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9/9/2015 El FILIBUSTERISMO = Itis the second novel written by José Rizal as the sequel fo Noli Me Tangere. Like Noli Me Tangere, It was written in Spanish. + "The Reign of Greed!” in English + It consist of 38 chapters El FILIBUSTERISMO- > Me second novel Ral worl ‘Trevenge arc ong. > Revenge eraee er htcm Sea itnes! Ran cecicata 8 Futter Eavtermutey. ne excexion ot fiaivum er on fa 8 are ‘naw seant tothe tic of eo THE TITLE >> Rizal had to define the word fibustero to his ‘German tend Ferdinand Blumentit, who did rot Understand his use of the word in Noli Me Tanger. In letter, zal expioined: > "The word filbuster litle known n the Philippines. ‘The masses do not know it yl. {heard it forthe fest ‘ime in 1872 when the tragic executions fook place” THE TITLE >I stilremember the panic that this word created. Our father forbade Us fo utter if, as well as the words Covite, Burgos, etc. The Manila newspapers and the Spaniards ‘opply this word to one whom they wont to make a revolutionary suspect.” HISTORY OF THE NOVEL + altook 3 yeast wile his second novel + Rzalbogan wing Fbustersmoin October 1887 While he wosin Galaribg, + InLondon (188), he revised he pot and some Tostow new he pin papi e rg Sean soln pes Unda Channa wesc coves ops ovate ca. 2 Tose gon andbaie!aan ells every See {To won fe cusien gu ond corupton ot ete goverment pe Reeay ec tne eng Sing of annox matin other ‘Synopsis of El Filibusterismo > Tre book norates the rtum of the protagonist of Nof Ma Tangere, Errosome tbaa, uncer ne gue of ‘Sweaty jewelernamed simon. Daitsioned by the abuses Spars bara abandons is pocitet Defetsin err fo elu fo tha Pifippines ‘ondtat violent revoliton SYNOPSIS OF EL FILIBUSTERISMO. >" A people without soul, a nation without freedom, everything you will be borrowed even your defects.” S 9/9/2015 ‘SYNOPSIS OF EL FILIBUSTERISMO. Noll Me Tangere’s Bos, now ‘2 young man and a sklled medical student srecrutted by Ibame to ais him in detoning ©! bomb at @ social ganering signaling the beginning of the revolution. ‘SYNOPSIS OF EL FILIBUSTERISMO > However, Ratio wars hs. Hend agar. feotzing hat the woman he loves isin the ‘esc: Kagan! frowe the Bam io tho Wve. fering the explosion ‘ond the. revolution, ‘mpicated in these mations, Smoun commis ‘cleus by toking poson and Se rosing place ft he hame of a port, Far Rerertin, who ear isl! confesion and assures fat nat ‘althope et ‘SYNOPSIS OF EL FILIBUSTERISMO. > The priest [Father Florentino}, ‘pon Simaun's death ‘commends the jowelsinto the s2a, remarking thot the Jewels once used fo bribe ‘and conupt people, woul ‘one day be hopefully found fo be used fo a meaningtul purpose, Characters of the Novel ‘Simoun ‘he continuation of the choracter of ‘Gisestomno bara fom being IWealste, the cruel society made hin pemimisis: Using ri wealth, he eneouraged the people who kperenced abuse fo john him in his febellon agains! ie church and the society Characters of the Novel Basilio He was the son of Sisa and was ‘adopted by Kapitan Tiago. A medicalstudent and the boytriend of Jul. Characters of the Novel Isagani He was the nephew of @. good priest named Pace Ferontino, He wor idealistic ond a student leader. He ‘wos the tend of Basllo ond the Boytiend of Maria Paulta Gomer. 9/9/2015 Characters of the Novel 1e was @ former idealistic Fiipino but because of the comuption in ine govemment he became self- Characters of the Novel Spe woth la tonate daigher st Cesena Telond tha grivando as hen he Gees [ajsbacedty he won ne ote her snice {ctlemanaParcangio gel fe morer ere ‘am Ane when boat was ones ee ioustoamermecnreate Shacnnd secs Characters of the Novel Characters of the Novel Cebesang tales Placido Pinetente ‘A tamer who rented o place ofand to he Corporation of he har Whan the Nes wented {oinarecse the fax 'or ha lard he reared one {en he was abducled ond alr honed He wat a student rom the province. A scholar anda vietim of seltcentered professor. He walked out rom the School and joined the plan of Simoun. Characters of the Novel Bon Custodio 4 Spaniard who has placed in the high position in the. government even if he was not educated and did not have enough skils, Characters of the Novel Moria Poulta Gomex She wos the gitiend of sagoni but in the end the maried cnother man jst to follow the request of her Aunt ona Victorna, 9/9/2015 Characters of the Novel Padre Florentino The relative of Isagani cond the good Filipino Priest, Project for Prefinals 2 Sept amcotn nna arn het Src! ler be gener ne oc 4 Deacine en ptember 4 neon Noli Me Tangere vs. El Filibusterismo [A book of feeling | book of thought thas freshness, color, It contains bittemess, humor and intelligence hatred, pin, violence ‘and sorrow | (Contains 64 chapicrs [Contains 38 chapters | 9/9/2015 THE CONFLICT BETWEEN RIZAL AND OTHER MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION LA SOLIDARIDAD The Journey Back Home T > Te lack of drectons ack of hue leccentip ot tne filpines cndcadot the ofer Finer acti eto the coniict between tho meme (tthe asiciaton, > the ferent vices of the Fines in Mock ke _gar'bing, tinting alcoho nd ging To venous ight clubs were disapproved BY Ri one) ‘Because ol that some Fpinesin Meuse nated in Rizal in Hongkong | | > filer tne publication of FF. Rizal wen! lo Fash Bees ESE > Boarded Nelboune to Hongkene PArived 0. 1891 Jose M > Rralbecome tomovs ophinalmologist In vongkong. > Celebrated his happiest Christmas > pay 1872 Ral decide o go backin the Prippines becouse |. Hewanted to ask the Gov. Gen. Oespuolfor his Bones Pro 2. Dhapprove Evaro J2ccusaon that he snot offoe because hesloysin Hong Kong. 2 To establish La ge pin, Real wos Tapped T Upon his departure in HK. in June 21, 1892, the Spanish consul general in Hk cabled 10 Gov. Gen Despujal about the anival of Rizal in Mani. On the same doy. the Spanish cuthostes filed o secret cose against Raa! (ant! ‘goverment and anfrchurch}. Rizal in Manila T >In June 26.1892, Ralanived in Mania logetner wh ser ucla, On the evening o he someday, he ha the ‘eeing wih the Goverar General Despialfor is Bomea Project and to ak pardon forthe rest ‘fh arty members > Thenext day. he vied Mother ends ene, 9/9/2015 rca RIZAL ae AND THE LA LIGA FILIPINA La Liga Filipina (Philippine League} >A polfical association of Patriotic Filipinos founded by Rizal to crusade for reforms. » Dr. Rizal wrote two novels, Noli ‘Me Tangere and El Fllibusterismo. > Btobiedon Juv. 1592 > inthe howe of & Canes hipro Doroteo Gnguneo. eaves Tena, Mania > Pocsety adesed im. cowroge. Seddetcaton of yang honoree 1 TWAS A MUCH AWATTED Event > Acroom for » Rial came home to share a dream anda Scorer wis comoonos LA LIGA FILIPINA i La Liga Filipina's Goals and Visions (cnutter ation’) |. Union of he whole arehipetago into the compact and homogenous ay, 2 Mulual protectionin every wont ond necesshy 2. Defense ogaist allvotence andinstce 4 The encouragement of education, og%culere and commerce, 4 Tostudy he neededrefarmin he soctey »Unfortunately, the Liga was short- live, bit was the final stage of Rizal's crusade for national unity and prosperity. >it represented everything Rizal lived for. Rizal was Arrested > In J. 1892 Riel wos anested become ofthe ‘te planted agaist him. » The Spank avtartes were able opt the ataphemets which ware ont goverment in fr Wagager. > Indy 7.1892 the Govemer General ised 0 sites cea ie seponcaones aS option. 9/9/2015 Rizal was Arrested, 1. Te publication of Raat of novels cood which showed dbloyaty tothe Spann Govermanl 2 Afew hous otter arvan Maria the Spanish Aho sow perapheraa welch wore anftgovammont anc antchureh 3. The second novel of ao he 6 busters was dedicated lo GomBuza which were ‘itor = 4 Hs rings encouraged the pins to withdraw thet ovat tothe Sparih Religion Ral wos rested W In July 14, 1892, with heavy guard, he rode the steamer Cebu that brought him to Dapitan.

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