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You are part of the first human expedition to Xenon, the newly discovered

moon orbiting Jupiter. The new-and-improved warp drive gets you there in
two weeks; however, radio signals still move at light speed so they take
about 20 years to reach earth from the ship. Through a series of unfortunate
events you have been stranded. The ship is mostly intact, but your food and
water supplies have been contaminated. The ships main power core has
also been destroyed, but the solar batteries generate limited energy in
small spurts to run food synthesis and water purifying devices. You can
breathe Xenons air. Xenon has an intelligent indigenous species. What do
you do?

your groups survival for:

One month
One year
Five years (assuming you make it that long)

ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE!!! At first, zombification results from a bite from an

infected individual. That virus has mutated, however, and you can now be
zombified by mere contact with contaminated bodily fluids. The zombies
move REALLY fast and are shockingly intelligent. Zombies can only be
eliminated by destroying the brain. The power grid has collapsed, since no
one can tend to it. Roads are barely passable and travel is very dangerous.
You are in PTHS when this all goes down and no one shows up to take
students home. What do you do?

your groups survival for:

One month
One year
Five years (assuming you make it that long)

An electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) has taken out the worlds power grid. It has
also destroyed any machine or device that was operating at the time the
pulse occurred. This includes cell phones, computers, cars, airplanes, etc.
The lingering atmospheric electro-magnetic means there is no way to
restore electrical power. Here in PT, you experienced no climate change, but
you have no access to any electronics or devices that were on when the
EMP hit. You are in PTHS when this happened and there were no casualties.
What do you do?


your groups survival for:

One month
One year
Five years (assuming you make it that long)

You are on a cruise from Pittsburgh to Australia. A storm comes along and
sinks the ship. Also, destroying the wireless equipment. You and your
companions find yourselves in a wooden lifeboat, somewhere in the midsouth Atlantic Ocean, You have 200 biscuits and 24, one-pint tins of water.
The lifeboat contains oars, a sail and a several blankets. You are able to get
sporadic cell phone service. However, your phone battery is on 43% and you
have no charger. So, once the battery dies, its no longer functional. What
do you do?

your survival for:

One week
Two weeks
However long you think you can survive

Ebola has mutated into an airborne and even more powerful strain for which
there is absolutely no vaccine and limited immunity. The pandemic kills 1.5
billion people within 2 weeks and leaves 2 billion critically ill and
immobilized in the hospital. Like the 1918 influenza, this strain attacks the
young and seemingly healthy, as well as children, the chronically ill and the
elderly. You and your group have somehow managed to survive and stay
healthy here in PT, however youve noticed that one of your group members
has been sniffling and coughing. Now you must live with the circumstances
left by this pandemic. What do you do?
Plan your survival for:
One week
One month

One year, assuming you think youll last that long

You are on a plane flying to Japan. Halfway across the Atlantic Ocean, the
plane experiences a serious malfunction and is forced to crash land on a
small island in the middle of the ocean. The pilot and all personnel are killed
on impact but you, your group and 2 other passengers are able to survive
the initial crash. One is a small child and the other is a 40-year-old
businessman who speaks no English. The plane is completely destroyed
except for the back of the fuselage. The front of the plane, as well as all the
communication equipment, is on fire. There are limited supplies left on the
plane; not enough for longer than a week. There are also mysterious noises
in the jungle that sound an awful lot like large, carnivorous animals What
do you do?

your survival for:

One week
Two weeks
However long you think you can survive

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