Edu 202 - Lesson Plan PDF

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Berlynn Holdmann | October 29, 2014

Curriculum: Explicit, Hidden, Null, Extra-Curricular | Co-Curricular !

Lesson Plan !

Class: Education 202 - Introduction to Secondary Education | Mon + Wed 9:00 am - 10:20 am!
Lesson Duration: 15 Minutes !
Textbook: Teachers, Schools and Society | Third Edition - Chapter 10 !

Learning Objectives: By the end of the less, students should be able to:!
1. Comprehend and differentiate between the variety of curriculums used !
in the school system for educating.!
a. Formal and Explicit Curriculum !
b. Hidden and Implicit Curriculum !
c. Null Curriculum !
d. Extra-Curriculum and Co-Curriculum !
2. Understand and actively participate in discussion concerning why these
are relevant and important in todays current education system. !

Teaching Materials | Equipment:! Presentation (Saved on File), White Board and Dry Erase markers, Videos (All links
included in Prezi Presentation), Textbook: Teachers, Schools and Society for Further
Information and Definitions, Worksheet | Handout (Copies provided for Class) , Computer for
Prezi Presentation. !


I. Introduce self and lesson topic to class | Allotted Time: 3 Minutes !

1. Hand out provided worksheets to class, while presentation is loading!
2. Explain purpose of worksheet!
a. What is a Well-Rounded Student? Handout: Explain to class that throughout !
the presentation, have them fill in words and adjectives that they think would !
complement a Well-Rounded student in their opinion, they will have the !
duration of the 15 minute presentation to complete it and they can use the !
presentation for inspiration for the activity as they are actively listening and !
participating. !
b. Other photocopies in handout are for personal use and research; students !
may use these for class discussion as well. !


II. Begin Prezi Powerpoint Presentation | Allotted Time: 10 Minutes (Including Videos) !

Berlynn Holdmann | October 29, 2014


1. Start from beginning of Prezi Curriculum: How it Shapes the Student Presentation. !
All information for teaching is provided in slides and presentation, and any !
interjections and class discussions will be noted below. Read Presentation out loud to !
class and engage students (Copy of Slides are attached for personal use as well). !


Prezi | Curriculum: How it Shapes the Student !

Slide 1 Introduction: Read Written Notes Provided on Slide!
Slide 2 Formal | Explicit Curriculum: Read Written Notes Provided on Slide !
a. Ask class for examples of this style of curriculum. !
Slide 3 Hidden | Implicit Curriculum: Read Written Notes Provided on Slide !
a. Present Question to upcoming video !
b. Watch Video + as class to provide input on video and their opinions on how it !
related to topic of Hidden and Implicit Curriculum !
Slide 4 Null Curriculum: Read Written Notes Provided on Slide!
a. For quote, have a volunteer from students read aloud for class. !
b. Compare this topic to previous class discussions regarding Evolution and !
having it taught in schools and the relation this specific topic of curriculum. !
Slide 5 Extra-Curricular + Co-Curricular: Read Written Notes Provided on Slide!
a. Ask students to provide examples of these different styles of curriculums and !
how it directly relates to them personally. Reflection Period. !
b. Watch both videos provided on this specific slide. !

End of Prezi Presentation. !


III. End of Lesson | Allotted Time: 5 Minutes !

1. For the last 5 Minutes of class, have class partake and participate in activity handed !
out at beginning of lesson. !
a. Write What Makes a Well-Rounded Student? on the white-board large for !
class to see. !
b. Ask for volunteer from class to be the Well-Rounded Student example at the !
front of the classroom.!
c. Activity: Have student stand with back to white board. The worksheet handed !
out to students at beginning of class will be involved with this activity. Have !
students list and name off, by raise of hands, some of the characteristics they !
wrote on their own papers for a Well-Rounded Student, and write them in !
web form round the student that volunteered at the front of the class, on the !
white board. !

Discuss at end of Activity: This activity directly exemplifies the lesson in regards to how what we
believe makes a Well-Rounded Student, is directly perceived through our own actions as
educators. If we expect our students to act with these traits, we must first exert them ourselves.
This activity has class actively participate in discussion and gives them a visual of just how
important the core-curriculum is, but in the end we are also teaching students much more than
just those lessons. We are equally as much role-models, and should always remember that with
our actions and words in the classroom and around these students. !

Berlynn Holdmann | October 29, 2014

Closure: !

I. Closing Question | Open Ended : Would anybody like to share something that they learned
today that they will be able to apply in their own future teaching practices? !
a. After lesson and activity is complete, please remind class that there is additional
information in their handouts if they would like to further explore the topics and gain an even
better understanding for future reference. !

II. Dismiss Class Discussion and End 15 Minute Presentation !



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