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Generic Extraction from SAP R/3 using Infoset Query

June 1, 2008 2:03 am

Created By: Arun
STEP 1: In R/3 Go to command bar use T-code SQ02
Give a Infoset name and press create button

A new window pops up, give name and select the check box Direct read table and give
table name(Example VBAP) to extract as shown and press continue button.

STEP 3: A small window pops up check the box create empty field groups and press

STEP 4: Here a new window pops up, Drag the table fields you want to extract from left
to right folder.
(here we are creating extraction structure of the infoset adding field at right side)
Then press generate button.

STEP 5: window pops up give package name and press local object.
( after pressing local object Infoset generated was see at the bottom)

STEP 6:Now Create the Data Source using Tcode -RSO2

Check the check box create transaction data and give any name and press create.

STEP 7: Below data source window pops up, give application component name related to
table and give text description , then press Extraction from Query button, Infoset
window enables give table name of infoset table name Example vbap, then press save
button and press Generic Delta

STEP 8: A new window pops up select the fields by checking boxs then SAVE it and
close the window.

STEP 9: Open new window, in command bar use T-Code RSA3 below window pops up
Now enter data source name and press extraction button below and now in selection field
give value, and press again extraction and display list button.

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