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EACS Satellite Symposia Friday October 23rd, 2015

Living Well when Living Longer - HIV and Rehabilitation

16:30- 18:00hrs (90 minutes)
CCIB Centre de Convencions International de Barcelona, Barcelona,
Session Overview
The aim of this session is to discuss the role and emerging evidence for rehabilitation in
the context of HIV, ageing and comorbidities. This special session will be conducted by the
Rehabilitation in HIV Association (RHIVA) and Canada-United Kingdom HIV and
Rehabilitation Research Collaborative (CUHRRC) in collaboration with European AIDS
Treatment Group (EATG) and United Kingdom Community Advisory Board (UK-CAB). The
panel will include community members, researchers and clinicians from Canada, the
United Kingdom, Ireland and Hungary, who will speak about the role and evidence for
rehabilitation in the context of HIV, ageing and comorbidities. Concrete examples will be
provided of rehabilitation in clinical practice for people living with HIV. Specific objectives

To discuss HIV as a chronic and episodic illness.

To introduce the concepts of episodic disability and role for rehabilitation
To discuss the impact of disability on living well for people living with HIV
To introduce models of rehabilitation service delivery
To highlight the strengths of rehabilitation research and practice in Canada, the
United Kingdom and Ireland, to support people living with HIV to live well when
living longer
6) To explore experiences of disability and rehabilitation for people living with HIV,
across European regions
7) To discuss opportunities for new collaborations in HIV, disability and rehabilitation
research and practice.
Speakers: Tams Bereczky (EATG), Richard Harding (Cicely Saunders Institute, UK), Kelly
OBrien (University of Toronto, Canada), Darren Brown (Chelsea and Westminster Hospital,
UK), Colm Bergin (St James Hospital, Ireland).
Moderator: Patty Solomon (McMaster University, Canada)
Twitter: #RehabHIV

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