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V. Conjugation of verbs I —group £F-form | C-form __| dictionary form Bors (CtKSC~] Bet Bot bI But BELT bes RET bowled HHT 545 SV et bytes bot bS Byat by ied] bot bs BYET [BED AA] bY lat bot be Hest (46E~] beet BEET bos Bort . ooler WoT OF eat weiat wot avg QeaT waeeiee O20T ee Byes (EFA ~] wad Wot OS weet [eos ~] preted FLT go wort jtolat] Got RET gular jot 3b weet Balad BUT BK RyaT BOY Et Biot BbA RY EF [VCE ~] BOY iET Biot BB wlat BUiet BLT Bt Bort Beast BLOT bLF : BOvELT] BEOET BLOT Bae Roy et Bhot bbs Roget Hot 5 Lat PALT pat RET payien PROT DAD pry est apy lat PHT PDD eset palat DOT ae Kat plist PLT ot Beet DbtEt pot ho psy et 025 LEA~] psy iat iT DSA te-form meaning lesson bot: | mect [a friend] 6 HELE | enjoy oneself, play 13 Sbot: | wash 18 Bot: | have 9 Hot: | exist, be (inanimate things) 10 fz | [a festival] be held, take place 2 +t | walk [along a road] B Mist | say 21 wot: | go 5 Wer | bury \4 \sott | need, require [a visa} 20 9 St | [awatch] move, work 23 jhkot: | sing 18 Jot: | sell 1s But | put 15 Bok | send 7 ok: | escort {someone}, go with 4 HUt: | push, press 16 Btok | think - 21 BEVEL | remember, recollect 15 BLO | swim 13 Bhok | finish 4 dot | buy 6 DAL | give back, retum 7 tA ot: | go home, return 5 thyo tz | take (referring to time or money) | 11 ast: | write, draw, paint 6 ate | lend 7 trots | win 21 3% te | puton [a hat, etc.} 22 #T-form | dictionary form Meat walt a4 mMsad (HAO wales a6 mat sles 8B MLat pes at syed [ETE ~] sbiier Xbb goat Lyles LS Bort (KEI E ~] teles + EAST tated +b Bat thine the abet hblat ho BLEt [Chae ~] EUlas et wlet " #Ubey Bt wLEt [VR bE ~] Eas Kt Ret op tar fH9 Hees (Re A] seis] Qt 2 HEV ET. BYET 26 ylad 26oT 2b WNT TET PATE ET] ONTOIT! PHT NG PRET tonelss] ToKoT TOKF we0 Ed [KEV ~] ceviar cEot cas RYT euler rot Lh myst [Le let ~] eytad Lot LB RYE [CLE ~] ey lat Lot LB mlat welled “BLT aet weclat wi lier CLT alt Bort wouler Bbot hs yet wiles wot ne meat ele aOT ae eyed [Pee ~] OEY et DIE5T OES RAST Datet OKT ou ase tye ~] ales OKT ov #v-form } e-form meaning lesson an Sf: | hear, listen 6 Sof: | ask [a teacher] 23 Sor: | cut, slice 7 LA | tum off 14 tat: | touch [a door] 2B Lot: | gettoknow 1s smoke [a cigarette] 6 be going to live 15 sit down Is stand up 1s send [a letter} 13, take out, withdraw 16 hand in [a report] 7 use 15 arrive [at the station} 25 make, produce 15 take (someone) 4 help (with a task) 4 stay [at a hotel] 19 take, pass 14 take [a photograph] 6 Lott | grow old 25 3 repait’ correct 20 lose 7 learn 7 become 19 take off (clothes, shoes, etc.) 7 climb [a mountain} 19 drink 6 take [medicine] 7 181 2 ¥T-form | Tform | dictionary form HVT [TAL Diet Dat DS AVERT [E9STH oy tad] oT Fear AVEF [KOK Yas] Ib05T 0B AV EF [BS41 oy tat L907 100% deat [C08] i lbet Fag Meet ld bOT tho ¢ wear Bot us aleat vslad Bot rea Vet [BHA ~] SU lat Sot 5% wort ltbelas| tbo 1t55 wat (te liad] aelT tet BAYES [AEN ~] Bayley EMT EMS eet eeiat £oT £° Blast Eb iad] ELT tbt eat abies] bot 4° Ho CT EET botvstad] boTOoT] bo THC boat Bovlas] boot bb BU Ub ET ei hkblad, PCE hoT PIO KAEt eTAled PTT ett RAST (L&E ~] ephiat| — PTKT ett suEt £Ulat tht a5 Rast baled EAT ib bay et bry lad brot bed myst UAE ~] bY lat bot be tuform | w-form meaning lesson Det wre D> fz | ride, get on [a train] 16 ltoe ' te lio t | emer [a coffee shop} 1B lob be [40.5 f: | enter (university 16 ldn5 (£0. fs | take [a bath] 17 lta (4st: | put on [shoes, trousers, etc.] 2 hoe (a5: | work 4 Un Uvsts | play (stringed instrument or piano, etc.) | 18 Us Ursfs | pull 23 Bb Svote | rain 14 l£5b 1 te [£50r: | pay 17 laws tae ltt Uf: | speak, talk 14 BAD | ee £485 f: | tum [to the right] 14 Erie Bok | wait 14 Eby} tw EbLA | um 2B bh ia tot: | hold 4 boTOP} tO bo TWOK | take (something) 7 Bobi ww Lb: | receive 7 PC KAT ae PCI Kok | be useful 21 etElan OF LTE | take a rest, take a holiday 4 PTE a 2TH | take a day off [work] u dig} ee EAEE | call 14 below EAE | read 6 bPS 1 awe dt of: | understand 9 brb bas dotrots | cross [a bridge] B 1 I—group ¥#F-form | form —_| dictionary form Bate ities] HUT bUS aret bifiat BIT BITS RET bomlss| HOOT bons BuUEt [Ye 7-€~] SUE! BUT bUS ort ted] ot se wad [Cbs ~] wted xe WS wad [KUAI ~] wad] Ot vs AnET oniat nT WHS wnetd [2-E-€ ~] wntet wat WHS zinat " janiat FENT 5EnS meat Balad BET BES HART BLALE4] BLAT BLAS BAT (Coslse~]| Balas] BLat BLAS MART BUAIET BILRT BUIEASD mY St [THLE A~] BY lad] BIT BYS mast PAST PAT DAS RAET Dalet HAT DAD HFEF [TLE ~] mites] OTT MIT ayes [ose ~] aitiat OUT OU YET ay iad] BUT BYR BLET PLM ET, DAMAT! HAMAS MEET (SEK ~]]| Feat] FETT] FEMS #2¢ [yr ve] Slat at £4 cnet KHlad CHT (nS Moat Later Lot Loe evar LbNler LEXt Lbxs wat +tT 4tS BNET NT ENS Kyat ENT AVS wnat DHT DHHS @u-form | meaning lesson] BU tae Hitz | open 14 BI tee BIFt: | give 7 bon bof: | collect, gather 18 but HUT: | take [a shower] 16 w vos | exist, be (animate things) 10 us \\fs | have [a child} nT v vfs | stay, be [in Japan} u wn} vsacte | putin, insert 16 wnt \sitt | make [coffee] a jen 3 #Hf: | be bom 22 bal Bet: | getup, wake up 4 BLA BLA | teach 7 BLA BLAS: | tell (an address} 14 BUR BIER | memorize 17 5!) 5!) fe | get off (a train) 16 wat tate | exchange, change 18 matt tate | change 2B aint t #4 f: | make [a telephone call] 7 ap be att f | put on (glasses) 22 BY) | tvs a) t | borrow 7 DKASA | EVs tL Asa fe | think,consider 25 * %€ tf: | pay attention [to cars}, take care | 23 % fe | puton (shirt, etc.) 2 (HH: | give (me) 4 Lat: | close, shut 14 LON: | check, investigate 20 4TH: | throw away 18 tf: | eat 6 t:') ft: | be enough, be sufficient 21 ante | gettired 13 ss £T-form | Ttorm | dictionary form OE t DFT] FT FS ko et Tat les] THUT THUD ceat calas TET CSS wet [308 TLE ~] H ites CS hed (Koad @ ~) CT Ch ket [BOA ~] a CB akoet cnet CHT CHS wet nled nt ne HYRAET DYeAalet] OVPAT] OVHAS wet Uelas] aoe races Aust gitar ENT EUS Reet Atle BHT AHS REF alee AT 4d MART brated CHAT UPd POET PUL ee ~] pales] PHT POS Bnet btanied btnt bths #u-form we-form meaning lesson turn on 14 go out 17 be able to, can 18 go out [of a coffee shop] 13 graduate from [university] 16 [change] come out 23 stop, park 14 sleep, go to bed 4 change (trains, etc.) 16 start, begin 14 lose, be beaten 21 show 14 see, look at, watch 6 g0 to meet, welcome B quit or retire from [a company], | 16 give up forget 7 1st m7 M-group FT -form | TCform | dictionary form RALET SLE Et] SALLOLT] SLUTS RL ET FATAL EH] GATALT] GATATS Rowled DOEOLIEFT] DOEOLT) MOLOTS RET sled] at Lb eel at Wochliss] Holhlt] olntS RELET OK Lea] LOC UT] LAK TS WELT Wee Lists oI LTA SITS ae-Llét ae-Lisd| JE-LT ae-t% MHLET (LGRLEW~]| FAMLIet] SAULT] SAIETS BRET PAELGUIRTSAE EI UTILASLITS lat Liss] Gr 4% weet LojULige] LesULTt] Lasyrs HRLET Loobailiat|lLaobs Gl |Last 254% BEL Et LEGMOLI EFL E FOULT Lt FHOTS RELET LactLiae] adele] Levers om lLet LAist] CAMYLT] LALOFS wal et Hoouliss| towel t] #omods RELET the Liet] ELACLT] ELAK TS WRLET 4qULIEF] FULT 4IUTS NT RET ont sled] OMTET) HTKS isl at thbliss| TAbLt| ThbtS BloRL LET Boillist] UooLLT) Voll ts LET SASEG LIST SLELGLT|NL EL 5TS oT RET bot sita| tot eT bot LS twat beclies] £e ALA | marry, get married 13 ARE LE as (FLA LA | visit some place for study 18 ULeeI Lie (FL 809 Ute | do research 15 Je-L JE-L: | copy 14 SMEL SAIEL HE: | take a walk [in a park] 13 FAELIL XL¥ £5 Lt: | work overtime 7 E Lt | do 6 Lead lian Lie FU | repair 20 Lirbsil tt] Lob 24 U4 | goonabusiness trip 7 Ledool tee] Ls Fol | introduce 4 Lectin Ls SULA | have ameal, dine 13 LAME L tes LAME Ut: | worry 7 Hoon ' tres HHL | explain 24 HARC LE trey tht < LA | wash (clothes) 19 ZGULI GE clean (a room) 19 HTS Law bring (someone) om TALE tes phone” 20 Bolllitn B>IULK | move (house) 2B RheL UL] SLE 9 LA | study 4 botiin £97 ¥# | bring (something) 7 eC UL} ee £4 Ut: | reserve, book 18 Yaron Ym 7as< LA | study abroad 25 HELO ce! HLL ®ILE | practice 19

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