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How to Install Exchange 2000 upon Windows 2003
Ok, lets get one point clear, installing Exchange 2000 on a Windows 2003 directly is
impossible due to the Active Directory Constraints imposed by Win2k3.
The reason behind this isnt to do with IIS6.0 as you might read else-where but rather to
do with the preparations that Exchange requires conflicting with the new design of the
AD under 2003.
You will hear no doubt that IIS6 wont run exchange but this is rubbish. This is possible
because if you follow the guidelines below, IIS6.0 acts in a special mode known as IIS5.0
compatibility mode.
Microsoft introduced this together with moving the system device into the kernel. Mainly
to ensure that the .Net framework could work effectively and provide certain capabilities
such as crash protection to the user side of the web process. In addition certain security
processes changed such that the entire result is that the IIS engine runs smoother and with
greater efficiency when compared to the rest of the OS.
Back to Exchange, Exchange uses ASP interfaces which are not affected by the IIS
version change. The only issue is that by default, ASP pages are not enabled within
Windows 2003 when you perform a default install and so as a result these pages often
dont work (cause the interpreter isnt there !!).
Now to the part where I tell you how to do it.
Be aware, this process takes about 2hrs. After this youll have a fully operational
exchange system.
One primary requirement is that you install Windows 2000 Server with the latest Service
Packs and hotfixes from Microsoft.Com. Ensure that the system is AD enabled (ie Run
dcpromo.exe) and create a new FOREST with the domain you require. Ensure that this is
a new forest and not one that exists already.
Yes if you hadnt noticed, this is going via the upgrade route ! You should make sure that
the system has DNS configured correctly and the system is fault free (i.e. all hardware
detected, working etc.).
Run the SETUP.EXE /FORESTPREP from the Exchange 2000 CD as usual and then
continue to install Exchange.

After doing this update the Exchange implementation to Service Pack 3. This is minimum
requirement for this process to succeed Exchange SPK2 is NOT sufficient.
Add a user account on the DC and create a mailbox for him/her and check the OWA
works correctly i.e. you can see the Admin Mailbox and the user mailbox (from a remote
system you can log in).
Now the Fun Stuff !!
Insert the Windows 2003 Install CD and enter the Command Prompt by type
CMD.EXE at the RUN option on the start menu.
Go to the directory of the CD drive and at the prompt type ADPREP /FORESTPREP.
At the prompt press C and return to continue.
This will prepare the installation of the Windows 2003 Server install. Youll note that if
you have followed my advice the version of the AD currently is 14 and it has to move to
version 30. Let this do its job and go grab a coffee/tea whatever.
After doing this, AD 2003 is prepared. Now to check for possible corruption of the AD.
Insert the CD containing Windows 2000 Server (yes 2000 Server) and from the directory
SUPPORT\TOOLS find the CAB SUPPORT.CAB and extract the file LDP.EXE.
This is a utility to check the AD for possible failures. Run the application.
On the Connection menu, click Connect, leave the Server box empty, type 389 in the
Port box, and then click OK.
On the Connection menu, click Bind, leave all the boxes empty, and then click OK.
Record the distinguished name path for the SchemaNamingContext attribute. For
example, for a domain controller in the CORP.ADATUM.COM forest, the distinguished
name path might be CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=corp,DC=company,DC=com.
On the Browse menu, click Search.
Use the following settings to configure the Search dialog box:
Base DN: The distinguished name path for the schema naming context that is identified
in step 3.
Filter: (ldapdisplayname=dup*)
Scope: Subtree

If you have done everything correctly up until now you should see NULL returned. This
means no AD corruption and you have done everything correctly. If not you didnt follow
these steps correctly. Go to the last paragraph.
At this point re-insert the Windows 2003 CD into the drive. At the command prompt type
ADPREP /DOMAINPREP. This should take very little time. After such, run the
Setup.Exe from the Windows 2003 CD and select Upgrade Installation If it asks to
connect to Microsoft, select yes. This will update the INF files for the installation
After installing Windows 2003 (takes about 51 minutes on a P4-2.4ghz system), check
the eventlog and you will see that a couple of services failed this is normal for
Exchange at this point. All services have been updated and there is no reason to panic.
Just continue with the following steps to get everything working.
The reason why this occurs is that on Booting the Server, Exchange tries to contact the
Global Catalog Server. Since this server is that Server, it cant find the system very
quickly because of everything else loading.
The next process configures Exchange to wait a bit longer before timing out. The default
is set to hex(3C) or 60 seconds. Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe).
Locate and click the following key in the registry:
On the Edit menu, click Add Value, and then add the following registry value:
Value name: TopoCreateTimeoutSecs
Data type: REG_DWORD
Radix: Decimal
Value data: 200 (Seconds)
Quit Registry Editor.
It is noted that if you add higher values, expect your system to hang indefinitely for that
period. This equates to 3 minutes 20 seconds. After this you will see no more failure.
Slower systems should make this around 5 minutes if the above isnt enough.

Finishing Up.
If everything worked out fine, you should be able to log into the account as per usual for
Exchange. If you wish to extend the domain (which is advised), build new member
servers, install AD on these and the transfer the role of GC to another System.
Note that installing more that one Exchange Server should be performed in much the
same manner except that you create the Exchange infrastructure before moving any
system to 2003.
All information here has been gained by experience over the last 2 weeks. It works and
has been tested thoroughly to the point where I really did have some late nights.
Almost all of this information is a concise form of two Technet articles 312859 and
325379. To get these go to http://WWW.Microsoft.Com/Support.
All the best.

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