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Field Study
1, 2 and 3
Cerezo, Maria Angelika N.
BSED Filipino-3101
Ms. Vanessa L. Ebreo
FS Instructor
Field Study 1 Reflection
Not everything that can be counted counts and not everything that counts can be
counted. (Albert Einstein) This is how I describe my Field Study courses. The fun, enjoyment
and learning while working on it is uncountable but surely counts not just for today but in my
whole pre-service teaching experience.

As stated in its philosophy, Field Study 1 is designed to help the Field Study students
verify the behavior of the child in the actual learning environment. It requires them to recognize
feasible approaches to facilitate learning considering the learners different phases of
development and social environment.
The FS book was my guide on this course. I thank the author of it for coming up with
different activities that help me accomplish the course with so much learning gained. I learned
what the purpose of observation is and it is to provide opportunity for me to relate the theories I
studied to actual practice. Here, I focused on the Learners Development and Environment. I
observed the learners different characteristics and needs. I learned that as a future teacher, it is a
must that I can determine my learners characteristics and needs to plan and implement activities
and assessments that are appropriate for their development. I also learned how to design and plan
how to accommodate those needs.
Field Study 1 also provided me opportunity to examine how classrooms are structured
and designed to allow maximum participation and effective learning in everyone. Through the
help of my cooperating teacher and follow-up observations, I learned how to manage classroom
that is not threatening yet organized with rules and regulations. I still remember what my
cooperating teacher said that students and teachers collaborate on making rules.
I also observed how differences in abilities of the learners affect interaction in school and
learn about strategies that teachers use in addressing the learners different needs to effective
learning. I learned that to be an effective teacher, I should always remember that learners have
different levels of ability and let them know that the effort they are doing in school is recognized.
I should set an atmosphere where collaboration between diverse students will result to positive
outcomes. The relationship of school to home and home to school should always be monitored
by the teacher so that both institutions will help learners to develop their abilities, talents and
skills to the fullest.
All in all, I am grateful that I reached this level which is taking up this course. I
experienced how to be a teacher in a short period of time. It is not easy knowing and evaluating
each learner that Ive handled in my cooperating school but I still accomplished it. It will be my
foundation for my future career and I will always reflect on everything that Ive learned here.

Field Study 3 Reflection

This course is designed to enrich the students experiences in developing and utilizing
technology to facilitate learning. It shall provide hands-on opportunities in the exploring, using,
and evaluating technology-based materials.

Field Study 3, Technology in the Learning Environment, opens up a new world of

learning in my part it boosts my prior knowledge in Educational Technology I and II. In this
course, I had explored the world of technology incorporated in teaching. I had the opportunity to
examine learning resources centers of my cooperating school, resources that will provide
valuable support to the teaching-learning process. I learned that the resources should not only be
available to use as helping tools for instruction but should also have common purpose which is to
include, orient and train teachers. I also had the chance to examine how helpful and appropriate
these resources are.
I also worked on bulletin boards which purposes are to offer visual stimulation and
aesthetics which will set the social and psychological atmosphere of the school, encourage
students to perform better and have greater confidence, to use as a strategy to disseminate
information and to invite students to respond and participate through interactive displays. I made
my own lay-out of bulletin. I learned that making one requires different skills to come up with an
effective bulletin board that will serve its purpose. I also learned the tips on making effective
slide presentation. This course required me to browse the internet for sites that could help me
come up with good and appropriate presentation. I encountered difficulties in making my own
presentation because I should know my intended audience to fit my presentation on their
interests. But it is all worthwhile at the end because I overcome those difficulties and I had
learned a lot from exploring new things from technology.
In Field Study 3, I also improved my knowledge in making instructional materials, how
to prepare it, and how to execute in class. I also observed how Technology Integration in classes
are facilitated. I examined it by using the Technology Integration Matrix which provides
comprehensive framework to define and evaluate technology integration. It provides me
direction and guides me on the process of achieving effective with technology.
My favorite part of taking this course is the episode in FS 3 where we are to explore the
internet of the with the sites for teachers that could help them in teaching methods and strategies
that fit with the learners of today. I enjoy exploring those sites because I found many helpful
materials that could be use in preparation with my demonstrations. There are also books written
by countable authors that will be useful in engaging in classroom activities.
I also learned how Massive Open Online Courses help the teachers and future teachers to
prepare themselves in teaching experiences they would be having. There are many courses
offered which can be afforded. Example of them is Managing Behavior for Learning offered by This free online course has been developed by the National Science Learning Centre
(United Kingdom) as part of their suite of high impact professional development for teachers of
science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Overall, taking this course made me experienced real situations happening in a
classroom, how to manage, make visual aids/instructional materials and explores technology in
teaching. It made me visualize my future as a teacher and helped me with things to remember
and improve on as facilitator of knowledge. I will use everything I learned here in the career path
Im taking.

Field Study 2 Reflection

Field Study 2, Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process, provides Field Study
students with opportunities to connect teaching-learning theories and principles discussed in the
six unit courses in Principles 1 and 2 with actual classroom practice. It is intended to help the FS

students observe how these principles of teaching and learning applied by the resource teachers
to make the teaching-learning process interactive, meaningful, exciting and enjoyable.
Of all the Field Study courses, I think this is the hardest to accomplish. Not because it has
the most number of episodes but because every episodes requires too much analysis and
observations. I encountered difficulties like having no classes and the teachers have many things
to do that they just leave activities for the learners but I am happy that I still accomplish this
course and submit what is needed by the course.
In this course, I observed the principles of teaching and learning we studied. I realized
that it is better to see it personally, be on the actual settings, than just imagining it because I
understand where and when the principles are applied or are they applied or not. I also had time
focusing on the lesson objectives as the guiding star in the topic. I saw how important it is in the
development of the lesson. It serves as the blueprint of the lesson that teacher can plan her lesson
well, the approach she will use. I learned that objectives should have congruence with the
teaching procedure and the assessment after the lesson. The teacher plays important role in
making it possible.
I had also reviewed my knowledge in the domains of education, the cognitive,
psychomotor and affective domains. I observed classes and analyzed if they are practicing each
domain in their lessons. I learned that learning is not effective if we only use one to two domains
because learning takes place if students use their mental, physical and emotional aspects on
particular lessons.
I familiarized myself in different methods of teaching and the guiding principles in the
selection and use of strategies in teaching. I observed how my resource teachers applied different
approaches in their subjects. I learned that there is no best way/method to use in teaching
because every method/approach is different. They have different content that requires different
approach. There are methods that are applicable on other subjects but dont fit on other subjects.
It is on the decision of the subject teacher what appropriate method/s s/he will use on her/his
The classes I observed also gave me tips on how to develop their lessons to make it lively
all the time and to stimulate the learners interests to learn. It helped me in making my lesson
plan for my demonstration. I also enjoyed the episode in the book focusing on the effective
questioning and reacting techniques. I observed three resource teachers. I focused on how they
ask questions and what questions they always ask. I analyzed them if they require higher order
thinking skills of the learners. I reflect on how the teachers react on the answers of the learners.
To sum up this FS 2 experience, I am very happy and thankful for this course in helping
me plan out for my demonstrations to come and to visualize the dos and donts in teaching.
Happy teaching in the future!!!

Local Demonstration Reflection

It is not the strongest of the species that survive or the most intelligent, but the most
responsive to change. (Charles Darwin)

After my journey, in my Field Study courses, what I prepared next is my local

demonstration. While preparing it, I realized that the things I learned from field study courses are
very helpful and useful. It made loads easier like making and designing my lesson plan which I
prepared first. I accomplish doing it with the help of my cooperating teacher who revised and
checked my plan. She gave suggestions on how I will present the lesson in the class. I also
applied here my prior knowledge in Principle of Teaching. When it comes in deciding what
materials to be used in my demo, I chose to use PowerPoint presentation. I included video clip,
animations, graphic, pictures and stylish fonts. I applied the principles in making presentations
stated in the FS 3 book. I chose to use PowerPoint because it is easy to make and I can
experiment it that learners attention will be caught. The next thing I prepared is myself. At first, I
am afraid I cant make it because the first time I had a demo it was cut and everything that I
planned for was ruined. I am very frustrated with the result thats why I prepared for this
demonstration. I am proud I have tried to finish it this time.
After having this activity, I learned what I should improve on to be more effective teacher
in the future. All the comments and the reminders from the demonstration were noted down as
my guide in my journey as a future educator. This demonstration will be my first step in the field
of teaching. I will keep on learning and improving.
It is not the strongest of the species that survive or the most intelligent, but the
most responsive to change. (Charles Darwin)

Statement of Beliefs
Teaching is an active process in which one person shares information with others to
provide them with information to make behavioral changes. Learning is the process of

assimilating information with a resultant change in behavior. Teaching-learning process is

planned interaction that promotes behavioral change that is not a result of maturation or
coincidence. Teaching and learning is a process that includes many variables. These variables
interact as learners work toward their goals and incorporate new knowledge, behaviors, and
skills that add to their range of learning experiences.
Teaching, often called as the noblest profession is the career I am pursuing now. For
me, it is not having books, chalk to write on blackboards and mind that is knowledgeable in
different subjects. Teaching for me is giving your all, your life and your heart. It is a lifetime
commitment where you will love it as times go by. But how can we say that everyones in
teaching is effective?
I believe that teacher can be called effective if she treat teaching as a vocation, as a
calling, as a need and not just a profession, when it is on her to help learners in need. An
effective teacher is someone who knows how she can integrate values through her lessons rather
than being just knowledgeable about the topic.
A great teacher makes hard things easy. (Ralph Wando Emerson) in different situations
and difficulties, she can always find ways to overcome those. She can design ways and
alternatives when the plan doesnt work. She disseminate learning not just from the mind, but
from the heart.

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