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Technical University of Ambato

Civil and Mechanical Engineering Faculty

Mechanical Engineering Career
Pneumatic Module
Andrs Intriago
Joseph Toscano
Semester: 7th A

Pneumatic Modules Guide

As we know, Pneumatic is a branch of physics applied to technology that makes use of gas
or pressurized air, which are used extensively in industry, commonly powered by compressed air or
compressed inert gases, also electrically powered compressor, powers cylinders, air motors, and
other pneumatic devices.
This guide is divided into 5 chapters, the first chapter was a quickly introduction about pneumatic
fluids such as atmospheric or pneumatic air; the second chapter explained about compressed air and
the ways to control it, this was an interesting chapter because it has a good explanation about
pumps, filters and pipes; the third chapter was about pneumatic actuators, they convert energy
formed by vacuum or compressed air at high pressure into either linear or rotary motion. The fourth
chapter told us about pneumatics valves such as DCV, pneumatic cylinders and more, this was a
crucial chapter for the last one due to the explanation and symbology that provided. The last chapter
was Pneumatic circuits, its characteristics and applications; also it contained designing procedures
for pneumatic systems.


In our opinion, this is a good module guide because it has a clear explanation of different topics that
we had seen during this term such as symbology and definitions, in addition, it has a great variety of
images that provide a good information about the different components that we could see in a
pneumatic circuit such as DCV, pumps, filters, compressors and more.

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