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Exploitation of Recombinant Techniques Robin Augustine

Exploitation of Recombinant Techniques

The Recombinant DNA technique was first proposed by Peter Lobban, a graduate student,
with A. Dale Kaiser at the Stanford University Department of Biochemistry. The technique was then
realized by Lobban and Kaiser; Jackson, Symons and Berg; and Stanley Norman Cohen, Chang,
Herbert Boyer and Helling., in 1972–74. They published their findings in papers including the 1972
paper "Biochemical Method for Inserting New Genetic Information into DNA of Simian Virus 40:
Circular SV40 DNA Molecules Containing Lambda Phage Genes and the Galactose Operon of
Escherichia coli", the 1973 paper "Enzymatic end-to-end joining of DNA molecules" and the 1974
paper "Construction of Biologically Functional Bacterial Plasmids in vitro",all of which described
techniques to isolate and amplify genes or DNA segments and insert them into another cell with
precision, creating a transgenic bacterium. Recombinant DNA technology was made possible by the
discovery, isolation and application of restriction endonucleases by Werner Arber, Daniel Nathans,
and Hamilton Smith, for which they received the 1978 Nobel Prize in Medicine. Cohen and Boyer
applied for a patent on the Process for producing biologically functional molecular chimeras which
could not exist in nature in 1974. The patent was granted in 1980.

The major growth seen in the The most notable applications of the
biotechnology industry in recent decades has recombinant technology having direct impact
largely been driven by the exploitation of on humanity have been:
recombinant DNA techniques. The initial 1. Large scale production of therapeutic
benefits have been predominantly in the protein such as insulin, hormones,
biomedical area, with products such as vaccine and interleukins using
vaccines and hormones that have received recombinant microorganisms.
broad public approval. In the environmental 2. Production of humanized monoclonal
biotechnology and industrial ecology sectors, antibodies for therapeutic application
biotechnology has the potential to make 3. Production of insect resistant cotton
significant advances through the use of plant by incorporation of insecticidal
genetically modified (GM) microbial inoculants toxin of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt
that can reduce agri-chemical usage or cotton plant).
remediate polluted environments. Although 4. Production of golden rice (rice having
many GM inoculants have been developed vitamin A) by incorporating three
and tested under laboratory conditions, genes required for its synthesis in rice
commercial exploitation has lagged behind. plant.
The development of GM rice containing 5. Bioremediation by the use of
vitamin A precursors (‘golden rice’) is an recombinant organisms and
example of how this technology can be applied 6. Use of genetic engineering techniques
to develop products that are of societal benefit in forensic medicine.
(Ye et al. 2000). Biotechnology is also poised
to make a major impact in the development of 1. Exploitation of rDNA Technology in
improved microbial inoculants for use in Industrial Microbiology
agriculture. Wild-type bacterial and fungal It is genetically possible to "tailor" the
species are currently employed as biological microorganisms for the production of any
control agents, biofertilisers or phyto- microbial metabolite - vitamin, amino acid or
stimulators. There are limitations that restrict enzyme. Gene cloning extends the genome of
the efficacy of some of these inoculants. Such the microorganism by allowing the introduction
limitations can include poor survival of the of novel genes from comparatively unrelated
inoculants in particular soils, and inconsistent species. The cloning of genes from higher
or low production of required metabolites (van eukaryotes, particularly from man and his
Veen et al. 1997). GM technology has the domestic animals, has been seen to offer even
capacity to allow the engineering of new

greater industrial potential. Which microbes
strains in which these problems are overcome. should then be used as universal recipients for
This requires a thorough understanding of the such genes and hence as production
molecular basis of action in wild-type strains organisms. The two most ideal are the
(Bloemberg & Lugtenberg 2001; Walsh et al. prokaryote, Escherichia coli and the
Exploitation of Recombinant Techniques Robin Augustine

eukaryote, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 1.1 Production of enzymes

The commercial production and use of
Some of the important products which enzymes is already a well-established
gene cloning may make available in near part of the biotechnology industry. Enzymes
future. The above proteins could be obtained are used in brewing, food processing, textile
on large scale through fermentation by manufacture,the leather industry, washing
methods, relatively cheaper than the powders, medical applications, and basic
conventional ones. For example, human scientific research to name just a few
growth hormone was previously extracted from examples. In many cases the enzymes are
the pituitary gland of cadavers and was mostly prepared from natural sources, but in recent
in short supply. Now, increase in supply years there has been a move towards the use
should help more patients. Equally important is of enzymes produced by recombinant DNA
the development of new vaccines through methods,where this is possible. In addition to
gene-cloning. Genes for single antigens can the scientific problems of producing a
be cloned and expressed by bacteria and a recombinant-derived enzyme,there are
purified antigen which has not been derived economic factors to take into account, and in
directly from the pathogenic organism or virus many cases the cost–benefit analysis makes
may be used as a vaccine. In this way, the use of a recombinant enzyme unattractive.
vaccines for viral hepatitis and foot-and-mouth Broadly speaking,enzymes are either high-
disease have been developed. volume/low cost preparations for use in
industrial scale operations, or are low-
Types of biomolecules produced through volume/high value products that may have a
recombinant DNA technology very specific and relatively limited market.
 Recombinant Hormones There is a nice twist to the gene manipulation
Insulin (and its analogs), growth story in that some of the enzymes used in the
hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, procedures are now they produced using
salmon calcitonin. rDNA methods.
 Blood products Many of the commercial suppliers list
Albumin, thrombolytics, fibrinolytics, recombinant variants of the common
and clotting factors ( Factor VII, Factor enzymes,suc h as polymerases (particularly
IX, tissue plasminogen activator, for PCR) and others. Recombinant enzymes
recombinant hirudin ) can sometimes be engineered so that their
characteristics fit the criteria for a particular
 Cytokines and growth factors
process better than the natural enzyme, which
Interferons, interleukins and colony
increases the fidelity and efficiency of the
stimulating factors (Interferon, α, β and
process. In the food industry,one area that
γ, erythropoietin, interlukin-2, GM-
has involved the use of recombinant enzyme
is the production of cheese. In cheese
 Monoclonal antibodies and related
manufacture, rennet (also known as rennin,c
hymase,or chymosin) has been used as part
Mouse, chimeric or humanized; whole
of the process. Proteases and lipases are
molecule or fragment; single chain or
commonly used to assist cleaning by
bispecific; and conjugated (rituximab,
degradation of protein and lipid-based
trastuzmab, infliximab, bevacizumab)
staining. A recombinant lipase was developed
 Recombinant Vaccines in 1988 by Novo Nordisk A/V (now known as
Recombinant protein or peptides, DNA Novozymes). The company is the largest
plasmid and anti-idiotype (HBsAg supplier of enzymes for commercial use in
vaccine, HPV vaccine) cleaning applications. Their recombinant
 Recombinant Enzymes lipase was known as Lipolase,whic h was the
Dornase– α (Pulomozyme), Acid first commercial enzyme developed using
glucosidase (Myozyme), α –L- rDNA technology and the first lipase used in
iduronidase (Aldurazyme) and Urate detergents. A further development involved an
Oxidase engineered avriant ofLipolase called Lipolase
 Miscellaneous products
Bone morphogenic protein, conjugate
antibody, pegylated recombinant
Ultra,whihc gvi es enhanced fat removal at low
wash temperatures.
1.2 Therapeutic products for use in
proteins, antagonist human healthcare
Recombinant DNA products for use in
medical therapy can be divided into three main
Exploitation of Recombinant Techniques Robin Augustine

categories. Firstly, protein products may be ways and to amplify these recombined
used for replacement or supplementation of molecules millions of times. Once properly
human proteins that may be absent or identified, the recombinant DNA molecules
ineffective in with a particular illness. can be used in various ways useful in
Secondly, proteins can be used in specific medicine and human biology. There are many
disease therapy,to alleviate a disease state applications for recombinant DNA technology.
by intervention. Thirdly,the production of Cloned complementary DNA has been used to
recombinant vaccines is an area that is produce various human proteins in
developing rapidly and which offers great microorganisms. Insulin and growth hormone
promise. have been extensively and successfully tested
The widespread condition diabetes in humans and insulin has been licensed for
mellitus (DM) is usually caused by cells in the sale. Mass production of bacterial and viral
islets of Langerhans in the pancreas failing to antigens with recombinant DNA technology is
produce adequate amounts of the hormone likely to provide safe and effective vaccines for
insulin. Many millions of people worldwide are some disorders for which there is no
affected by DM, and the World Health prevention. The cloned probes for the human
Organization estimates that the global α- and β-globin loci, for specific disease
incidence will double by 2025. Sufferers are genes, such as the Z allele of α-antitrypsin,
classed as having either insulin dependent and for random genomic sequences are
DM (IDDM) or non-insulin dependent DM proving useful for prenatally diagnosing
(NIDDB). Insulin-dependent patients disorders and preventing their clinical
obviously require the hormone. As DM is consequences. The diagnosis and treatment
caused by a problem with a normal body of human is area in which genetic
constituent (insulin), therapy falls into the manipulation is beginning to have a
category of replacement or considerable effect. Many therapeutic proteins
supplementation. Banting and Best are now made by recombinant DNA methods,
developed the use of insulin therapy in and the number available is increasing
1921,and for the next 60 or so years diabetics steadily. Thus the treatment of conditions by
were dependent on natural sources of recombinant-derived products is already well
insulin,with the attendant problems of supply established. Progress in both of these areas is
and quality. In the late 1970s and early 1980s of course closely linked to our increasing
recombinant DNA technology enabled knowledge of the human genome, and thus
scientists to synthesise insulin in bacteria, many new developments in medical and
with the first approvals granted by 1982. forensic applications will appear as we
Recombinant-derived insulin is now available decipher genome.
in several forms,and has a major impact on 2.1 Diagnosis and characterisation
diabetes therapy. One of the most widely of medical conditions
used forms is marketed under the name Genetically based diseases (often
Humulin by the Eli Lilly company. In an early called simply ‘genetic diseases’) represent one
method for the production of recombinant of the most important classes of disease,par
insulin,the insulin A- and B-chains were ticularly in children. A disorder present at birth
synthesised separately in two bacterial strains. is termed a congenital abnormality,and
The insulin A- and B-genes were placed under around 5% of newborn babies will suffer from
the control of the lac promoter,so that a serious medical problem of this type. In most
expression of the cloned genes could be of these cases there will be a significant
switched on by using lactose as the inducer. genetic component in the aetiology (cause)
Following purification of the A- and B- of the disease state. It is estimated that about
chains,they were linked together by a chemical a third of primary admissions to paediatric
process to produce the final insulin molecule. hospitals are due to genetically based
A development of this method involves the problems,whilst some 70% of cases
synthesis of the entire proinsulin polypeptide presenting more than once are due to genetic
from a single gene sequence. The product is defects. In addition to genetic problems
converted to insulin enzymatically. appearing at birth or in childhood,it seems that
2. Exploitation of rDNA technology in
Medicine and forensic medicine
Studies in bacteria and bacterial
a large proportion of diseases presenting in
later life also have a genetic cause or
predisposition. Thus medical genetics,in its
viruses have led to methods to manipulate and traditional non-recombinant form,has already
recombine DNA in unique and reproducible had a major impact on the diagnosis of
disease and abnormality. The development of
Exploitation of Recombinant Techniques Robin Augustine

molecular genetics and rDNA technology has was rediscovered in 1900,the work of Gregor
not only broadened the range of techniques Mendel has formed the basis for our
available for diagnosis,but has also opened up understanding of how genetic characteristics
the possibility of novel gene-based treatments are passed on from one generation to the
for certain conditions. next.We have already seen that the human
genome is made up of some 3 billion base-
2.2 Diagnosis of infection pairs of information. This is organised as a
In addition to genetic conditions that diploid set of 46 chromosomes,ar ranged as
affect the individual,rDNA technology is also 22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex
important in the diagnosis of certain types of chromosomes. Prior to reproduction,the
infection. Normally,bacterial infection is haploid male and
relatively simple to diagnose,once it has taken female gametes (sperm and oocyte
hold. Thus the prescription of antibiotics may respectively) are formed by the reduction
follow a simple investigation by a general division of meiosis,whic h reduces the
practitioner. A more specific characterisation chromosome number to 23. On fertilization of
of the infectious agent may be carried out the oocyte by the sperm,diploid status is
using microbiological culturing techniques,and restored,with the zygote receiving one
this is often necessary when the infection does member of each chromosome pair from the
not respond well to treatment. Viral infections father,and one from the mother. In males the
may be more difficult to diagnose,although sex chromosomes are X and Y,in females
conditions such as Herpes infections are XX,and thus it is the father that demteinr es
usually obvious. Despite traditional methods the sex otfhe child. Traits may be controlled
being applied in many cases,there may be by single genes,or by many genes acting in
times when these methods are not concert. Single-gene disease traits are known
appropriate. Infection by the human as monogenic disorders,whilst those involving
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is one case in many genes are polygenic. Inheritance of a
point. The virus is the causative agent of monogenic disease trait usually follows a basic
acquired immune deficiency syndrome Mendelian pattern,and can therefore often be
(AIDS). The standard test for HIV infection traced in family histories by pedigree analysis.
requires immunological detection of anti-HIV A gene may have alleles (different forms) that
antibodies. However,these antibodies may not may be dominant (exhibited when the allele is
be detectable in an infected person until present) or recessive (the effect is masked
weeks after initial infection,b y which time by a dominant allele). With respect to a
others may have been infected. A test such as particular gene,indi viduals are said to be
this,where no positive result is obtained even either homozygous (both alleles the same) or
though the individual is infected,is a false heterozygous (the alleles are
negative. The use of DNA probes and PCR different,perhaps one dominant and one
technology circumvents this problem by recessive). Patterns of inheritance of
assaying for the actual viral monogenic traits can be associated with the
DNA in the T-lymphocytes of the patient,thus autosomes, as either autosomal dominant or
permitting a diagnosis before the antibodies autosomal recessive, or may be sex-linked
are detectable. Other examples of the use of (usually with the X chromosome,thus showing
rDNA technology in diagnosing infections X-linked inheritance). In addition to the
include tuberculosis (caused by the nuclear chromosomes, mutated genes
bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis), associated with the mitochondrial genome can
human papilloma virus (HPV) infection,and cause disease. As the mitochondria are
Lyme disease (caused by the spirochaete inherited along with the egg,these traits show
Borrelia burgdorferi). maternal patterns of inheritance.
2.3 Patterns of inheritance 2.4 Treatment using rDNA
Although diagnosis of infection is an technology – gene therapy
important use of rDNA technology,it is in the Once genetic defects have been
characterisation of genetic disease that the identified and characterised,the possibility of
technology has perhaps been most applied in treating the patient arises. If the defective
medicine to date. Before dealing with some
specific diseases in more detail,it may be
useful to review the basic features of
gene can be replaced with a functional copy
(sometimes called the transgene,as in
transgenic) that is expressed correctly,the
transmission genetics,and outline the range of disease caused by the defect can be
factors that may determine how a particular prevented. This approach is known as gene
disease state presents in a patient. Since it therapy,and is one of the most promising
Exploitation of Recombinant Techniques Robin Augustine

aspects of the use of gene technology in some situations it may be possible to remove
medicine. There are two possible approaches cells from a patient and manipulate them
to gene therapy: (i) introduction of the outside the body. The altered cells are then
transgene gene into the somatic cells of the replaced,with function restored. This approach
affected tissue,or (ii) introduction into the is known as ex vivo gene therapy. It is mostly
reproductive (germ line) cells. These two suitable for diseases that affect the blood
approaches have markedly different ethical system. It is not suitable for tissue-based
implications. Most scientists and clinicians diseases such as DMD of CF,in which the
consider somatic cell gene therapy an problem lies in dispersed and extensive tissue
acceptable practice, such as the lungs and pancreas (CF) or the
no more morally troublesome than taking an skeletal muscles (DMD). It is difficult to see
aspirin. However,tink erring with the how these conditions could be treated by ex
reproductive cells,with the probability ofgerm vivo therapy,and therefore the technique of
line transmission,is akin to altering the gene treating these conditions at their locations is
pool of the human species,whic h is regarded used. This is known as in vivo gene therapy.
as unacceptable by most people. Thus genetic Features of these two types of gene therapy
engineering of germ cells is an area that is are illustrated in Fig. 11.6,with both
likely to remain off limits at present. There are approaches having been used with some
several requirements for a gene therapy success.
protocol to be effective. Getting transgenes into patients-
Firstly,the gene defect itself will have The biology of the system must be established
been characterised,and the gene cloned and and evaluated,and then the physical method
available in a form suitable for use in a clinical for Treatment using rDNA technology – gene
programme. Secondly,there must be a system therapy getting the gene to the site of action
available for getting the gene into the correct has to be considered. Deciding on the best
site in the patient. Essentially these are vector method for addressing these two aspects of a
systems that are functionally equivalent to therapeutic procedure is one important part of
vectors in a standard gene cloning protocol – the strategy. As with vectors for use in cloning
their function is to carry the DNA sequence procedures,vir uses are an attractive option for
into the target cells. This also requires a delivering genes into human cells. We can use
mechanism for physical delivery to the the term vector in its cloning context,as a
target,whic h may involve inhalation,injection piece of DNA into which the transgene is
or other similar methods. Finally,if these inserted. The viral particle itself is often called
requirements can be satisfied,the inserted the vehicle for delivery of the transgene,
gene must be expressed in the target cells if a although some authors describe the whole
non-functional gene is to be ‘corrected’. system simply as a vector system. Three main
Ideally,the faulty gene would be replaced by a viral systems have been developed for gene
functional copy. This is known as gene therapy protocols, based on retroviruses,
replacement therapy,and requires adenoviruses and adeno-associated
recombination between the defective gene and viruses. The advantage of viral systems is
the inserted functional copy. Due to technical that they provide a specific and efficient way of
difficulties in achieving this reliably in target getting DNA into the target cells.
cells,the alternative is to use gene addition
therapy. In addition therapy there is no Eg: Gene therapy for adenosine deaminase
absolute requirement for reciprocal exchange deficiency, Gene therapy for cystic fibrosis,
of the gene sequences,and the inserted gene
functions alongside the defective gene. This 2,5 Human monoclonal antibody
approach is useful only if the gene defect is production
not dominant,in that a dominant allele will still Monoclonal antibodies (Mab) are very
produce the defective protein,whic h may specific immunoglobulin that exhibit a wide
overcome any effect of the transgene. Therapy range of biological activities. In addition to use
for dominant conditions could be devised in diagnostics, antigen binding sites of
using antisense mRNA,in which a reversed antibody molecules have great potential for
copy of the gene is used to produce mRNA in
the antisense configuration. This can bind to
the mRNA from the defective allele and
developing bioactive peptides Because of their
specific ligand binding activity, they were
considered as the magic bullets as
effectively prevent its translation. hypothesized by Paul Ehrlich. Hybridoma
A further complication in gene therapy technology, which used the fusion of
is the target cell or tissue system itself. In myoeloma and B cells, helped in the in vitro
Exploitation of Recombinant Techniques Robin Augustine

production of monoclonal antibody. However, insertion of genes in plants not only from
this technology developed by Kohler and related plant species, but also from unrelated
Milestein was not very helpful as most of the species such as microorganisms. This process
antibodies were of murine origin and have the of creation of transgenic plants is far more
problems of their low immunogenicity. precise and selective than traditional breeding.
Application of recombinant DNA technology Application of recombinant technology is
resulted in development of chimeric and primarily for the production of transgenic
humanized antibody with high efficiency and plants with higher yield and nutritional values,
activity. Because of their efficacy in cancer, increased resistance to stress and pests.
there have been tremendous activities in Several commercially important transgenic
developing monoclonal antibodies for human crops such as maize, soybean, tomato, cotton,
therapy. In humans, antibodies are classified potato, mustard, rice etc. have been
as member of five family or isotypes. These genetically modified. During the last couple of
are named as immunoglobulin alpha, (IgA), decades, considerable progress has been
delta (IgD), epsilon ( IgE), gamma ( IgG) and made to understand the function of genes,
mu (IgM). Most of the isotypes have molecular isolation of novel genes and promoters as well
weight around 160-190 kD except IgM whose as the utilization of these genes for the
molecular weight is around 1000kD due to its development of transgenic crops with
pentameric nature. The most prevalent improved and new characters. There are many
antibody in human is IgG and majority of the potential application of plant genetic
therapeutic antibodies are of IgG types. Even engineering. In fact, in 2002, more than 5.5
though antibodies act on wide varieties of million farmers worldwide cultivated about 58.7
pathways, therapeutic antibodies work on one million hectares (about 148 million acres)
of the following four ways (a) as crops that were genetically manipulated for
immunotoxicotherapy where the antibody herbicide tolerance, insect resistance, delayed
prevent or reverse toxic effect of venom, toxin, fruit ripening and improved oil quality.
drug or ligand (b) destruction of target cell, Application of recombinant DNA technology
where the antibodies are used to destruct the has primarily helped in producing three major
target cell such as lymphocytes, cancer cells types of transgenic plant having improved
etc. (c) alteration of the cell function and finally performances. These are:
(d) antibody mediated drug delivery, where the (1) Development of stress tolerant plant
drug is conjugated with the antibody for (2) Development of plant having improved
specific targeting. For the large-scale yield
production of monoclonal antibodies, (3) Transgenic plant as a source of
expression of monoclonal antibody genes is biopharmaceuticals
accomplished through recombinant DNA 3.1 Development of stress tolerant
technology. More than 20 monoclonal plant
antibodies have been approved for human (a) Plant resistant to environmental stress:
uses. Table 5 lists some of the important Plants need to cope up with abiotic stresses
monoclonal antibodies as a result of such as drought, cold, heat and soils that are
recombinant DNA technology. It is expected too acidic or salty to support plant growth.
that in near future, due to production of While plant breeders have successfully
humanized antibodies using recombinant DNA incorporated genetic resistance to biotic
technology, there will be many more Mab in stresses into many crop plants through
the market. crossbreeding, their success at creating crops
3. Exploitation of rDNA Technology in resistant to abiotic stresses has been more
Agriculture limited, largely because few crops have close
The genetic manipulation of plants has relatives with genes for resistance to these
been going on since prehistoric times, when stresses. Therefore rDNA technology is being
early farmers began carefully selecting and increasingly used to develop crops that can
maintaining seeds from their best sow for the tolerate difficult growing conditions.
next season. Plant breeders have cross Genetically modified tomato and canola plants
that tolerate salt levels 300 percent greater
fertilized related plants to provide next
generation plants with new characteristics
such as higher yield, resistance to diseases
and better nutrient content long before the
than non-genetically modified varieties have
been developed. Other researchers have
identified many genes involved in cold, heat
science of genetics was developed. and drought tolerance found naturally in some
Recombinant DNA technology can be used for plants and bacteria. Scientists in Mexico have
produced maize and papaya that are tolerant
Exploitation of Recombinant Techniques Robin Augustine

to the high levels of aluminum that significantly increase in yield along with dramatic reduction
impede crop plant productivity in many in pesticides use. The most notable example is
developing countries. Bt cotton (which contains Cry/Ac gene) that is
(b) Herbicide Resistant plant: Many effective resistant to a notorious insect pest Bollworm
broad spectrum herbicides do not distinguish (Hellicoperpa armigera) and only last year
between weeds and crops, but crop plants can (2002) Bt cotton was adopted in India.
be modified to make them resistant to Biotechnology has opened up new
herbicides, so as to eliminate weeds more avenues for natural protection for plants by
selectively. For example, the herbicide providing new biopesticides, such as
TM microorganisms, that are toxic to targeted crop
Roundup contains the active ingredient
pests but do not harm humans, animals, fish,
glyphosate, which kills plants by binding to the
birds or beneficial insects. As biopesticides act
active site of enzymes called
in unique ways, they can even control pest
enolpyruvalshikimate phosphate synthase
population that have developed resistance to
(EPSP synthase). This enzyme is critical for
conventional pesticides. Using recombinant
the synthesis of aromatic amino acids.
DNA technology, the gene that makes these
Roundup is an extremely effective herbicide
microorganisms lethal to certain insects can
but it kills almost all species of plants,
be transplanted into the plants on which that
including most crop plants. On the other hand,
insect feeds. The plant that once was a food
it is very safe for humans and animals
source for the insect now kills it, lessening the
because they do not have EPSP synthase. By
need to spray crops with chemical pesticides
using rDNA technology, modified EPSP
to control infestation. One such microorganism
synthase gene (that produced enzymes that
is commonly found soil bacterium Bacillus
were still functional but were not inhibited by
thuringiensis. The spores of Bacillus
glyphosate) have been introduced into crop
thuringiensis (Bt) contain a crystalline protein
plants such as cotton and soyabean. These
(Cry) which breaks down to release a toxin,
genetically modified plants were found to be
known as delta-endotoxin which is highly toxic
highly resistant to treatment with Roundup.
to lepidopteran larvae. This toxin binds the
Genes that provide resistance to other
intestinal lining and creates pores resulting in
herbicides such as sulfonyl ureas,
an ion imbalance, paralysis of the digestive
gluphosinates etc. have also been developed
system, and consequent deathof the insect. Bt
and transferred to produce various transgenic
toxin sprays and powders have been in use for
many years. Different Cry genes, also known
(c) Insect resistant plant: To minimize crop
as Bt genes have been identified, cloned and
damage by insects, mites and nematodes,
characterized. Effective gene constructs have
farmers use synthetic pesticides extensively
made it possible to deliver these genes into
which cause severe effects on human health
plant tissues so that they are expressed at
and environment. The transgenic technology
levels high enough to kill the insects. The Bt
provides an alternative and innovative method
genes are effective against different orders of
to improve pest control management which is
insects. Bt cotton and maize which have
eco friendly, effective, sustainable and
increased resistance to boll worms have been
beneficial in term of yield. This involves
developed and cultivated since 1996. Farmers
genetic incorporation of toxic gene ( product of
get benefited by saving costs by using less of
which is lethal to insect ) in to the plant. This
traditional pesticides. However, one of the
kill the insects without use if dangerous
major concerns about Bt based transgenics is
insecticide thus has double benefit in crop
the possibility of development of toxin resistant
improvement. The first genes available for
insects. Efforts are also underway to identify
genetic engineering of crop plats for pest
and transfer other genes from Bt, which can
resistance were Cry genes (popularly known
impart insecticidal properties to the plants.
as Bt genes) from a bacterium Bacillus
One example in this is transfer of vip gene i.e.
thuringiensis. These are specific to particular
vegetative insecticidal proteins, for which the
group of insect pests, and are not harmful to
trials are being conducted in some countries.
other useful insects like butter flies and silk
(d) Disease resistance plant: Plants are
worms. Transgenic crops (e.g. cotton, rice,
maize, potato, brinjal, cauliflower, cabbage
etc.) with Bt genes have been developed and
susceptible to viral, bacterial and fungal
diseases. Much progress has been made in 7
evolving transgenic plants resistant to viruses.
such transgenic varieties proved effective in
For example, expression of a gene that
controlling the insect pests and it has been
encodes the coat protein of tobacco mosaic
claimed worldwide that it has led to significant
virus (TMV) in transgenic tobacco plants has
Exploitation of Recombinant Techniques Robin Augustine

been shown to cause the plants to resist TMV released and made available to the plant.
infection. A number of other viral resistant Nitrogen is the critical limiting element for plant
plants species have been developed including growth and researchers from many scientific
squash and potatoes. Genetic engineering of disciplines are tearing apart the details of the
crop plants for resistance to fungal and symbiotic relationship that allows nitrogen-
bacterial infections has been more difficult. fixing bacteria to capture atmospheric nitrogen
However, by studying the protective genes and provide it to the plants that harbor them in
that are expressed in naturally disease- root nodules as given below:
resistant plants, an encouraging progress has (1) Plant geneticists in Hungary and
been made. The proteins encoded by these so England have identified the plant
called pathogenesis related proteins (PR gene and protein that enable the
proteins) can, in some cases, provide limited plant to establish a relationship with
disease protection in transgenic plants. There nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the
are several strategies for engineering plants surrounding soil.
for viral resistance and these utilizes the (2) Microbial geneticists at the University of
genes from virus itself (e.g. the viral coat Queensland have identified the
protein gene). The virus-derived resistance bacterial gene that stimulates root
has given promising results in number of crop nodule formation.
plants such as tobacco, tomato, potato, alfalfa, (3) Collaboration among molecular
and papaya. Some viral resistant transgenic biologists in the European Union,
plants like papaya resistance to papaya ring United States and Canada yielded
spot virus have been commercialized in some the complete genome sequence of
countries. Plants respond to pathogens by one of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria
inducing a variety of defense responses like species.
pathogenesis-related proteins (PR proteins), (4) Protein chemists have documented the
enzymes that degrade/destroy fungal cell wall precise structure of the bacterial
(chitinase), antifungal proteins and enzyme that converts atmospheric
compounds, phytoalexins, etc. Several nitrogen into a form the plant can
transgenic crop plants showing increased use.
resistance to fungal pathogens are being
raised with genes coding for the different (b) Increase in quality of plant products
compounds mentioned above. One of the most successful research
3.2 Development of plant having efforts to change the characteristics of a plant
improved yield produce was carried out with tomatoes.
(a) Increasing yield Tomatoes need to be picked while still green
In addition to increase crop productivity by so that they are firm enough to withstand
using built-in protection against diseases, mechanical handling and transport.
pests, environmental stresses and weeds to Unfortunately, they do not develop the same
minimize losses, attempts are being made to flavor and texture of vineripened tomatoes.
use biotechnology to improve crop yields Softening of tomatoes and many other fruits is
directly. Researchers at Japan's National caused by the enzyme pectinase or
Institute of Agrobiological Resources added polygalacturonase (PGA). This enzyme
maize photosynthesis genes to rice to digests the pectin polysaccharide that cements
increase its efficiency of converting sunlight to the plant cells together. Softening of the fruit is
plant starch and increased yields by 30 caused, in part by this breakdown of pectin. In
percent. Other scientists are altering plant order to reduce the levels of PGA in ripening
metabolism by blocking gene action in order to tomatoes, researchers placed the PGA gene
shunt nutrients to certain plant parts. Yields in reverse orientation relative to the CaMV 35S
increase as starch accumulates in potato promoter. This results in transcription of an
tubers and not leaves, or oilseed crops, such antisense RNA that is complementary to the
as canola, allocate most fatty acids to the normal sense PGA mRNA. Although the exact
seeds. Crops that have better accessibility to mechanism is unknown, antisense RNA is
the micronutrients they need are also being able to arrest the translation of the
developed. Mexican scientists have genetically
modified plants to secrete citric acid, a
naturally occurring compound, from their roots.
endogenous PGA mRNA in the tomato fruit.
Transgenic tomato plants that express an
antisense PGA gene only have about 5 to 10%
In response to the slight increase in acidity, of normal PGA levels. Fruits of these plants
minerals bound to soil particles, such as have normal color and flavor but they soften
calcium, phosphorous and potassium, are more slowly and can be picked and processed
Exploitation of Recombinant Techniques Robin Augustine

after they are ripe. They also have a higher seed protein quality. In the first case, a
content of soluble solids and are therefore transgene (e.g. gene for protein containing
better than normal tomatoes for processed sulphur rich amino acids) was introduced into
tomato products. Transgenic lines of potato pea plant (which is deficient in methionine and
having increased levels of starch also have cysteine, but rich in lysine) under the control of
been developed by introducing a gene seed specific promoter. In the second
construct that expresses a gene from bacteria approach, the endogenous genes are modified
that produce an enzyme that enhances starch so as to increase the essential amino acids
biosynthesis. A promoter from a potato gene like lysine in the seed proteins of cereals.
that encodes the major protein in potato tubers The gas hormone, ethylene is involved in the
has been used, so that the expression of the regulation of fruit ripening. Therefore, ripening
introduced gene is limited to the tuber. Tubers can be slowed down by blocking or reducing
accumulate approximately 3 to 5% more ethylene production. This can be achieved by
starch than normal potatoes and when they introducing ethylene forming gene(s) in a way
are deep fried absorb less oil and yield chips that will suppress its own expression in the
having fewer calories. Some of the other value crop plants. Such fruits ripen very slowly
added transgenic crops include: (however, they can be ripen by ethylene
(a) Golden rice: containing beta carotene application) and are very important for export
to overcome vitamin A deficiency in to longer distances without spoilage as they
regions where rice is the staple food show longer-self life due to slow ripening. A
(b) Canola containing high levels of oleic notable example of this kind is the ‘Flavr Savr’
acids and laurate transgenic tomatoes, which were
(c) Barley containing feed enzymes commercialized in U.S about 6 year ago.
(d) tomatoes which does not rot in room 3.3 Transgenic plant as a source of
temperature bio pharmaceuticals
(e) Other vegetables and fruits with Plants are among the most efficient
delayed ripening as well as modified bioreactors which produce quantities of
flavour characteristics material with sunlight and soil based nutrients
as inputs. Attempts are being made to replace
Transgenic crops with improved nutrition the traditional fermentation procedure for the
quality have already been produced by production of biopharmaceuticals to plant
introducing genes involved in the metabolism based production. The benefits of using plants
of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Few are the ability to increase production at low
examples of genetic modification of nutritional cost by planting more acres, rather than
quality are described below. building fermentation capacity, lower capital
Vitamin A: Vitamin A deficiency can lead to and operating cost, simplified downstream
night blindness and skin disorders, among processing etc. Therapeutic drugs to treat
others. About 124 million children worldwide cancer, infectious diseases, autoimmune
are deficient in vitamin A and a quarter of a diseases, cardiovascular diseases and other
million go blind each year due to vitamin A conditions and several vaccines can
deficiency. The staple food rice is extremely potentially be grown in plants. Plant transgenic
low in vitamin A, and therefore the technology is being used to produce a plant
improvement of vitamin A content is very that will generate a seed that expresses a
important. In a remarkable example of genetic desired therapeutic protein. This seed can
engineering, Prof. Ingo Potrykus and Dr. Peter propagate under the right growing conditions
Beyer developed genetically engineered rice to yield plants and seed stock for producing
(popularly known as ‘Golden Rice’), which is the desired protein. The desired protein can be
enriched in pro-vitamin A by introducing three extracted from the seed to make a
genes involved in the biosynthetic pathway for biopharmaceutical. Plant based therapeutics
carotenoid, the precursor for vitamin A. The are expected to be much more cost effective.
seeds of Golden Rice are yellow in colour For example, Dow Plant Pharmaceuticals is
because of pro-vitamin A is produced in the using corn to grow pharmaceuticals by
entire grain. designing and selecting the plant which will
Seed Protein Quality: The Nutritional quality
of cereals and legumes are limited because of
deficiency of the essential amino acids, i.e.
contain the active pharmaceutical within the
endosperm seed compartment. Benefits of
producing the pharmaceuticals in the corn
lysine in cereals, and methionine and include long term storage advantage, easier
tryptophan in pulses. Two genetic engineering purification in view of limited number of soluble
approaches have been used to improve the seed proteins in a corn seeds, low microbial
Exploitation of Recombinant Techniques Robin Augustine

load, low proteolytic activity and specialized the first enzyme in a pathway generally results
promoters to enable expression of the protein in higher levels of the desired end product,
in specific parts of the plants. and this has been successfully done in the
3.4 Therapeutic proteins, enzymes enhancement of taxol production from the
and diagnostics transformed tissue cultures of Taxus sp.
Transgenic plants can also produce a Another strategy involves use of
variety of proteins used in diagnostics for Agrobaccterium rhizogenes to induce the
detecting human diseases and therapeutics for excessive formation of secondary roots in
curing human and animal diseases in large- plants that normally produce useful secondary
scale with low cost. The monoclonal metabolites in this region. Transgenic plants
antibodies, blood plasma proteins, peptide can be used as factories to produce
hormones and cytokinins are being produced polyhydroxy butyrate (PHB, biodegradable
in transgenic plants and their parts such as plastic). Genetically engineered Arabidopsis
tobacco (in leaves), potato (in tubers), plants produced PHB globules exclusively in
sugarcane (in stems) and maize (in seed their chloroplasts without effecting plant
endosperm). Plants are amazing and cheap growth and development The large scale
chemical factories that need only water, production of PHB may be easily achieved in
minerals, sun light and carbon dioxide to tree plants like populus, where PHB can be
produce thousands of sophisticated chemical extracted from leaves. Industry has already
molecules with different structures. Given the begun to explore the production of
right genes, plants can serve as bioreactors to biodegradable plastics from transgenic plants.
modified or new compounds such as amino 4. Exploitation of rDNA technology in
acids, proteins, vitamins, plastics, Veterinary
pharmaceuticals (peptides and proteins), Applications to animal agriculture can
drugs, and enzymes for food industry and so be expected in animal health management,
on. Some of the potential and remarkable improved crops and feeds, manipulation of
examples of this kind are described here. animal physiology, and genetic improvement
3.5 Edible vaccines of livestock species, Improved diagnostic
Crop plants offer cost-effective reagents and vaccines that will improve herd
bioreactors to express antigens which can be health are currently under development. Yield
used as edible vaccines. The genes encoding of crop plants such as corn will be increased
antigenic proteins can be isolated from the and the nutritional value of these feeds
pathogens and expressed in plants and such improved through applications of recombinant
transgenic plants or their tissues producing DNA technology. Administration of exogenous
antigens can be eaten for hormones synthesized by bacteria holds great
vaccination/immunization (edible vaccines). promise for increasing the yield of milk and
The expression of such antigenic proteins in possibly meat. Research on the transfer of
crops like banana and tomato are useful for cloned genes into animals has progressed
immunization of humans since banana and rapidly and has recently been accomplished in
tomato fruits can be eaten raw. The edible sheep and swine. Tissue-specific and
vaccines that are produced in transgenic developmentally regulated expression of
plants have great advantages like the transferred genes now seems possible with
alleviation of storage problems, easy delivery defined gene promoter sequences. Several
system by feeding and low cost as compared applications of these biotechnologies can be
to recombinant vaccines produced by bacterial expected within 5 to 10 yr, whereas others
fermentation. Vaccinating people against may require longer periods of research. The
dreadful diseases like cholera and hepatitis B 21st century will herald a new era in animal
by feeding them banana/ tomato, and science research and applications, with
vaccinating animals against important recombinant DNA and gene transfer playing
diseases such as foot and mouth disease by major roles.
feeding them sugar beets could be a reality in 4.1 In Animal Health Management
the near future. Improved diagnostic kits are being
3.6 Metabolic engineering and
Secondary products
Plant biotechnology will lead to
improved plant sources for the production of
detect disease conditions (Kobbe,
developed that utilize monoclonal antibodies to
These kits will allow veterinarians to diagnose
quickly (and economically) and design
valuable secondary metabolites mentioned in treatment regimens on the farm rather than
previous section on cell culture products. relying on more expensive and time-
Over-expression of the gene which encode for
Exploitation of Recombinant Techniques Robin Augustine

consuming laboratory tests. Because these al., 1981a,b), astounding progress has been
new tests often rely on the detection of an made (see reviews of Gordon, 1983; Gordon
antibody produced in response to a disease and Ruddle, 1985; Palmiter and Brinster,
agent, it is difficult to distinguish between the 1985; Petters, 1985). Production of transgenic
antibodies stimulated swine, sheep and rabbits has recently been
by a vaccine or by the disease itself. Despite reported (Hammer et al., 1985b). These
these problems, tests will soon be available for experiments are possible through refinements
bovine brucellosis, avian bronchitis and in experimental mammalian embryology that
porcine pseudorabies. Neonatal calves have include embryo recovery, in vitro culture, and
been protected against transfer (Mapletoft, 1984). Micromanipulations
fatal enteric colibacillosis with a monoclonal of embryos have been improved to allow direct
antibody to the K99 pilus antigen (Sherman et microinjection of individual nuclei within the
al., 1983). embryo (Seidel, 1982; Gordon and Ruddle,
With the molecular cloning of the 1983). Continued rapid progress should be
FMD(foot-and-mouth disease) genome and expected.
analysis of the viral proteins, it was possible to
determine that only one protein (VP1) was 5. Exploitation of rDNA technology in
immunogenic (Rowlands and Brown, 1985). Environment
The VP1 was produced by genetic engineering A vast majority of applications of
techniques in the form of a chimeric protein environmental biotechnology use naturally
containing part of the trp E protein from occurring microorganisms (bacteria, fungi,
Escherichia coli (Kleid et al., 1981). This etc.) to identify and filter manufacturing waste
protein produced an immune response that before it is introduced into the environment.
protected cattle and swine from contracting Bioremediation program involving the use of
this disease. microorganisms are currently in progress to
4.2 Improved Crops and Feeds for clean up contaminated air, tracks of land,
Animal Production lakes and waterways. Recombinant
An application of rDNA technoloy in technology helps in improving the efficacy of
plant breeding and crop improvement leads to these processes so that their basic biological
the improvement of animal husbandary. processes are more efficient and can degrade
4.3 Manipulation of Animal more complex chemicals and higher volumes
Physiology of waste materials. Recombinant DNA
Expression of eukaryotic genes in technology also is being used in development
bacteria has led to the production of pure of bioindicators where bacteria have been
protein products such as hormones in genetically modified as 'bioluminescors' that
quantities sufficient for physiological give off light in response to several chemical
experiments (Seeburg et al., 1983). pollutants. These are being used to measure
recombinantly-derived bovine growth hormone the presence of some hazardous chemicals in
(rbGH) can increase milk production by as the environment. Other genetic sensors that
much as 41% when injected daily, while not can be used to detect various chemical
affecting milk composition (Bauman et al., contaminants are also undergoing trials and
1985a). The effects of exogenous GH on the include sensors that can be used to track how
growth of meat animals also are being actively pollutants are naturally degrading in ground
investigated. The control and regulation of water. For example when gene such as the
meat animal growth is complex and involves a mercury resistance gene (mer) or the toluene
number of hormones (Etherton and Kensinger, degradation (tol) gene is linked to genes that
1984). Recent studies with porcine GH code for bioluminescence within living
indicated a 10% increase in growth rate when bacterial cells, the biosensor cells can signal
administered daily to young swine (Chung et extremely low levels of inorganic mercury or
al., 1985). toluene that are present in contaminated
4.5 Genetic Improvement of waters and soils by emitting visible light, which
Livestock Species can be measured with fiber-optic fluro meters.
Recent advances suggest the
possibility of improving livestock species by
the direct transfer of cloned genes to early
embryos. Since the first reports of successful
Conventional pesticides
fungicides are extensively used in modern
agriculture and some are now considered to
contribute to environmental pollution. In

gene transfer to mice (Gordon et al., 1980; addition, some of these chemicals are
Brinster et al., 1981; Costantini and Lacy, potentially hazardous, and residues can
1981; Gordon and Ruddle, 1981; Wagner et
Exploitation of Recombinant Techniques Robin Augustine

constitute a risk to food quality and human competing and interacting with a diverse
health. The replacement of these with efficient community of organisms that can have
biological inoculants will make a significant profound effects on the survival and
contribution to sustainable agriculture. The performance of the introduced strain (Sayler&
second area where microbial inoculants will Ripp 2000;Walsh et al. 2001). Furthermore,
have an impact is the decontamination of soil field-trial studies allow researchers to carry out
and water polluted with heavy metals, organo- important impact assessment, gene flow and
chemicals and other toxic man-made persistence studies (Gilbert et al. 1993; de Leij
pollutants, a process termed bioremediation et al. 1995; Moënne-Loccoz et al. 2001)
(reviewed in Gadd 2000; Pieper & Reineke required by regulatory bodies prior to the
2000). This approach has been further commercial release of GM (and in some cases
developed using plants as delivery/support non-GM) inoculants.
systems for microbial inoculants in the References
rhizosphere (rhizoremediation). Although John P. Morrissey1, Ultan F. Walsh1, Anne
wildtype inoculants can be used to remediate O’Donnell1, Yvan Moënne-Loccoz2 &
contaminated sites, there are major Fergal O’Gara1(2002)., Exploitation of
bottlenecks in the process, including genetically modified inoculants for
bioavailability of the pollutant. In addition, industrial ecology Applications, Antonie
many man-made pollutants are xenobiotic van Leeuwenhoek 81: 599–60
chemicals, containing structural elements not
Bloemberg GV & Lugtenberg BJ (2001)
typically found in nature. Bioremediation of
Molecular basis of plant growth
these recalcitrant pollutants can be best
achieved through the construction of strains promotion and biocontrol by
containing enzymes with new specificities or rhizobacteria. Curr. Opin. Plant. Biol. 4:
new degradative pathways (Timmis & Pieper 343–350.
1999; de Lorenzo 2001). The primary
requirements for the successful exploitation of Robert M. Agriculture,Recombinant DNA,
a GM inoculant are the development of an Gene Transfer and the Future of Animal, J
effective strain that is robust in the Anim Sci 1986. 62:1759-1768.
environment, and securing of the necessary
regulatory approval from the appropriate Amulya K. Panda, RECOMBINANT DNA
competent authority. With regard to improving TECHNOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY,
the efficacy of biocontrol inoculants, the initial Application of Biotechnology.
focus has been on understanding the
molecular basis of biocontrol with the aim of Fermentation Microbiology and
reprogramming genetic pathways. This work Biotechnology Charles FA Bryce and
established that synthesis of biocontrol
Mansi El-Mansi, Tylor and Francis , USA
metabolites is under complex control in many
bacteria. For example, production of
secondary metabolites in Pseudomonas Mahaffee WF & Kloepper JW (1997)
species can be subject to quorum sensing, Bacterial communities of the rhizosphere
transcriptional and post-transcriptional controls and endorhiza associated with field-
(Aarons et al. 2000; Bloemberg & Lugtenberg grown cucumber plants inoculated with a
2001; Haas et al. 2000). Re-regulation or plant growth-promoting rhizobacterium
bypassing these controls can lead to improved or its genetically modified derivative. Can.
biocontrol performance under laboratory J. Microbiol. 43: 344–353.
conditions (Delany et al. 2000). Approaches to
engineer improved inoculants for ***
bioremediation have recently been reviewed
and often involve the introduction of
heterologous genes into suitable host strains
(Timmis & Pieper 1999; Pieper & Reineke
2000; de Lorenzo 2001).With inoculants
developed for biocontrol and bioremediation,
as well as for other uses in Agbiotech such as
biofertilisation or phytostimulation it is
essential to carry out field-based trials in order
to accurately assess the efficacy of the strain.
In an open environment, inoculants are

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