Model Test Bilingv 2013

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1. For questions 1-15, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D)
best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

(30 p.)

Dear Tony,
I 0) have been here for almost a week now. I still 1). whether to take the job. I
just cant 2). a decision.
Do you remember Bill Hemsky? I 3). him by chance two days ago. He was one of
those tall, thin Americans I 4). when I 5). at Cambridge. (By the way, he
has put on a lot of weight since he came back here). Anyway, he is an analyst with one of
the big Wall Street firms now. He thinks I should 6). the job, even if only for a
year or so because it 7). excellent experience.
You told me before I 8). here that I shouldnt let our relationship influence my
decision... Do you really think that? They 9). me a month to decide. We can talk
about it when I 10). back to London next week.
Since I arrived here the weather 11). very pleasant, warm and sunny, but not too
hot. Autumn (The Americans call it fall) is a wonderful time to visit New York. The
colours are so different here, much brighter and richer than in England.
By the way, I 12) dinner with your father yesterday , but I 13). him at
lunchtime. He 14). very much since I last 15). him almost ten years ago!
We talked about this and that, but mostly about you.
I will write to you again as soon as I have made a decision.

0 A have been

B be

C being

D to have been

1 A had not decided B to be decided

C have not decided

D decide

2 A making

B made

C make

D to make

3 A met

B have met

C meet

D meeting

4 A knew

B have known

C know

D had not known

5 A have studied

B have been studying C study

D was studying

6 A have taken

B take

C will be taking

D have been taking

7 A will be

B be

C would have been

D is

8 A have come

B come

C will come

D came

9 A give

B have been giving

C have given

D would give

10 A will be getting

B get

C getting

D got

11 A had been

B be

C has been

D was

12 A had

B did not have

C had not had

D will have

13 A had been seeing B have seen

C saw

D will see

14 A has not changed B changed

C did not change

D had changed

15 A seen

C saw

D did not see

B will see

2. Read the text and fill in the word which best fits each gap. Use ONLY ONE word
in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

(30 p.)

Armchair sport
These days people have 0) more spare time for leisure activities and there are
more to 1) . from. When I was a child, most people worked 2) . Saturday
mornings, if 3) .......... all day, and in the afternoon the choice was between going to a
football match 4) . a cinema, or staying at home and 5) to the radio,
though even then there were people who climbed mountains 6) . weekends or got
on their bicycles and 7) . away somewhere.
Nowadays it is more difficult to decide 8) . to do. Yet there is still a
division between those who would 9) . play than watch and those who are more
passive. Occasionally, you can mistake one for the other. A friend of 10) . said one
Friday afternoon: Im playing St Andrews with my son tomorrow. The 11) . time
we played went round in 65. I was so surprised that he 12) . scored so well on
the worlds 13) . famous golf course that I did not ask how they were 14).
to travel up to Scotland. It wasnt 15) . the following week, when we talked about
playing in California, that I realized he was playing on a computer.
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