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Denise Aguilar

Midterm Project Part 1: Message and Media

Ad 1: The Choice pro Obama

The political ad The Choice was advertised by President Obama and his team. The
ad presents with inspiring uplifting music that seems to be played with a piano.
Obama is sitting directly faced the camera as if he were giving a lecture. He
proceeds to emphasize on the choice that we, as Americans, have in selecting a
leader for our country. I feel as though the producers want to make us feel as
though we literally have a choice in the candidate that we chose and the course
that American takes. I feel like this ad is effective because not only does he explain
how Romneys plans are ineffective, but he also makes the voter feel like the
decision is ultimately theirs to make. I think that goes back to the idea that the
people are what decide what is best for this country, which is a fundamental that
America is built on.
Ad: 2 Obama Pride: LGBT Americans pro Obama
In the political ad titled Obama Pride: LBGT Americans, the producers chose to
display many public figures in society such as movie stars and actors. In the video,
theres an acoustic guitar in the background that plays a very slow steady melody
as the people talk about their heartfelt past-times before they had rights for samesex marriage. I feel like the producers are trying to remind the voters of the
importance of having these rights and what it was like before he came into office.
As they began to talk about Romneys plan for this certain idea, they music
sharpened and everyone became extremely serious. One of the movie stars referred
to his possible election as a step-back. I feel like this ad was effective because the
people that were being interviewed were people that we aspire to be like and look
up to. They all talk about their favor in him being elected as president and literally
tell us to vote for him at the end of the ad. It gives the impression that because
theyre saying it, it is the right choice to make.

Ad: 1 Too Many Americans pro Romney

Too Many Americans is a political ad that promotes people to vote for Mitt Romney.
In the background of the video, it plays a breaking-news type melody as Romney
discusses how we cannot afford a year like the last four years, when he refers to
Obamas seat in office. I feel like the producers want us to feel like Romneys plan is
the right plan by the way he is speaking. He uses a statistic about the people on
welfare and says how more people are on it than when Obama first came into
presidency. He says that his plan will help more people get off of welfare by creating
more jobs for the people. I feel like they are using the approach give a man a fish,
he will eat for day. Teach a man to fish; he can feed the whole village. I feel like this

Denise Aguilar
Midterm Project Part 1: Message and Media
is an effective approach because he states that his plan is to relieve the people that
are on this program instead of allowing more people to be on it.

Ad: 2 Give me a break pro Romney

Give me a break is a political ad set forth by Romney. It plays a nursey type melody
in the background as it shows a clip of Clinton expressing his support for Obama in
the 2012 election. However, after the clip, it reverts back to a video from 2008
where Clinton gave Obama a message saying give me a break! in regards to his
plans. I think Romneys producers are trying to make us feel like Clinton is an
unreliable source because of his inability to stick to a candidate. I also think this
method of trying to up his polls is very ineffective because I think the point of
political ads is to express your views on certain icons, not dig up old videos of your
opponents. Having a change of choice in which you choose who your candidate is
does not make you unreliable and I feel like it was a very foolish approach for

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