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BerryMiddle School

Welcome ts the


The PTATheae of

School Year!

this SchoolYer is: BUILDING COMMUNITY!

Berry Middle School program coRtinues to be strongl The Berry PTA plays an important role in
supporting this great school by working hard to provide the '{extras" that enrich our children's
ed ucational experience.
PTA contributions: Your PTA contributions fund clubs, sports teams and the annual musical production
The PTA contributions also support important programs for al! of our students throughout the year,
from the Sixth-Grade Orientation and the annual team-building trip for our youngest students to the
Eighth-Grade Promotion ceremony. PTA contributions prwide grants to teachers to buy supplies to
support classroom instruction and technology. ln addition, the PTA wants to provide funding for the
Berry directory, website and newsletters. We can make all-of this happen, with every family's support.
To reach that goal and provide these important programs, activities, and supplies, we need to raise
approximately SZS,OO0. That amount might sound astronomical; but, in fact, it represents only about
555.00 per student in fundraising. We have several events plan to achieve our fundraisinggoal. ln
addition to selling popcorn we will be selling popcorn grams for the kids to purchase for their friends.

This year we'll be selling popcorn from Popcorn Palace. The popcorn is delicious...and is a great idea for
all your get-togethers, parties and especially holiday eventsl The official start date is "Qctober 9th" and
the official completion date is "October 23rd". Please keep all orders forms and money in the collection

envelope provided.
Last, but not least, get involved! This is a critical time in your child's development and education. Unlke
middle school students are not as easily accessible. Teachers are not asking for classroom volunteers or
art assistants and parents are not meeting each other on the playground or at play dates. When parents
volunteer for school activities at Berry, it gives them a chance to be a "fly on the wall," and get an inside
view into their kids' school lives. The Berry PTA strives to provide many important opportunities to get

As a member of the PTA, you are a voice for our students and part of the largest child advocacy program
in the world! lt is such a rewarding experience! Becoming a member of our PTA is a wonderful
opportunity to be involved, "Be lnformed, Be Active, Be your kid's biggest fan. Be PTA." Don't miss out,

join today.
We look forward to a wonderful school year. lf you have any questions, or want to get involved, please
contact us. The PTA needs you-we always welcome new faces and new ideas!
Okemar Weatherall, PTA
Chrie Sherman, PTA


2675 Bear Drive

Mesquite, TX 75181

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