show their collage for that season and share some ideas about each season that they came up with.
15. Write the ideas that are shared under the correct season.
16. Continue the discussion taking volunteers and adding things to the class chart. Discuss things such
as the types of weather we see during each season and how that weather affects the way we dress
and the activities we do in each of those types of weather, keep adding to the chart until the chart
is complete.
17. Using the smart board complete the season interactive as a class :
18. After the interactive activity is finished, divide the class into 4 groups of 6.
19. Explain that they will be playing a game
20. Explain that each team will be given a pile of baby clothes and a teddy bear.
21. The teacher will call out a season and the teams must work together to quickly dress their bear in
clothing that is appropriate for that season. Once the team has dressed their bear, one member of
the team must walk their bear to a chair at the middle of the rug and place their bear on the chair
22. The teacher will then determine if the group successfully dressed the bear according to the weather
of the season called out.
23. Do this for a few more rounds, adding in differing conditions for example: spring, winter, fall,
summer, a rainy summer day, a windy fall day, a snowy winter day, a sunny winter day, etc.)
C. Closure
1. Tell the students to discuss with a partner the 3 W's of today's lesson and have volunteers share
their thoughts with the class (3w's = WHAT did we learn today, SO WHAT, why this is important
to me, NOW WHAT, how does this fit into what we are learning, can we predict what we will
learn next?)
D. Accommodations / Differentiation 1. Finn, a student with autism, will be provided the ability to work with his usual class work buddy
In his grouping for the activities in this lesson. Finn will have preferred seating at the front of the
rug by the teacher where he will better stay on task, Finn will also be able to act as "teachers
helper" at the rug since he response well to direct attention from the adults In the classroom.
E. Assessment/Evaluation plan
1. Formative - The collages will be evaluated based on a rating scale (see below) where a
score of 3 or 4 will be considered mastery.
Rating scale:
1 - Collage is messy, there are only one or two pictures per season or the pictures In each
season do not fit logically.
2- Collage is somewhat messy, only 3 pictures per season are present only half of the
pictures make sense in their season

3- Collage is neat 3-5 pictures are under each season, all pictures make sense in their
4 - Collage is neat more than 5 pictures for each category are present, all pictures make
sense under their season.
Informal observations will also be done to gauge the level of participation from each
student in their groups as well as their discussions in their groups
2. Summative - there is no summative assessment for this lesson
V. Reflective Response
A. Report of Students Performance in Terms of States Objectives

B. Personal Reflection
Did the teddy bear game go smoothly, or did it become out of hand and unorganized?

How were my classroom management skills? Do I need to work on anything?

VI. Resources

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