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Thinking Moves:

Essential Steps in Developing Deep Understanding

Thinking Moves
Observable Thinking Behaviours
Observing closely and Notice parts and features
describing whats there Take detailed notes to record observations
Describe parts and features in detail
Making connections
Connect new information with whats known
Identify patterns and perspectives
Identify areas of agreement and
disagreement between sources
Wondering and asking

Building explanations
and interpretations

Imagine possible connections and

Relate ideas to emotions and values
Create questions to propel further inquiry
Examine similarities and differences
Hypothesize and test ideas
Apply theories to explain phenomenon

Reasoning with evidence Search for evidence to support claims

Check for validity and soundness
Verify sufficiency of detail to support claims

Questions to Drive Thinking

What do you see and notice?
What are the facts here?
How does this fit?
How does this relate to other
concepts, or what I already
What am I curious about here?
Why does ____?

Whats similar and different

How can I explain ________?
Are these claims logical and
supported by convincing

Uncovering complexity Identify and reject simplistic explanations

and going below the
What lies beneath the surface
Search for alternative evidence and
of this?
Examine all parts of issues to explore
Search for deep causes
Considering different
Search for alternative explanations
viewpoints and
Whats another angle on this?
Evaluate the evidence of opposing
How might someone argue
against this or see it
Self-assess and revise own arguments in light
of alternative explanations and evidence

Capturing the heart and Capturing the essence of a concept

forming conclusions
Forming a reasoned judgement based on
foregoing thinking

Whats at the core or centre of

Whats the Big Idea here?
NOTE: Thinking for Deep Understanding is NOT a linear processit is recursive! There are
logical steps, but they usually need to be repeated multiple times, often in different orders, to
really dig down deep into complex concepts. Thinking for Deep Understanding is rarely easy
and orderly; its usually difficult and messy at first, which is all the more reason to develop
detailed, organized notes.

Thinking Moves
Observable Thinking Behaviours
Observing closely Notice parts and features
and describing
whats there
Take detailed notes to record
Describe parts and features in detail

Actions that Demonstrate Deep Thinking

Legal Scholar: Jim Crow Still Exists In America:
Laws that systematically discriminate against
blacks cause them to be labeled as ex-felons
at a very young age and cost them their
What does gun violence really cost: regnant
and No Civil rights abortion has become very
difficult to access and women are arrested,
atomists Demand %religious ('emptions
abortion restrictions Cite "Hobby Lobby
Satanists and women can ridiculous abortion
no gays allowed 178 states dont have laws
against discrimination based on people can be
denied of service for being gay
Its illegal under federal law and some country
laws but its legal in state (Edward Snowden is
legally not considered as a whistle blower)
Not like the discrimination against AfricanAmericans or other racial minorities this
discrimination is legal not only in Tennessee
but also in <= states5More than half of the
gay population live under laws that a owner

can are one because he or she is gay states

such as Massachusetts and protection does
not apply to public accommodations and force
also varies from state to state
This misconception of Americans thinking
about their federal and state laws
Most Americans want to protect rights but
most of them do not know what these are not
in their laws


Connect new information with whats

Identify patterns and perspectives
Identify areas of agreement and
disagreement between sources

When people think these protections are in

place$ it would be hard to motivate the to
push for this cause
The amendment in the US constitution gave
people in the certain degree of the freedom.
I did not expect that the freedom can be
explain in so many ways especially when it
come to an issue of the religion and
Sometimes the social value will even extend
and conflict each other such as some people
believe an abortion should be allowed, but
some others believe it should not.

Wondering and
Imagine possible connections and
asking questions
Relate ideas to emotions and values

And also in the national security level which

explain further more when Edward Snowden
reveal the NSA action, the public opinion of
the state were consider him as a hero;
however he brought problems for those in
Washington DC.
Why does people believe that African
American still get discriminated, even they
commit a minor issue crime, but did they
break the law yes they did. So here is my
question so the law should set based on the

Create questions to propel further
Examine similarities and differences

explanations and
Hypothesize and test ideas
Summarize the main idea

Reasoning with

Search for evidence to support claims

Check for validity and soundness
Verify sufficiency of detail to support

complexity and
going below the

Identify and reject simplistic


Laws that systematically discriminate

against blacks cause them to be labeled as
ex-felons at a very young age and cost them
their lives
African and Hispanic Americans are frisked
significantly more than white Americans, thus
the higher arrest rate
Does structural violence or cultural violence;
in this case racism contributes to the arrest?
Laws that systematically discriminate
against blacks cause them to be labeled as
ex-felons at a very young age and cost them
their lives
African and Hispanic Americans are frisked
significantly more than white Americans, thus
the higher arrest rate
Does structural violence or cultural violence;
in this case racism contributes to the arrest?
People always fight for their religious freedom,
yet they do not always understand to what
extent is their religious freedom.

Search for alternative evidence and

Examine all parts of issues to explore
Search for deep causes

viewpoints and

Search for alternative explanations

Evaluate the evidence of opposing

Because of religious reasons states have their

own stances on certain issues and they do not
want to cross the borders of their strongest
religious group in the regions.

Self-assess and revise own arguments

in light of alternative viewpoints
Capturing the
The state governments have their own
Capturing the essence of a concept
heart and forming
Forming a reasoned judgement based Edward Snowden wanted to reveal the ugly
secrets but he does not want to get captured
on foregoing thinking
by the US.

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