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Biodiversity boosts ecosystem productivity where each species all have an important role to

play. The more types of species equals natural stability for all life. We studied the diversity between type
of car from the faculty lot and the student lot. In real life this might pertain to types of bird on one side
of an island versus another.
To conduct the study, our class split into two groups; one for the faculty lot and one for the
student lot. Once in our two groups, we split into smaller groups to record data quicker and then put it
all on one data table.

The data table pictured above shows all the cars recorded from the faculty parking lot.

The three data tables pictured are how we came up with

the level of diversity and Shannon Index of the faculty lot.

The data above pictures all the cars recorded from the student lot.

The three data tables pictured show how the

Shannon Index and diversity level were

Here then shows both finalized data from

each lot side by side.

Our conclusion is that there is not much diversity between each parking lot. Four-door cars were
the dominant species which had a doing in the diversity being at a low level. But, looking at the Shannon
Index we can conclude that the faculty lot is more diverse.

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