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Elementary School
ESL Language Proficiency End of Semester Report

Name: Grade: Date:

ESL Teacher: Homeroom Teacher:

ACADEMIC REPORT CARD October DecemberMarchJune AlwaysUsuallySometimesNot YetResponds Appropriately

to conversational English (Social English)
Understands the lessons (Academic English) Gives appropriate attention to speakerUnderstands and
follows directions Comprehends grade-level vocabularySPEAKING AlwaysUsuallySometimesNot YetUses correct
pronunciationUses varied vocabulary Speaks with grammatical accuracyAsks and responds to questions appropriately
Participates in class discussions using Academic English Speaks with appropriate speed, rhythm, and intonationREADING
AlwaysUsuallySometimesNot YetKnows letter-sound relationshipsReads high frequency wordsDecodes new words Uses
appropriate reading strategiesReads aloud accurately and fluently Reads with expressionUnderstands classroom textsWRITING
AlwaysUsuallySometimesNot Yet Uses correct letter formation & writes legiblyExhibits grade-level spelling skills Uses grade-
level appropriate vocabulary Applies correct punctuation Writes with grammatical accuracyExpresses ideas in short
sentencesOrganizes paragraphs effectivelyWrites for specific purposesESL Teacher’s Comments:

ESL Teacher’s Signature

Homeroom Teacher’s Signature

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