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The main antagonist Lois is a young female, who is shown in a very typical
way to start off with. I used an exaggerated representation of the young
character showing her in pig tails and playing clapping games with
friends. She is happy and having fun with her friends, while surrounded by
games and teddies. She is at a very vulnerable and delicate age, which
means she takes everything very personally which leads me into the
relationship with her brother. She has a very difficult relationship with her
older brother, who is very mean to her, making her feel unwanted and
unloved. After her unexplained death (which is kept as a narrative
enigma) we see her seek revenge on her brother, this is the main plot of
the film. The older brother is a stereotypical brother, which likes to mock
his younger sister and cause her bother although does not realise to what
extent it is upsetting the sister. Although we dont see on camera the
young girl and boy has an abusive relationship with their parents which
encouraged the boy to treat the girl the way he did. This is also the cause
of the girls death but this is not revealed in the trailer. There is a heated
argument which shows the brother saying the sister is unloved and
unwanted. After his sisters unexplained death she seeks revenge on her
brother whereas he becomes very depressed and guilty for the death.
Resulting in him visiting her grave numerous times and looking at old
photos. The sister on the other hand becomes angrier and haunts him in
day to day tasks.

Research into child abuse and results of it

Poor mental health: are almost two and a half times as likely to have

poor mental health outcomes,

Unhappiness: are four times more likely to be unhappy even in

much later life

Poor physical health: are more likely to have poor physical health.

Over two decades of research have demonstrated potential

negative impact of child abuse and neglect on mental health

anxiety disorders
poor self-esteem
aggressive behaviour
suicide attempts
eating disorders
use of illicit drugs

alcohol abuse
post-traumatic stress
sexual difficulties
self-harming behaviours
personality disorders.

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