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Standard 5: Impact on Student Learning

Physical education candidates use assessments and reflection to

foster student learning and inform decisions about instruction.

Physical educators must hold their student to a standard for their learning when it
comes to assessment. Every assessment must be appropriate for age, stage, and
developmental level. The physical educator must select or even create an appropriate
assessment that will measure each of his or her students achievement of goals and of
their objectives. The assessment must reflect what the student has learned in the
lesson. Assessment shouldnt just be used for a grade, but to see improvement in the
students ability level, thus assessments should be done before, during and after to see
how much improvement that student has gained and to see if the objectives set are
being met. A physical educator should also use the results to evaluate his or herself on
whether the lessons being presented are effective or not.
Physical educators should evaluate their students on the three domains;
cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains through a variety of assessments.
Physical educators should use the reflective cycle to implement change in their
performance, student learning, and instructional goals and decisions. This should then
help the physical educator adjust for future classes.

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