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 Foreign Direct Investment

has grown in importance in the global

Foreign Direct economy with FDI stocks now constituting
over 20 percent of global GDP.
Types of Foreign Direct Investment
Project Report
Inward Investment

INTRODUCTION Inward investment means the

investment when foreign capital is
invested in local resources. Inward
Foreign Direct Investment investment is encouraged by tax breaks,
subsidies, grants etc. by the Govt. Inward
Definition & Explanation FDI is restricted by ownership restraints
or limits Differential performance
Foreign Direct Investment is defined as, requirements.
“investment made to acquire lasting interest
Outward Investment
in enterprises, operating outside the economy
of the investor”. Outward investment also known as
direct investment abroad is the
Foreign Direct Investment in relationship
investment when local capital is invested
consists of parent enterprise and a foreign
in foreign resources means investment in
affiliate which together form a multinational
imports and exports from a foreign
corporation (MNC).
commodity country.
In order to qualify as FDI, the investment
Outward Investment is encouraged by
must afford the parent enterprise control over
Government backed insurance to cover
its foreign affiliate.
risk and tax incentives.
In the years after the Second World
Outward Investment is discouraged by
War global FDI was dominated by the
tax disincentive, subsidies for local
United States, as much of the world
businesses and Government policies for
recovered from the destruction brought by
the support of nationalization of the
the conflict. The US accounted for around
three-quarters of new FDI (including
reinvested profits) between 1945 and 1960.
Since that time FDI has spread to become a
truly global phenomenon, no longer the BY TARGET
exclusive preserve of OECD countries. FDI Greenfield investment

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 Foreign Direct Investment

Direct investment in new facilities or the Forward Vertical FDI

expansion of existing facilities; Greenfield
investments are the primary target of a host Where an industry abroad sells the outputs of
nation’s promotional efforts because they a firm's domestic production, or uses the
create new production capacity and jobs, firm's output as input.
transfer technology and know-how, and can
lead to linkages to the global marketplace.

Mergers and Acquisitions

Transfers of existing assets from local firms
to foreign firms takes place; the primary type
of FDI. Cross-border mergers occur when the Investments which seek to acquire factors of
assets and operation of firms from different production those are more efficient than
countries are combined to establish a new those obtainable in the home economy of the
legal entity. Cross-border acquisitions occur firm. In some cases, these resources may not
when the control of assets and operations is be available in the home economy at all (e.g.
transferred from a local to a foreign cheap labor and natural resources). This
company, with the local company becoming typifies FDI into developing countries, for
an affiliate of the foreign company. example seeking natural resources in the
Middle East and Africa, or cheap labor in
Horizontal FDI
Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe.
Horizontal FDI occurs when the
multinational undertakes the same production
to activities in multiple countries. Investments which aim at either penetrating
new markets or maintaining existing ones.
Vertical FDI
FDI of this kind may also be employed as
Vertical FDI occurs when the multinational defensive strategy; it is argued that
acquires a stake in a foreign firm that either businesses are more likely to be pushed
uses its output or provides its input. The towards this type of investment out of fear of
primary activity of the foreign firm usually losing a market rather than discovering a new
precedes or succeeds that of the parent one. This type of FDI can be characterized
company. by the foreign Mergers and Acquisitions in
the 1980’s by Accounting, Advertising and
Backward Vertical FDI Law firms.
Investment in a firm whose industry output
provides the input for the parent company's

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 Foreign Direct Investment

Efficiency-Seeking The Pakistan government is working hard to

attract large scale FDI into the country, including
Investments which firms hope will increase allowing foreign investors to hold unlimited
their efficiency by exploiting the benefits of equity and making concerted efforts to project a
economies of scale and scope, and also those positive country image.
of common ownership. It is suggested that
“Federal Minister for Privatization and
this type of FDI comes after either resource
Investment Dr. Abdul Hafeez Shaikh, said that
or market seeking investments have been Pakistan has great potential for foreign
realized, with the expectation that it further investment in various sectors and, for the first
increases the profitability of the firm. time, it would attract a foreign direct investment
(FDI) of $1 billion this year. He said that foreign
Strategic-Asset-Seeking investment in the country was increasing every
A tactical investment to prevent the gain of year and in the last seven months it had touched
the figure of $600 million which is higher by 50
resource to a competitor. Easily compared to
percent compared to the same period of last
that of the oil producers, whom may not need
the oil at present, but look to prevent their
competitors from having it. (Source: Business Recorder)

Most of this investment was in oil and gas,

construction, real estate and telecommunication
(Source: sectors and was result of positive policies of the
present government.

Hafeez said that the image of the country is

improving internationally and its growth rate,
stable government and positive policies are
attracting them to invest in this country.

Foreign investors should now come forward to

invest and avail the vast opportunities available
in gas, oil and other sectors in Pakistan and get
benefit of business-friendly policies of the
Foreign Direct
Investment in Pakistan… An Overview

Developing countries by and large face a gap

ANALYSIS between domestic savings and the desired level
of investment. In case of Pakistan, for example,
Current Situations domestic savings constitute only 15-18 per cent
of GDP. This gap is to be filled by the inflow of
foreign capital. Foreign direct investment (FDI)

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is arguably the most important source of foreign improved during last four financial years mainly
capital. In addition to filling the savings- due to consistent economic policies of the
investment gap, FDI yields a number of government. In 2005-06, FDI crossed the $3
advantages to the host country including transfer billion mark for the first time as the total FDI was
of technology and managerial know-how, registered at $3.52 billion. However, the source
employment generation, revenues to the of nearly half of the FDI was proceeds from the
government, provision of quality products to sale of state enterprises.
consumers, creation of backward and forward
linkages, broadening of industrial base, and As regards the direction of FDI, financial
increase in exports. services, telecommunications and the energy
sector have received the bulk of FDI. The
In order to increase the level of foreign capital manufacturing sector, especially the all-important
inflows, developing countries liberalize their textile sector, has received meager FDI inflows.
trade and investment regime by relaxing This also means that Pakistan has received very
governmental controls and offering a number of little export-oriented FDI, thus limiting the role
financial and trade incentives like tax of FDI as a tool of export promotion.
concessions and tariff reductions. Though
exceedingly important, the right level of foreign (Source: Board of Investment, State Bank of Pakistan)
investment is not enough. What also matters is
the direction of investment, that is, in which Coming to FDI regime of Pakistan, over past
sectors it is made. one decade Pakistan has opened its economy
through privatization and deregulation and
Having outlined the importance of FDI, let’s presently it has a very liberal FDI regulatory
glance at foreign investment regime of Pakistan. regime. The regulatory framework for foreign
However, before doing this it seems appropriate investment consists of three laws: Foreign Private
to look at the level of FDI in Pakistan during last Investment (Promotion & Protection) Act 1976;
one decade. Furtherance and Protection of Economic Reforms
Act 1992; and Foreign Currency Accounts
Total FDI inflows into Pakistan from 1995-96 (Protection) Ordinance 2001. Taken together,
to 2005-06 stand at $10.93 billion, which come to these laws protect FDI as follows:
$994 million a year. This of course is far below
the desired level. In 1995-96, Pakistan attracted One, there is freedom to bring, hold and take
the (then) record $1.1 billion FDI, which was out foreign currency from Pakistan in any form.
mainly due to agreements with Independent Two, fiscal incentives provided by the
Power Producers (IPPs). government cannot be altered to the disadvantage
of the investor. Three, the privatisation of an
However, the next year FDI registered a sharp enterprise is fully protected. Four, no foreign
fall as the successive government, repudiated enterprise can be taken over by the government.
agreements with IPPs. Thus ensued a row Five, original foreign investment as well as
between the Government of Pakistan and IPPs, profits earned on it can be repatriated to the
which severely affected foreign investor’s country of origin. Six, equal treatment is
confidence in Pakistan. Pakistan’s decision to go provided to a foreign investor and local investor
nuclear in 1998 prompted several countries to in terms of import and export of goods. Seven,
impose economic restrictions, which also reduced FDI is not subject to taxes in addition to those
FDI inflows. The sudden freezing of foreign levied on domestic investment. Eight, foreign
currency accounts following the nuclear blasts currency accounts are fully protected and they
increased the risk of doing business in Pakistan cannot be freeze.
and severely affected FDI. The FDI level

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(Source of facts & Figures: Foreign Currency Accounts copyright legislation in conformity with
Ordinance 2001)
international copyright laws, the government has
not been able to curb piracy. This increases the
Pakistan business strengths are investor- cost of doing business in Pakistan.
friendly policies allowing 100 percent foreign
equity, protection to private investment, Factors affecting FDI in Pakistan
remittance of profit, royalty and technology fee,
zero import duties on raw materials for
Let’s turn to social, economic and political
production of export, large and growing domestic factors that have bottlenecked the growth of FDI
market, well-established infrastructure, skilled, in Pakistan. Take political uncertainty first.
qualified and cost effective manpower, regional Political instability has been endemic in Pakistan.
hub in view of gateway to Central Asian During 1990s four governments and parliaments
Republics and strong links with Gulf region and were dismissed and three general elections held
South Asia. towards the close of the decade, the civilian set-
up was replaced with a military regime.
There is huge potential of investment of Rs Furthermore, whenever a civilian government
594.4 billion in engineering industry in Pakistan was in office, speculations of its sack were ripe.
Political uncertainty increased the risk of doing
against existing Rs 289.8 billion in this sector business in Pakistan and decreased its
including potential in Automotive & Agriculture attractiveness as a market for investment.
Implements of around Rs 110.3 billion, against
existing Rs 65.3 billion, Rs 26 billion in heavy Frequent changes in government also made
machinery against existing Rs 17.5 billion, Rs 13 continuity of policies difficult. In our country
billion in Consumer Durables against Rs 9.5 there is a tendency on the part of a government to
billion, Rs 21 billion in Surgical & Cutlery undo the policies of its predecessor. The row
between the Nawaz Sharif government and IPPs
against existing Rs 15 billion, Rs 251.5 billion in
has already been mentioned. Policy aphorism
Steel against existing Rs 83.5 billion and Rs also begets uncertainty and increases the
172.6 billion in others against existing Rs 99 investment risk.
Another important factor is law and order.
As regards investment policy, all economic During last one decade, Pakistan has been subject
sectors including the service sector are open to to twin menaces of religious extremism and
FDI. Foreign equity up to 100 per cent is ethnics, which have taken a heavy toll on our
allowed. No government sanction is required for economy. Ironically ethnic violence ran rampant
setting up an industry in terms of field of activity, in Karachi, Pakistan’s business capital. There
location and size except in case of four sectors were several incidents of murder and kidnapping
relating to national security. Under the for ransom. Of late, Pakistan has faced a series of
deregulation policy, government controls on suicide attacks in different parts of the country. A
business activity are being relaxed. To avoid couple of years back, the president had a narrow
double taxation on income earned by foreign escape in two incidents occurred in the same
investors, Pakistan has concluded agreements place in a heavily guarded area.
with 51 countries. The list includes nearly all the
developed economies. However, one area in the The fourth factor is lack of human capital.
regulatory regime needs a lot of improvement is Workers are widely regarded as the principal
the protection of Intellectual property rights asset of a firm and the capital source of its
(IPRs), particularly copyrights. Despite bringing competitive advantage. That is why there is so

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much emphasis in developed countries on human

resource development.

In Pakistan however development of human

capital has been given a short shrift, which is
responsible for low worker productivity. While
making investment decisions, MNCs take into
account both worker productivity and wages. In
Pakistan wages are low but productivity is also

Infrastructure, including rail, road and

telecommunication network, and price and (1) Foreign Direct Investment up
availability of utilities is another area that needs a by 19 Percent (2004)
lot of improvement. Cost of water and power for
business consumers in Pakistan is higher than Foreign Direct Investment in the country
those in other neighboring countries like India witnessed a huge surge of 19 percent. After
and China.
the company sold two cellular phone licenses
Infrastructure is also not up to the mark. Poor and a strategic stake in Habib Bank, 798
infrastructure and high cost of utilities increase million dollar was the FDI investment in
the cost of doing business and make a country a June 2004, which was raised to 949 million
less attractive market for FDI. dollar in July 2004. Two cellular phone
licenses were auctioned in April for 291
Last but not least is the cultural factor. An
overwhelming majority of existing or potential million dollar each to Oslo based Telenor and
MNCs in Pakistan are western. The people of the UAE based Warid Telecom companies. The
West have a lifestyle different from us and want companies paid half of the billed amount in
to continue that while staying here. However
may and rest of the amount was adjusted in
certain self-righteous people want to impose their
own values on foreigners and thus meddle into coming years. In December, Pakistan sold
their personal private lives. Nothing irks these 51% shares of Habib Bank Limited Geneva
foreign investors and managers more than based Aga Khan Fund for economic
meddling into their personal lives.
development. US and UAE investment were
In sum, to increase FDI, apart from creating an 238.4 million dollar and 205 million dollar
investor-friendly regulatory regime, the respectively. Pakistan was expecting 1 billion
government will have to improve law and order dollar foreign direct investment, but on
situation and pursue consistent policies. Political
ground it received 1.25 billion dollar against
stability, human resource development and
cultural tolerance are also of capital importance. 950 billion dollar of last financial year.
Ministry of Privatization & Investment, has
announced increase of 300 million dollar in
the foreign investment target for the current
fiscal year.

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In last 2 to 3 years, foreign direct Pakistan textile city is established over

investment was doubled to 748 million dollar 1250 acres near port Qasim, Karachi,
after the country sold United Bank Limited Pakistan. Ground breaking ceremony was
and the security environment improvement in held on June 24th, 2006 by the President of
the region due to lessening of tension with Pakistan. While talking to business recorder,
India and Afghanistan. Executive Officer, Pakistan Textile City
(PTC), Zahid Zaheer, said that the project has
(Ref.: Business Recorder July 26th,2004)
a tremendous attraction for the Chinese,
Turkish and world wide investors, who have
(2) FDI Resisters sharp rise during
indicated their willingness to establish their
Fiscal year 2006 (2006) own zones in the city. MOU was signed with
The foreign direct investment flows in Chinese industry Temsad to Joint
fiscal year 2006 amounted to 2 billion dollar, Corporation. Their business men have invited
with a sharp rise of 70.6% over last year. and offered joint business ventures with
More than half of the foreign direct Pakistan businessmen. He said, the project
investment was fetched by the would double the figures of current foreign
telecommunication sector during fiscal year direct investment within few coming years in
2006. (Ref.: annual report FY 2005 -06) Pakistan. Zaheer said, Pakistan Textile
exports stood at 67% and it would get a big
Due to sale of PTCL to a UAE based boost in coming few years.
company, sale of KESC to Saudi Group and
receipts for Habib Bank and exceptional rise While comparing with our
of 1.5 billion dollar were registered during competitors, India, Bangladesh and Sri
FY 2005 – 06. Lanka, he added, the cotton produced locally
has made Pakistan better proposition than its
This also shows that foreign direct competitors. China, Turkey and European
investment in FY07 is likely to be lower than Union would be the key foreign investors.
levels achieved in FY06. Half of the FDI
originated from Middle East. E.g., 95.5% Reasons for this companies coming into
Foreign Direct investment from the Middle Pakistan are: Cheap labor, tax free zone,
East is only in the communication sector, basic facilities required for establishing
40% of FDI from UK and USA in industry such as water, electricity gas are on
telecommunication and oil and gas ground there.
exploration sectors during FY06.
Maintaining the WTO standards, like
(Ref.: Business Recorder Dec. 3rd, 2006) implementation international norms,
treatment of labor and avoid hazardous
(3) Pakistan Textile City & Foreign material are also the key points for
Direct Investment (2006) investment.

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Local industrialists as well as He also said that we have provided

foreigner investors are very keen to start their security to minority share holders and made
business at textile in an investment friendly efforts to bring transparency and better
environment very soon. management and governance structure in the
private sector. Our real challenge was to
(Ref.: Business Recorder June 24, 2006)
bring a good deal of foreign investment and
we have achieved that.

(Ref.: Business Recorder Dec. 20th, 2006)

(4) Local & Foreign investments (5) Pakistan’s Success story:

grow by 20 percent (2007) Foreign Direct Investment
According to Shaukat Aziz domestic
and foreign direct investments has grown up Mr. Riaz Haq telling about foreign
by 20%, which is highest in the last two direct investment tells us the views of former
decades. US Federal Reserve Chief Alan Greenspan.

He said that our government is India has discouraged FDI. India received 7
committed to good governance through billion dollars in FDI in FY 05 and China 72
transparency and accountability. Democratic billion dollar. India’s cumulative stock of
institutions have been strengthed while a FDI was at 6% at the end of 2005 and
deep routed process of decentralization has Pakistan’s 9%, China’s 14% and 61% for
been set in motion due to FDI. Vietnam. The reason FDI is low in India is
because of India’s unwillingness to fully
This huge increase in FDI has helped embrace the market forces. He is than telling
in developing deeper and more liberal about the strategies adopted by India to not
agriculture markets. Apart from this it has allow the FDI which are as follows. When
also helped in developing markets in media, India faced with rising inflation in early
energy and telecom sectors. The foreign 2007, the response was not to allow rising
investment has modernized several of the key prices to prompt an increase in supply, but to
agencies including civil service, monopoly ban wheat exports for the nest of year and
control authority and the police. This has of suspend future trading ‘curb-speculation’ –
course been done by deepening the very market forces that the Indian
decentralization, developing greater economy needs to break strangle hold of
transparency, utilizing the latest technology bureaucracy.
and relying on a high degree of professional
and technocratic management. Mr. Riaz Haq then pinpoints that Mr.
Greenspan wrote the words, the FDI in

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Pakistan has continued to rise and has (Ref.:, May 2008)
remained the success story.
(6) Major economic targets
He says that the total investment grew
achieved (2007)
by 21.4% of the GDP and FDI has posted a
growth of 71% from 3.5 billion dollar to 6 This article highlights the major
billion dollar in the year 2007. The FDI economic targets achieved during the fiscal
represents a deeper and longer term year 2007 and has briefed about the major
commitment than portfolio investments role that FDI has played in achieving these
which tend to be less durable and less goals. The major economic targets were real
reliable. According to him the increase in GDP growth, agriculture, services sector,
FDI to Pakistan has been made possible by investment, tax revenue during 2007 fiscal
the Pakistani Government’s liberal policies year.
of allowing foreign investments in many
The State Bank of Pakistan, in its
sectors of the economy. It is also highlighted
annual report on the state of economy, said
the continuous rise in the profits has boomed
that Pakistan’s economy witnessed a
with GDP doubling over the past 5 years.
moderate recovery during 2007 financial year
Foreign investors sent $ 519 million with real GDP reaching 7%, as compared to
as their profits abroad during first 7 months 6.6% growth seen in 2006 financial year and
of the current fiscal year as compared to this was contributed by a surge in domestic
467.9 million dollar of the corresponding private investment and record foreign direct
period of 2006-07 which depicts an upsurge investment flows.
of 11%.
As a result, the economy looks well
State Bank’s statistics show that poised to continue on a high growth
profit by foreign investors registered a trajectory in the coming years. This article
significant increase of $51.4 million during also sheds some light on the darker aspect
2006-07, the major share repatriation was that is despite the improvement the
seen in the power sector. He also added that investment to GDP ratio remains low in
according to business recorder, foreign Pakistan.
investors have made new investments during
Even though the savings, the GDP
the last few years due to power shortage.
ratio had also increased 18 percent during
In the end, he concludes by saying 2007 financial year compared with 17.2
one of the downsides of liberalization has percent in the preceding year, it was still low
been an upsurge in inflation in Pakistan as compared to regional and international
which India has attempted to curb by actions standards.
such as banning export of wheat and
suspending future trading.

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In the case of foreign direct Including privatization proceeds total

Investment, it also highlights the most private investment showed a decline of 19.8
important aspect that is this impressive percent to 2.24 billion dollars, while
performance is result of continue strength of excluding, it has dipped by 20.8 percent to
domestic demand, a sharp rise in foreign 2.108 billion dollars during first seven
direct investment as well as healthy increase months of current fiscal year.
in the public sector development program,
(Ref.: Business Recorder Feb 24th, 2008)

(Ref.: Business Recorder Oct. 30th 2007) (8) A Decline of 44 Percent in

Foreign Investment (2008)
(7) July – January Foreign
The State Bank showed that in Pakistan,
Investment down by 35 Percent
overall foreign investment (including foreign
(2008) direct and portfolio investment) decreased by
Foreign direct investment during July $2.1047 billion to $2.612 billion during July-
– January registered a growth of some 8 February of current fiscal year 2008 from
percent but the declining portfolio investment $4.62 billion during the corresponding period
decreased the overall investment by around of last fiscal year.
Political uncertainty and poor law and order
The State Bank of Pakistan issued situation have reduced foreign investment by
statistics of foreign direct investment and about $2 billion, or 44 percent, from $4.62
portfolio statement, which showed overall 35 billion, during eight months of the current
percent decline occurred in foreign fiscal year.
investment during July – January of current
The reason behind major share dip in foreign
fiscal year than to last fiscal year. A drop of
investment in Pakistan the economists told
1.2157 billion dollar occurred during this
that it is contributed by record decline in the
fiscal year from last fiscal year.
portfolio inflows, as the foreign investors are
Economic experts said that this major reluctant to invest in the equity market due to
drop happened due to 100% decline in political uncertainty.
portfolio inflows as the foreign investors
Statistics show that foreign direct investment
were reluctant to invest in the equity market
(FDI) registered a dip of 15 percent to $2.52
due to political uncertainty and negative
billion during July-February against $2.97
reports regarding country’s stock markets.
billion during the same period of last fiscal
Foreign investors would invest again their
year. Portfolio investment declined by 94.9
money in Pakistan’s stock market after the
percent to $84.5 million as compared to
reconstitution of new political government.

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$1.656 billion during the same period of last (10) FDI: Linked Policies to be
fiscal year.
continued: Dar (2008)
(Ref.: Business Recorder March 20th, 2008)
Finance Minister Ishaq Dar has invited
American entrepreneurs to avail investment
(9) Foreign investors ready to
opportunities Pakistan offers in various
invest in Pakistan (2008) sectors.
Foreign investors are hungry for
Ishaq Dar was addressing the members of the
investing in banking, real estate, telecom and
US-Pakistan Business Council, said, the
the country’s steel industry: Salman Taseer,
newly elected government in Pakistan will
Federal Minister for Industries, Production
continue the FDI linked policies, which we
had introduced and which the previous
Salman Taseer said that the foreign government continued. Obviously, there will
investors would be ready to invest in be continuity in these policies.
expanding the Pakistan steel Mills to enhance
He informed the entrepreneurs about
its production capacity. India has an edge
the new coalition government's priorities and
over Pakistan in the steel industry because of
said it had given market economy to the
good governance while its bank in abroad
country (in the 1990s), introduced foreign
direct the flow of investment into India by
direct investment policies as well as various
guiding investors. Presently, China and India
other economic reforms.
are buying steel on a large scale pushing its
high prices internationally. The situation will Earlier, the finance minister had a
not be improved unless we develop local meeting with chairman US-Pakistan Business
resources. Presently, we are buying coal from Council, Jay Collins, who said he had been
Australia and Canada and iron ore from India "extremely impressed with the candor and
and China. However Pakistan steel will sign vision" of the new top Pakistani finance
an agreement with the Sandac project on Jan. official.
29 to buy 50,000 to 60,000 tonnes of iron
ore. "I was both pleased and reassured that the
fundamental premises of the new minister in
Concluding, the Engineering terms of kinds of policies that will allow
Development Board CEO Almas Hyder said Pakistan's economy to grow, allow the global
that the EDB will appoint foreign consultants investment community continues to have
for identification of iron ore and coal sites in faith in Pakistan, will be implemented by this
Pakistan, the volume of investment needed government so I am very supportive of what
for their exploration and future prospectus. I heard."
(Ref.: Business Recorder Jan. 26th, 2008)

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2008, FDI declines 44 percent mainly due to

CONCLUSION political uncertainity and poor law and order
situation in Pakistan. It has again come to 2
billion dollar which was 4.62 billion dollar
Foreign direct investment plays a last year.
vital role in economy of developing countries
like Pakistan, not only it constitutes a very Currently formed government is
large percentage in GDP, but also gives a taking all necessary steps to attract and
number of other advantages including facilitate foreign investors, which will
technology transfer, managerial know how, ultimately cause a large increase in FDI.
setting up large scale of industries in In the end, we would like to
competition and increasing country’s export comment, that Pakistan has got a huge
margin. potential in investment field. New
Pakistan’s economy which has a government should maintain a investor
direct impact on foreign direct investment, friendly environment, so that Pakistan could
was wobbling since its creation back in 1947. be prosperous and will be very soon in the
Due to political scenario and poor law and line of developed countries. (INSHALLAH)
order situation it get worst day by day, but
regardless of these unwanted factors,
situation is not bad as it looks.

In our research project, we have gone

through the FDI figures collected from 2004
to most recent investment in 2008, and
Pakistan’s FDI has got an enormous
according to our knowledge, we are at far
increase in last 7 to 8 years, mainly due to the
better position today, when compared with
effort of President Pervez Musharraf, who
has rebuild the peaceful image of Pakistan
The following paragraph is about around the whole world. Because of this
investments made by foreigners from 2004 to environment, many investors (Big guns) have
2008. invested in Pakistan.

In 2004, FDI figure was 798 million In our research, we found that all
dollar which was raised to 949 million dollar things were going smoothly till fiscal year
in only one year. In 2006 it was further raised 2007. But after 2007 the Foreign direct
to 2 billion dollars with a sharp rise of 70.6 investment droped on a large scale which has
percent over last year. In 2007, according to been mentioned in the articles and their
government figures, it was further raised to reviews.
20 percent more. In the current fiscal year

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It was mainly due to political unrest need, but also create a lot of job
and bad security environment. Pakistan is opportunities, bringing back to life the
blessed with a very ideal geo-strategic industries, which have been closed. And
location which includes world’s most most interaction of Pakistani market with the
booming economy. China as its neighbor. whole world.
Central Asian states looks towards Pakistan’s
see route for the mode of trade. By this, we We should atleast learn from our
found that Pakistan has got all the necessary neighbors like China and India…
tools for enhancing our FDI, which mainly Two of world’s fastest growing
includes availability of cheap labor, fertile economy countries. What they have got in
land of Punjab and Sind, world’s most which Pakistan is lacking behind? Law and
organized irrigation system and the most order situation, smooth functioning of
important of all, the Arabian Sea, which is government, proper power (electricity, water,
the back bone of all trade done in Pakistan. gas) facilities, tax free zone and interaction
It is matter deep sadness for all of us, with WTO, can bring revolutionary change in
to know that investors all over the world, Pakistan’s economy.
who were looking towards Pakistan’s
political and law in order situation, and
changing their plans are moving towards “This is continuation of trend of expansion
other investment areas, like India and of existing investment in Pakistan and will
Bangladesh, which is not at all in favor of hopefully mark the state of real upward
Pakistani economy. trend in FDI.”

Our Government should keep this in President of Pakistan while addressing

mind that investor will never take risk while congress members in USA
spending its capital.

So far concluding, all over research

work, we came to a major point that if newly
formed government is able to provide
investor friendly environment. Pakistan is
soon going to be a hub for all the trade done
in not only in Asia, but all over the world.
But besides that, if these things are not taken
as a serious matter, Pakistan’s economy will
be in great danger.

Investment by foreigners in country

not only enhances their profit maximaization

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Fiscal Year


Pakistan Textile Company


World Trade Organization


Pakistan Society for development of



Securities and Exchange Commission

of Pakistan


Pakistan Institute of development



Gross Domestic Product

Abbreviations used in the project report.

Consumer Price Index

Foreign Direct Investment
Sensitive Price Index

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 Foreign Direct Investment


Intellectual Property Rights


Independent Power Produces


State Bank of Pakistan


Gross Domestic Revenue Business & Finance Review

REFERNCES Foreign Direct Investment website


Business Recorder

State Bank of Pakistan

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 Foreign Direct Investment

Google search Engine

 Page 17

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