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Dan Fisher

Mod 8/9

Judaism, Christianity, Islam Reflective Journal

The most important aspect of these three religions is how all of their followers are

located in the same region as each other. This created some havoc between the Christians

and Islam in the Crusades. Another aspect is that they were all monotheistic religions,

which meant they honored one god, and not multiple like polytheistic. Each religion also

believed that Jesus once lived although the Jews thought he was a false prophet.

One thing that could bond them is their beliefs in the after life and that there is a

Heaven and Hell. This kind of brings together their religions in that they all believe that

the same thing happens after you die. Another thing that may unite them is how they are

all near each other. It could spread different culture from religion to religion. A source of

conflict from these religions might be how they all believe in different gods. The Jews

have Yahweh, Christians have God, and the Islam have Allah. There could be disputes on

which god is the true god and which are the fake gods. Another thing that could cause

conflict is how they speak separate languages. It would be hard to get a point across to

another person if you can’t even understand them.

I actually learned how similar these religions in their beliefs and the way they are

run. I would of never thought Islam to be anywhere near similar to Christianity. I already

new about Judaism because of our former project but Christianity almost stemmed off of

Judaism. I learned a lot more about religions that I did not know and helped me get a

better understanding of them.

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