#280 BBB 02-26-09 Monthly Disk 32

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Clrculldlon = 1500

'1 Ridgefarrd. Febrrrur) 2 4 -
;xord o f caution from your Better
Business Bureau (BBB) about pop-
up ads that ofis11 appear on computer
screens. B e car2fi11when closing ont
these ads because. ifnot closed prop-
erly. the) could b s costins you. Rith-
out excn realizins it. you couid be
raciunp up unauthorized charges on
your credit card.
.'Consumers no!icc these
unauthorized charges- ranging from
S13-60 - shoiving up on their credit
card srarements. Quite often they are
labeled Slioppe~:r drnriroge. Prirflq.
Guord, or Grear Frin." said Bill
I l o a k , President CEO of the RBB
s e n i n s >tisrissippi. ' I t appears that
the same marketing cornpan? is he-
hindaboul50 diRerent suchnames."
Typicall!. consumers ger
i! signed up for the sen-ices offered on
the pop-up ads simply b)~clickingon
/ rhe ad \\bile doins legitimate online
' shopping. More fmstrating is the fact
i that the credit cnrd numbers are not
obtained from the consumer. but
rather by the marketins entity directly
throuph the retailer's sire.
Bottom line: Be careful not
ro click on pop-up ads themselves -
' and be sure ro close the ads properl)~
(generail) by clicking on the '.x" in
the upper right corner of the ad1 - in
: order to a n i d erroneuus charger on
your credit card accounts.
I h r BBB has been s e n i n g
>lisbissrppi srnce 1964. To obtain
business information online. visit
~ \ v . m s . b b b . o r g .'four BRB can be
rsachsd by phone at 800-937-8280.

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