Master of Ceremony

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: Rianita Sali (1513052)


: KA02

Good night boys and girls. Welcome to Selenas birthday party.
First of all, thanks for coming to this event. Whats up with you guys? I hope,
all of you are great and enjoy this birthday party. Alright, before we begin
this party tonight, let me read the schedule first.

Greeting from audience
Blowing candles
Cutting cakes

1. Opening
Okay, first let us beginning this party with a pray. Hope that this party
will be running well and our beloved Selena will be a good personality
and become more mature. Lets prayfinish. Then, lets go to the
second schedule.
2. Greeting from the audience
Well guys, its time for Ariana to give some greeting and wishes for
Selena. Ariana, time is yours.
Alright, thanks for your greeting, Ariana.
3. Blowing candles
Now its time that weve been waiting. Its time for Selena to blow the
candles and make her wish. Selena, time is yours.
4. Cutting cakes
Here it is, time to cutting the cakes. I wonder whos get the cake first,
lets hope its me. Haha bound to happen eventually, actually Im not
that serious sel, its just a joke. Alright sel time is yours.
5. Closing
Finally, were on the highlight of this party. Before were closing this
party, let us pray for Selena. We hope her for the best in the future.
Once again a very happy birthday for Selena. Lets dance and party
hard. Enjoy the night, see ya!!

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