fs1 Narrative

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Field study 1 is all about the Learners Development and Environment.

We as FS students have given the

chance to have an experiential process of witnessing and exploring the characteristics and behaviors of learners in an
authentic learning environment. Because of this we are able to recognize the characteristics and needs of diverse
I learned that a school environment is an essential component in students life. Its their second home where
they stay most of the time. Schools have the responsibility to provide students with a safe environment in which it
will help them develop academically, emotionally, and behaviorally while at the same time develop a harmonious
relationship with her co-students and teachers. It should have a sense of belongingness and being a part of the school,
liking the school, perceiving that teachers are supportive and caring, having good friends within the school. As we
have our stay in our cooperating school at Itlugan National High School we learned many things in there. School
environment is a great factor in the learning process of students. It should be conducive, safe, and should support
learning. There still facilities at that school that need maintenance in order to provide students an environment that is
beneficial to them and will motivate them to go to school every day.
Through observation, we learned that every student differ in their characteristics and needs. It is important for
every teacher to determine childrens needs and characteristics because you should always consider their differences
in employing learning activities that are appropriate to them. Learner has their own level of learning according to age
and intellectual levels and I should always remember that. I also learned in FS 1 the classroom management, how it
affects the learning of students. A good teacher should know how to manage time, the resources, the classroom and
especially the students. Teachers should know how to implement class rules and regulations and know how to
discipline his students. I also learned from this study that diversity of students will always be present inside the
classroom so we as teacher should know how to deal with them. We should also accept whoever and whatever
background they have. I also noticed the different interaction students have with each other depending in their circle
of friends but still, the unity and harmonious relationship were present in them. And lastly, this study teaches me how
home and school was linked with each other. It is in the home where students develop first. What are they in the
school were because of some factors from their home. It has a big contribution to students whole personality. I also
learned that teachers should work together with the family of the child for a better result. Home and school should
always collaborate for th good development of the child.

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