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Alvar aalto Synopsis (green book)

The relationship between architecture, painting and sculpture

Fernand Leger the arts form the orchestra with the architect in the role of
Instinct and imagination application to make ideas more concrete and realistic
Braque once said : the greatest delight in painting is that one never knows what
will happen. One starts something and this grows, and the result is quite different
from what one had expected.
One cannot translate a painted or sculptured shape into terms of architecture,
since both the former are free of economic and social elements. Function does
not follow form. Turning architecture into painting or sculpture is impossible.
Impossible to turn architectonic shapes into painted ones.
A painted shape can inspire architecture without being taken over directly. The
basis of architecture is to be found in a more or less bio-dynamic process.
Architecture, painting and sculpture are connected because they are an
expression of human intellectuality based on materials. Working with materials is
of great importance to the architect.
Art is a continual process to allow the materials to express themselves, though
not for arts sake, but in order to meet human requirements.
Colours are dependent on materials and to some extent determine shapes. It is a
material which because of its thick texture, allows a 3-dimensional relief effect.
Modern architecture does not mean using immature new materials; the main
thing is to work with materials towards a more human line.

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