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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam October 13, 2015

What should we be doing, wherever we are, to perform the most supreme

Veda Purusha Yajna? Bhagawan explains in a beautiful message to inspire us.
People resort to gurus to receive mantras (mystically
powerful formulae to be recited by them for their spiritual
uplift); others seek medicine men and holy monks to get
yantras (esoteric talismans to ward off evil forces); some
others learn thanthras (secret rites for attaining
superhuman powers) from scholars (pandits). But all of
this is wasteful effort. One should accept the body as
thethanthra, one's own breath as the mantra and the
heart as the yantra. There is no need to seek them
outside oneself. When all words emanating from you are
sweet, your breath becomes Rig Veda. When you restrict
what you listen to and prefer only sweet speech, all that
you hear becomes Sama gana (rendition of Sama Veda).
When you do only sweet deeds, all that you do is Yajur
homa(ritualistic sacrifice). Then you will be performing
every day the Veda Purusha Yajna, the yajna which
propitiates the noblest and highest Vedic Spirit!
- Divine Discourse, 2 Oct 1981.

Practice the attitude of offering every act at the Feet of God just how
a flower is offered in worship. Baba
13 AkqUbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjbI tRWslySn
pRSn: bhuq au`qm vyd purK Xjnw krn leI,AsIN ij`Qy vI hoeIey,swnUM,kI krnw cwhIdw hY?Bgvwn,swnUM iek
suMdr sunyhw idMdy hn[
au`qr:lok,Awpxy gurUAW kol mMqr(Awpxy iv`c, Apwr SkqI pRwpq krn dw qrIkw)lYx leI jWdy hn[ku`J
lok,qWiqRkW kol jWdy hn qW jo aunHW iv`c koeI burI Awqmw hY qW auh bwhr clI jwvy[mnu`K nUM cwhIdw hY ik auh
Awpxy SrIr nUM qWiqRk smJy,Awpxy swh nUM mMqr Aqy idl nUM XMqr smJy[XMqr Aqy mMqr nUM bwhr nw l`Bo[jd
quhwfy v`loN boly swry Sbd im`Ty bol huMdy hn qW auh irg-vyd bx jWdy hn[jd qusIN suxx vyly,kyvl im`Ty bol hI
suxdy ho Aqy bwkI bolW v`l iDAwn nhIN idMdy qW auh suxy hoey Sbd,swm-gx ArQwq swm-vyd bx jWdy hn[jd
qusIN swry krm,cMgy ArQwq im`Ty hI krdy ho qW auh krm,Xjur hom ArQwq iqAwg jW kurbwnI bx jWdy hn[ies
qrHW krn nwl qusIN hr roz,vyd purK Xjnw hI krdy ho,ijhVw Xjnw swirAW qoN au`qm Aqy mhwn vYidk Awqmw
hY[(02 AkqUbr,1981 dy idvX pRvcn)[

Awpxy v`loN kIqy hr krm nUM Bgvwn dy crxW iv`c ausy qrHW hI Aripq kro ijvyN qusIN Bgvwn dy crxW iv`c,pUjw
vyly Pu`l Aripq krdy ho[(bwbw)[

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