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Issa Braman Subject CO Advisory Group Mesting #6 Location: Conference eal Start ‘Thu 9/27/2015 10.00 AM end: ‘Thu 9/27/2015 11:00 AM Show Time As Tentative Recurrence: (cane) Organizer: Marisa Rogers 9/15/15 RENMINDER/UPDATE: ‘The last CO Advisory Group meeting ofthe fiscal years ths Thursday, September 17th at 2pm EST. Ihape you al can rake it! Pease extend a welcome to Houmma Garba, Education Services Program Manager at Cartas of Austin to (COAG, Houmas replacing Angela-J, who recenty took up the positon of Executive Director at YWCA of Greater Austin, Houmma worked quite a bitin orientation at Cartas, formerly Education Specialist and then as Direct Service Volunteer Coordinator linking volunteer mentors with refugee famles, Wekome Houma! ‘The two topical tems I selected for this meeting ar Findina/ Using, Quality Guest Speakers for CO and Cultural CConsiderations/Adaptations for orientation with Syrians. Before our call ake a few moments to think af questions, stories from CO, challenges or suggestions to share with the group. "he Conference callinformation fortis week's COAG meeting is below. call 1-877-229-4100 Participant Code: 260035 ‘As always wll send out the recording within a few days IMRS/ODS statf—As your time permits, please jin me in my office fortis cal. Your helpful insights on CO from the ret ‘of network are veleamel Thanks! Marsa Hi COAG Members and DDS team, ‘We had a soli group of COAG members and DOS staff at our fith meeting af the year on July 23°. Thank you tall who were able o participate this meeting. The two topical tems we discussed were Wellness topis/activies that Work ross Cultures and Parenting/Working with Refunee Families, particularly families with disables, There were several resources that we discussed during our meeting, hich | hope to et out to youn the August CO Chronicle, Ifyou missed any issues, archived CO Chronicles ean be found hers Please find attached to this Outlook invitation the latest list FY 15 of COAG members. want to congratulate Elizabeth Ramsey in West Vtginia on her recent marrage and formally welcave Laura DeGrush fom Austin to COAG! Laura has participated in our meeting a couple times before Recording information; For anyone who may have missed the meeting/al, below you wil ind the call-in information to listen to catch the recording, Toll Free USA/Canada: 888-203-1112 Replay Passcode: 346520243, "Hex Meeting: {want to be sure our next CO Advisory Group mecting on Thursday, September 17th ison your ‘alendar. (For those that asked, the CHEP Conference scheduled for September has been postponed.) | willsend the fallin information and topes 2 few days before. ‘As always, letme know of any CO questions, concerns, resource needs or suggestions that could be useful topics to Aiscuss dring Future CO Adkisory Group meetings. Enjoy the rest of your summer! Marisa

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