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Revised 01/14/14

1West Virginia University PETE Lesson Plan

Names: Marena Royal
Grade Level

Date: 9/15/15


Number of students: 19
Students with special needs: 2-4

Lesson Focus

Manipulative Skills


Handkerchiefs (scarfs)
Small bean bags
Basket (milk crate)
4 cones


NASPE Standards for PE

_X_ Motor Skills & Movement
Movement Concepts
X Physical Activity & Fitness
X Personal & Social Behavior
__ Values PA


Psychomotor: The students will be able to keep their balance while moving scarfs hand
to hand. Students should be more successful as the class moves on. At the end of class
students should be able to perform 3 to 4 movements using the scarf.

Must have a
Behavior, Condition,
and Criteria

WV P-4 Wellness Standards for

__ Wellness Promotion
__ Wellness Information
__ Wellness Behaviors
__ Personal & Social Behavior
__ Movement Forms
__ Motor Skills

WV 5-12 Standards for PE

__ Movement Forms
__ Motor Skills
__ Physical Activity
__ Physical Fitness
__ Personal & Social Behavior

Cognitive: The students will be able to recognize and perform various cognitive patterns
while juggling. (Square, circle, zig zag, triangle and W, V, U)
Affective: The students will show respect while sharing their space with a classmate at
least 75% of class time (spent on spots and distance between each other inside of

Safety Considerations:

Behavioral Contingencies:

Spacing could be a potential problem since we are in

such a big gym. Children shouldnt run into each
other but should be close enough for clear instruction
and will be able to see their classmates.

The students have a reward system using clips.

Throughout the day their clip is able to be moved up
and down a scale (up good, down bad)

Task Progression
(Student Activity)
(ASAP, Intro, Core,

Introduction (ASAP)
-Warm up


Management Arrangement
(Draw out your space- how will the children and equipment be

For stretching: Spread out, facing teacher, on their
minutes poly spot






For pac man tag: Along the lines on the courtalong baseline when tagged




Goal Orientation
or Assessment
(Identify where NASPE
Standards are

Students will
demonstrate an
understanding of
general space as
well as personal
space 75 percent of
the time. (By the
amount of time
spent on spots and
distance within
each other while
moving inside the


Teacher Communication Script & Performance Cues (Write out your script, introducing
tasks, getting equipment, transitioning from activities. Cues and example feedback statements)

(Run 3 laps then sit on polly spots) Good morning class. Lets begin with our
stretches. (*** Do normal stretches) Lets get moving by playing a game. Does
anyone know how to play Pac Man Tag? Okay, everyone has to run on a solid line
on the floor throughout the entire game. (Point to circle in middle of floor) while
trying to get away from the taggers. So, everyone should be on a line the entire
time. Taggers have to also stay on the lines and touch the pacman (with noodle) on
their shoulders. We shouldnt be tagging people on their heads or below the waist
right? When the music starts you can begin moving. When the music stops you
should freeze where you are and listen quietly. What should we do when the music
stops? Ready? Start music

Revised 01/14/14

Task Progression
(Student Activity)
(ASAP, Intro, Core,


Management Arrangement
(Draw out your space- how will the children and equipment be

Half court: Spread out, facing teacher, on their poly
minutes spot
Core Activity







Goal Orientation
or Assessment
(Identify where NASPE
Standards are

Students will
demonstrate an
understanding of
general space as
well as personal
space 75 percent of
the time. (By the
amount of time
spent on spots and
distance within
each other while
moving inside the

Task Progression
(Student Activity)
(ASAP, Intro, Core,


Management Arrangement
(Draw out your space- how will the children and equipment be

Goal Orientation
or Assessment
(Identify where NASPE
Standards are

Teacher Communication Script & Performance Cues (Write out your script,
introducing tasks, getting equipment, transitioning from activities. Cues and example feedback
Good job boys and girls on Pac-Man Tag. Now we are going to create a
performance using the scarves. This space we are in (point to half court) is going to
be our play area. Has anyone ever juggled before? Yes! We are going to call our
spots on the floor home base. These spots will be your own to go back to in
between tasks. Anytime I call out home base everyone will return to his or her poly
spots. Everyone will need one handkerchief for now. When you get your
handkerchief I want you to place it in shoelace. (if no shoelaces then socks, if no
socks then One line at a time, quietly come take a scarf from the basket and return
to your poly spot. Im looking for quiet lines to come pick up their scarves (dismiss
by quiet lines first).
Can everyone put up their arms like a airplane and find the space around you? You
should have enough room to put your arms up to your sides and move around
without bumping into anyone.
When your scarf is in your shoelace be careful not to slip on it because they can be
Can someone raising their hand show me how we can move the scarf close to the
ground? How about really high to the sky? Okay now everyone take your scarf out
of your shoelace and practice moving it really low and really high. We are going to
move around when the music plays while moving our scarfs up and down. Do
without music one time then walk around with music one time.
-Low to the ground (move back and forth) and Really high on tip toes (move back
and forth)
Please put your scarf back in your shoelace. We can also use both hands while
moving the scarf. Can we try throwing the scarf up in our left hand and right hand?
Please pick take your scarf out of your shoelace. The scarf is easier to throw and
catch if you move it in a rainbow pattern. (demo) Now we are going to learn a move
called elevator. Using both hands throw the scarf up and catch it with the other
hand. Remember you can go really low and really high. When the music starts
count how many times you can throw the scarf in one hand and catch it with the
other. Music
Please place your scarfs in your shoelace. Lets make some shapes using our scarf.
Can someone show me how to make a circle with his or her scarf? Can you use
your other hand and do it too? What is another shape we can make using the scarf?
Can we make really little shapes? Can we make really big shapes? Do without
music one time then walk around with music one time.
-Circle, Square, Triangle, and Zig zag
Can you guys think of something else we can make using the scarves? Letters?
Can someone show me a letter we can make using the scarf? Can you use both
hands to make the letter? For this song, were going to spell WVU together! Lets
start with W. To make a W you start with your scarf really high in one hand then
bring it really low to your shoe. Then just like our elevators you throw it up and catch

Revised 01/14/14

Task Progression
(Student Activity)
(ASAP, Intro, Core,


Management Arrangement
(Draw out your space- how will the children and equipment be

- U (start high, make rounded low, end high)

Now lets put it all together, WVU! Good! Now I am
going to play a song you all might know called
country roads. Lets see how many times we can
spell WVU before the music starts.
Lets use 2 scarves to make the next letter.
I am looking for quiet rows to come up and get
another scarf from the crate. When you get back to
your spots I want you to tuck both scarves in your
What letter could we make using two scarves? An
X, right! To make an X you have to throw one
handkerchief in the air to your opposite hand. Then
throw the other handkerchief crossing them at the
highest point (show teacher example) Throwing the
handkerchief in a rainbow pattern makes for the
easiest switch in the air. So if you have a green
scarf in one hand it should end up in the opposite
hand. Have students practice that. Do without
music one time then walk around with music one
time. Does anyone think they could juggle three
scarves? Let advanced students
Try to do 3 or 4 of the movements we just learned
in a row. (Show example: Low, circle, triangle, X)
Do once without music. Do one movement at the
same time as a class and count it out loud. Who
thinks they can repeat their 4 movements over and
over again while the music is playing? Show
student example of someones 4 movements then
repeat. Assistant teacher start music Do 5
movements if time allows. More skilled students
could switch to beanbags at this point.

Goal Orientation
or Assessment
(Identify where NASPE
Standards are

Student will
demonstrate a
variety of cognitive
patterns and letters
using the scarf.
(Square, circle,
triangle, zig zag, W,
V, U)
Students should be
able to perform 2-3
movements with the



Same as Intro activity

Students will be able to

name at least 4
movements they
learned to make with the
scarves (question and

Great job boys and girls. I was very impressed with scarf performances today. I
want everyone get back on their own home base. Can someone tell me one
movement they learned with the scarf today? Another movement? Can someone tell
me his or her favorite movement of the day?
We learned that when tossing two scarfs, a rainbow pattern from had to hand works
the best. We also learned about personal space and how far we needed to be away
from our classmates to juggle successfully.
Technology Integration:
I will need music to play during Pac man tag and while performing other
manipulative skills. I have downloaded kids bop and country roads to my phone.
The gym at Mylan has a speaker with Bluetooth I can use to play my music.
Contingency Plan:
If we have to go outside I plan to change my ASAP activity. We would play hospital
tag instead of Pac man tag so the lines wouldnt be needed. In the open space
outside we could still do the same core-juggling lesson.
I feel way better about my teaching experience today then I did Wednesday. Again, my equipment
distribution was perfect. I also was able to collect the equipment just as well; I had the students sit down in
lines and on their way to line up drop off their scarfs. Another thing that went well in my lesson is that I had
them put the scarf in their shoelace while I explained the nest movement. This helped the students focus on
the demonstrations I was doing instead of playing with their handkerchief. Additionally, I thought my
progression of tasks was great. We started with shapes, then moved to letters, and added various locomotor
movements while performing the moves. Something I could of improved on was including the students who
were distracted. I didnt notice this one student wasnt doing any of the moves I was demoing but he was
doing his own thing. Thankfully my assistant teacher corrected him a few times for me. Another thing I could
improve on is giving the students a goal each time I send them off to practice a skill. After a few skills that
didnt have goals I noticed the kids were just running as fast as they could and werent actually practicing. I
corrected this though when we started the letters and set a goal of completing three movements before they
returned to their spots. One specific thing I will do differently next lesson is have more uniform start and stop
ques. During the first game we played I used the music and freeze as my signals. When I switched to the
core of my lesson I only used the music as my start que and then had them return to their poly spots when
they were done. This meant the students got back to their spots at different times and I created a unwanted
race. For my next lesson I will have them sit wherever they are after they complete the task and then
together everyone can return to their poly spots. Also, learning the names of my students will help with
feedback and getting the attention of certain students.

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