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Biographical Chart: Eisenhower

Full Name:

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Lifespan: October 14th, 1890- March 28th, 1969

Early Family Background and Created Family Structure
moved between Kansas & Texas as a child
father cleaned railroad tracks for a living
brother died when he was 10 months old from diphtheria
had a fairly happy childhood
attended Abilene High School
played football & baseball
after HS graduation worked with family at Belle Springs Creamery & as a
earned money to pay for younger brothers college tuition
his brother eventually did the same thing for him
1911: got into West Point
graduated and became second lieutenant
had leadership in military that eventually led him to presidency
Personality Characteristics and Areas of Aptitude, Talent, and Interest
Major Career/Professional Events and Accomplishments
served as US Army Chief of Staff
first Supreme Allied Commander of NATO
led Operation Torch
served 2 terms as President
established Hawaii & Alaska as states
supported creation of Interstate Highway System
set up permanent Civil Rights Commission
formed NASA
Personal Life Themes/Beliefs
do what will benefit people in the long run

Selected Quotations
leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something that you
want done because they want to do it.
Awards and Recognition
various US service medals
Legion of Merit
Navy Distinguished Service Medal
Army Distinguished Service Medal
MOMA honorary member for life
Civitan Internationals World Citizenship Award
Gallups list of most widely admired people of the 20th century
Lifetime achievement in Golf Hall of Fame

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